Chapter 257 Going to the Next Destination (seeking Subscription and Monthly Pass)
Hou Tian took a glance and found that in this battle, even with the help of Emperor Peak, more than a dozen people were lost, which made Hou Tian a little unexpected.

Looking at Zhao Yun, he asked, "Tell me, why are there a dozen brothers and sisters missing?"

These are all summoned by Hou Tian from the system. Now it is the Nine Heavens Continent, and they plan to take them to the God Realm in the future. If there is one less, there is no way to make up for it.

Zhao Yun came to Hou Tian, ​​knelt down on one knee, and said, "Reporting to my lord, it was my subordinate's fault. At that time, all the members of a team died when they were fighting against a demon."

"What? Dozens of people beat up a member of the Demon Race, and they were all wiped out?" Hou Tian was stunned after hearing this, and then scolded: "This kind of Demon Race strongman, what are you people in the Martial Emperor Realm and the Great Emperor Realm doing?" food?"

Except for Ling Tian and Yuan Bao, the rest of them are Hou Tian's loyal guards, and a dozen of them were killed by a member of the demon clan.

Zhao Yun hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "My lord, it's the subordinate's fault. We were dealing with other demons at that time, but we didn't realize that the demons blew themselves up after being demonized. That's why we lost a dozen brothers. "

Seeing that Hou Tian cared so much about his soldiers, he admired Hou Tian even more in his heart.

However, in the eyes of the more than 1000 Jinyiwei and soldiers below, the scene of waiting for the sky to get angry was the lord's concern for them.

"What, blew yourself up?" Hou Tian almost kicked Zhao Yun with his foot.

Can't you just say that it was the demons who blew themselves up that caused them to sacrifice?

I thought it was because a dozen of me couldn't beat one of the others.

Forget it, let’s make mistakes, anyway, Brother Hou is impossible to admit his mistakes.

"In that case, I'll make a note of this first, and let you take away the things in the castle. Are you done with it?"

Hou Tian asked again.

Zhao Yun took out more than a dozen Sumeru rings, put them in front of Houtian with both hands, and said: "My lord, everything is in here. Some of the Sumeru rings were captured by us, and there is nothing inside."

In this world, people who can own the Sumeru Ring generally have some status. When Zhao Yun and the others were summoned by the system, they had their own Sumeru Ring with them, but the soldiers below did not.

But everything that was seized had to be turned in, so Zhao Yun also took out the seized Sumeru ring.

"My lord, here are mostly magic crystals, and few spirit stones are seen. Although there are some pills and spirit herbs, there are not many."

Zhao Yun introduced.

Hou Tian glanced at it, and said: "All these are left to you to control, just give the magic crystal to Murong Xue, and other merits will be rewarded, and I will give you some pills, herbs and weapons later, all of them will be handed over to you to distribute."

After finishing speaking, Hou Tian sacrificed the Tower of the God of Suppressing Demons, and said to the soldiers below: "Now, you first enter the tower and practice hard according to the previous assignment."

"As ordered!"

The more than 1000 people below shouted in unison, and they turned into streamers of light, and entered the corresponding Demon Suppressing God Tower according to their previous assignment.

The reason why Houtian did this was that he had wiped out both the Demon Clan Base Camp and the Shadow Demon Emperor, and it was inevitable that other Demon Emperors would find out.

It's not because he is afraid of those devil emperors, on the contrary, he will take the initiative to find them and kill them one by one, but he is worried that once the devil emperor goes crazy and kills these low-level soldiers, the gain will not be worth the loss.

After many soldiers below had entered the Tower of Demon God, Hou Tian put away the tower, and threw Xiao Qi into it by the way, letting it digest well.

As for Ling Tian and the others, Hou Tian didn't let them in because they had more important things to do next.

"Ling Tian!" Hou Tian shouted.

Ling Tian stood up and said respectfully, "This subordinate is here."

"Next, you don't need to enter the tower to practice for the time being. Any warrior who wants to grow needs to be tempered in actual combat. So next, your task is to go to the place where the next devil emperor is with us and kill him. them."

"Only after killing all these demons, can we practice with peace of mind, and you can also accumulate more actual combat experience." Hou Tian said loudly.

Several other members of the team stood up excitedly when they heard the words, and expressed their thanks in unison: "Thank you, Dijun, for your cultivation."

Although Shangguanya, Wang Jun, Lan Batian and others were all selected by Houtian before, Yuanbao is from Tianbao Holy Land, but at this time he seems to have fully integrated into Houtian's team.

"Okay, let's go to the next destination." Hou Tian waved his hand, and the God of Nine Dragons appeared in front of everyone.

Hou Tian and others took the lead in entering the Nine Dragons.

Then Houtian placed the Demon-Suppressing God Tower in the Shenhuo, called Zhao Yun and others in, and asked Ling Tian and seven people to guard outside.

Zhao Yun, Yuhuatian, Li Chunfeng, Murongxue, Han Ruoshuang, and Hou Tian and his wife came to the eighteenth floor of the Zhenmoshen Tower together.

The aura here is extremely strong, and the space is also very large, with a radius of hundreds of miles.

"Honey, Qianqian, both of you take out the extra Sumeru rings and give them to Zhao Yun, and give him all the spiritual herbs below the sixth grade."

Standing in front, Hou Tian continued: "As for the seventh-rank to ninth-rank spiritual herbs, Yu Huatian, Li Chunfeng, and Zhao Yun will all be given to them. They also need to improve their strength, especially Li Chunfeng, who must break through to the peak emperor realm as soon as possible. "

"You don't need to participate in the next battle, just practice in the tower with peace of mind." Hou Tian said to Li Chunfeng.

Li Chunfeng stood up and said gratefully: "Thank you, my lord."

In fact, he really doesn't like fighting and killing. It's not good to kill too much. It's not too cool to let him practice in the tower now.

What's more, there are spirit herbs to take.

Next, Han Ruoshuang and Murong Xue gave Zhao Yun more than 1000 low-grade Sumeru rings. Although these were of no use to Hou Tian and the others, they were very useful to those low-level soldiers.

With these Xumi rings equipped, looting things will be much faster wherever you go in the future.

There are more than 2000 plants of all kinds of spiritual grass below the sixth grade, and all of them are handed over to Zhao Yun to train those soldiers.

All the people present are already powerful in the Great Emperor Realm, and the spirit grass below the sixth rank has no effect on them, and it is the best choice to train soldiers.

As for the elixir, Hou Tian didn't plan to hand it over to Zhao Yun now, because the elixir of the demons was really too much impurity, and it wouldn't do any good for the soldiers to eat it.

Next, Han Ruoshuang and Murong Xue exchanged spirit stones and magic crystals. Now all the more than 2 million spirit stones are in Han Ruoshuang's place, and all the magic crystals are in Murong Xue's place.


Just when everyone was about to leave the tower, everyone's spiritual sense sensed a deafening sound coming from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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