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Chapter 267 Leaving the Battlefield of Gods and Demons, Arriving at the Nine Heavens Continent

Chapter 267 Leaving the Battlefield of Gods and Demons and Returning to the Nine Heavens Continent (please subscribe and collect)

In the blink of an eye, five hours passed.

Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuation in the space-time tunnel above the exit, which was a sign that someone was about to come out.

"Look, someone is coming out soon."

"After two years, I finally waited for them to come out."


Everyone was very excited at this moment, especially the eight emperors who were hiding on the Jade Tower, they were even more excited at this moment.

Relying on the cultivation of these few of them, looking at the entire Little Buddha Realm is an invincible existence, this time they not only want to capture Hou Tian, ​​but also want to capture the empress Han Ruoshuang.

Before they came, they had heard that Han Ruoshuang was a rare beauty in the world, so they naturally had some unhealthy thoughts.

When they were excited, Zhang Han, Luo Yi and others also stood up on the other attic, their faces full of anticipation.


The space-time tunnel fluctuated, and in the eyes of everyone, a crimson figure flashed out of the time-space tunnel, and immediately turned into a warrior in armor on the square outside the exit.

When the young man in the red armor was transported in the space-time tunnel, the speed was too fast, causing the hair under his helmet to be a little messy, covering his face, making it difficult to see his face clearly.

But his distinctive crimson armor and the 'Hou' on the chest armor are particularly eye-catching.

Everyone knows that this is Bing under Hou Tian's subordinates of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

The soldier flicked the hair that covered his face, revealing a handsome face, he cupped his fists towards the attic where Zhang Han was, bowed, and said loudly, "The last general pays his respects to General Zhang."

"Okay, where is my lord?" Zhang Han asked.

The soldier replied: "My lord, General Zhao and others are right behind and will come out soon."

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Han was a little excited, he hadn't seen the lord for two years, and at the same time sent a voice transmission to Luo Yi: "You go and let everyone prepare, as for the soldiers of the Divine Phoenix Empire, I don't think they will hurt you casually." of."

"Okay!" Luo Yi nodded and disappeared into the crowd.

Then, the space-time tunnel above flickered again one after another.

A number of soldiers and warriors from the Divine Phoenix Empire descended from the space-time tunnel one after another and appeared on the square below.

Of course, there are also small Buddha domains, and even minor power fighters from other domains, because they have been staying in El Castle before, so they also appeared here following the space-time tunnel.

Half an hour later, the square outside the exit was already densely packed with nearly a million people, the most eye-catching ones were the cavalry under Zhao Yun from the Divine Phoenix Empire.

They still brought their own mounts and appeared together on the square. There are still more than 600 cavalry left.

More than 1000 people were lost in the battle on the battlefield of gods and demons.

However, there was another square team, which shocked everyone present.

They were all wearing flying fish suits, with embroidered spring knives hanging from their waists, and each of them was imposing, as if they were killing gods from hell.

Everyone's aura has reached the realm of Martial Emperor, and even some of them have reached the peak of Martial Saint.

"My God, where did these people come from? Could it be that they are also from the Divine Phoenix Empire?"

"I don't know, this force is too powerful, it's all composed of warriors, and their cultivation has reached the realm of Martial Emperor or even Martial Saint."

"This is comparable to the iron cavalry of the Divine Phoenix Empire!"

"What's going on, how come so many warriors came out this time, could it be the strong ones from other domains?"

"But why are they here?"

"Our exit can only open the space-time tunnel in El Castle. Could it be that they have always been in El Castle?"

Everyone is guessing that even the eight emperor-level powerhouses from the Celestial Dynasty couldn't help but stand on end after seeing this group of Jinyiwei.

If this group of people is also from the Divine Phoenix Empire, plus those thousands of iron cavalry composed of warriors, even though their cultivation level is not high, if they really fight against each other, even those who are strong in the Great Emperor Realm will suffer. .

Only Zhang Han felt a familiar aura from these people, and he knew that these should be the characters summoned by the lord.

That's right, this group of people is the Jin Yiwei under Yuhuatian. After the battle on the battlefield of gods and demons, there were originally 9000 people, but now there are 1000 people left, and [-] people have been lost.


At this time, the space-time tunnel in the sky flickered again.

Immediately, a figure in a white robe appeared in front of everyone, and beside him was a peerless beauty in a light blue dress, an angel in a golden feather coat, and an alluring woman in a light pink dress .

That's right, these four people are Hou Tian, ​​Han Ruoshuang, Murong Qianqian, and the Queen Mother of the West, Luo Qingcheng.

It's just that Luo Qingcheng now wears a silk mask, so others can't see her face. Although her appearance has changed a little, it can no longer conceal her enchanting figure.

Then, after Hou Tian came out, there was Zhao Yun in armor, Yu Huatian in flying fish python robe, and Li Chunfeng in gray and white Taoist robe. Ying.

After a few of them, it was Ling Tian and the others.

After everyone came out, the space-time tunnel above the sky flashed rapidly, and it was about to close.

At this time, the eminent monk in the Great Emperor Realm of Longying Temple discovered that out of the 300 disciples who entered Longying Temple, only [-] or so came out. At this moment, the eminent monk's face gradually turned pale.

"Here, what's going on here?"

The eminent monk appeared in front of the disciples of Longying Temple, grabbed a disciple and asked.

The arrested disciple said tremblingly: "Uncle, I, I don't know, we people were in the battlefield of gods and demons, and we heard that El Castle, which is also the castle of the Divine Phoenix Empire. There are many secret realms around."

"So we went to El Castle and kept exploring the secrets around. We didn't come out until the exit opened. We don't know why the other brothers didn't come out."

The others quickly nodded and echoed: "Yes, brother is right. We only need to pay some spirit stones in El Castle every day to get the protection of El Castle. If the other brothers didn't go, they didn't know they went Where is it?"

The eminent monk of Longying Temple was stunned when he heard this.

Feelings These people survived because they went to El Castle?

When did the battle in the gods and demons battlefield become so fierce?

Moreover, Buddhist disciples have inherent advantages in dealing with demons, so how could there be such a large death?

You know, 5000 people went in and 300 people came out, and those who went in were all elite disciples of Longying Temple!

"Uncle, at that time we heard that the entire battlefield of gods and demons was full of flames of war, maybe those senior brothers..."

(End of this chapter)

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