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Chapter 268 In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected

Chapter 268 In the world of martial arts, the strong are respected (please subscribe and collect)

"What?" The eminent monk had a look of surprise on his face.

According to these disciples, they were able to come back alive only because they entered El Castle where the Divine Phoenix Empire was located. What happened?
Empress of the Divine Phoenix Empire...

Wait, I can't even understand her cultivation, could it be that...
Just when he was in a daze, Zhang Han and others on another high platform had already come to Hou Tian's side, knelt on one knee and said, "See my lord!"

Although Luo Yi and the others did not show up, they also greeted Hou Tian through sound transmission.

"Well, get up!" Hou Tian waved his hands, and then asked, "How have things been in the empire in the past two years?"

Zhang Han, who got up from the ground, leaned into Hou Tian's ear and said, "My lord, now is not the time to say this. Several great emperors from the Celestial Dynasty of the Human Race appeared on the Jade Tower over there."

"According to Luo Yi's investigation, they should come to find the lord, but it's probably nothing good."

"Oh?" Hou Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked towards another jade building.

Under his spiritual perception, he did find eight old men wearing golden robes and exuding the aura of the Great Emperor.

But judging from their aura, in Hou Tian's eyes, they are all rubbish.

There isn't even a Eight Tribulations Great Emperor, let alone Hou Tian, ​​even Murong Qianqian can get rid of these people by herself.

The corner of Hou Tian's mouth curled up slightly, and he said, "It's okay, there are not enough people to prove it."

Although Zhang Han couldn't see through Houtian's cultivation, after all, he was only the emperor of the third tribulation, and Houtian was now at the peak of the emperor of the eight tribulations. As long as he passed the tribulation, he could become the existence of the emperor of the nine tribulations, but he was still a little worried.

So he was about to speak, telling Hou Tian, ​​Han Ruoshuang and others to leave now.




Several figures came around Houtian and the others, one of them was an old man with a white beard, and gave the other seven people a look, and the other seven stood in different directions of Houtian and the others in an instant, forming an encircling circle.

Murong Qianqian who was behind Hou Tian was about to take action to teach those who were unreasonable to her master. After Hou Tian gave her a look, she restrained her aura and stood silently behind Hou Tian, ​​ready to strike at any time.

At this moment, the old man with white beard walked up to Hou Tian, ​​and asked arrogantly: "You are the Emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire, Hou Tian?"

"What's the matter?" Hou Tian glanced at the old man lightly.

Since you don't give face, then I don't give face either, and with this kind of ants, Brother Monkey doesn't need to give face either.

Seeing Houtian's arrogance, the old man with white beard was full of murderous intent, and said coldly: "We are from the Tianchao Zhenguo Mansion in the Zhongzhou Region, and we are here to invite you to come with us to the Tianchao Town Mansion under the order of the Lord of the Tianchao." trip."

The old man with the white beard, the Great Emperor of the Seven Tribulations, judging by his fine attire, he should be considered a moderate figure in the Tianchao Zhenguofu.

Hou Tian looked it over carefully, and said, "Let me go with you? Why?"

His tone was very arrogant, and he didn't pay attention to these people at all.

Zhao Yun was better, watching closely, he knew that these few people might not be the enemy of the lord in one move, but Yuhuatian couldn't stand it, walked to Houtian's side, and passed on Yin said: "Master, why don't I just kill them?"

"Don't worry, let's see what they want to do." Hou Tian replied.

There are still so many innocent people in the Little Buddha Realm on the exit square of the Battlefield of Gods and Demons. If the battle of the Great Emperor breaks out here, all these people will be shocked to death by the aftermath.

Moreover, the aftermath of the battle of the Great Emperor Realm might very well damage the entrance and exit of this battlefield of gods and demons. Although they will definitely not be able to enter in the future, they must be reserved for the descendants of the Divine Phoenix Empire.


"Why are you asking me?"

The old man with the white beard laughed out loud.

Then all the aura from the whole body burst out, and the coercion of the Seven Tribulations Emperor swept across the entire square in an instant.

Many people with low cultivation bases were instantly crushed to the ground. Even those with higher cultivation bases felt like they were carrying a mountain on their backs. Even Zhang Han and the others felt their foreheads dripping with sweat.

Seeing this, the old man with a white beard showed a ferocious smile on his face, and said, "It's just because of my strength in the Celestial Dynasty that I am stronger than you, just because of my strength."

"Among the five major domains of the human race, none of the people our Celestial Dynasty wants to take away has dared to say no."

However, Hou Tian said in a cold voice: "Oh, then, your Celestial Dynasty is quite domineering?"

"Hahaha!" The white-bearded old man laughed loudly, and said, "You son of a frog in a well, in the world of martial arts, don't you understand the principle that the strong are respected?"

"En!" Hou Tian nodded and said, "Indeed, Wei Zun is the strongest in this world."

However, in the next second, Hou Tian changed the subject and scolded: "Is this the reason why you came to my site to pretend to be aggressive?"

"Kill them for me!"

After the words fell, Zhao Yun, Yuhuatian, and Murong Qianqian immediately took action.

Hou Tian, ​​Han Ruoshuang, and Luo Qingcheng stood there, watching quietly.

Although the battle of the Great Emperor Realm powerhouse will have great aftermath, Zhao Yun and Yuhuatian are the Emperors of the Nine Tribulations, and even Murong Qianqian is already the Emperor of the Eight Tribulations.

Dealing with these native chickens and dogs will never give them a chance to unleash their full strength.



In the blink of an eye, apart from the white-bearded old man, the other seven emperors brought by the Celestial Dynasty fell to the ground directly, lifeless.

And the aura of the old man with white beard disappeared in an instant, and something blocked him behind him, as long as he moved a little, his life could be killed in an instant.

There were millions of people in the square, but at the moment it was dead silent, no one dared to speak.

The old man with the white beard was completely frightened, raised his finger, pointed at Hou Tian tremblingly, widened his eyes, and asked in disbelief: "You... you... who are you? "


As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his arm, which made him let out a violent scream.

Immediately, I heard a chilling voice from behind: "Old man, you still want to point at my lord?"

The white-bearded old man resisted the pain from his arm, looked back cautiously, and found a Zhao Yun in armor and holding a Fang Tian painted halberd standing behind him.

That pair of eyes seemed to be the god of death from Asura Hell.

At this time, Tian walked up to the white-bearded old man with a harmless smile, and said lightly: "This is your strength? It seems that you can't take me to the Celestial Dynasty today. Tell me, what should I do?"

The smile on Hou Tian's face, in the eyes of the white-bearded old man, was incomparably permeating.

He knew that as long as the boy in front of him looked at him, he would be obliterated, and at the same time, he was terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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