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Chapter 273 The Messenger of the Celestial Dynasty, Lingzheng Lingxuan

Chapter 273 The Messenger of the Celestial Dynasty, Lingzheng Lingxuan (please subscribe and collect)
Yang Hong sighed: "In this situation, we can only do so!"

Ye Yunlong suddenly thought of something, and said: "Isn't there still a human dynasty? They seem to be very interested in Houtian, maybe they will destroy Houtian?"

"Hehe!" Yang Hong smiled flatly, and said lightly: "That's a matter of the future, and now we still have to hand it over to support the emperor."

"If the emperor can survive under the oppression of the human race and the celestial dynasty, then at worst, the old man will hand over his power and become a rich man to save his life."

"If he can't listen to it, then we have a lot of room for maneuver."

After hearing this, Ye Yunlong sighed and said, "This is the only way to go now."

In the two years since Houtian entered the battlefield of gods and demons, they knew the ability of Xun Yu, a civil servant, to govern the country. They did not expect Houtian to return with such a powerful combat power now.

Wen has Xun Yu, Wu has Zhang Han, Zhao Yun and others, Hou Tian's strength can be said to make everyone feel horrible.

At this time, in a wine shop in the imperial capital, an indifferent woman with a veil covering her face was holding a Jinqiao teacup in her hand.

A middle-aged man in black stood respectfully opposite, bent over and said: "Messenger, everything has been investigated."

"The number of people from the Divine Phoenix Empire who came out of the battlefield of gods and demons this time was as high as 30, but when they entered, there were only 10,000+ people."

"That is to say, they brought out at least 10,000+ people from the battlefield of gods and demons, and there is a Nine Tribulations Emperor named Yuhuatian next to Houtian, which has never appeared before."

"There is also a person named Gao Ying. He has never appeared before, but the aura of that person is more terrifying than Yuhuatian, the Nine Tribulations Great Emperor."

"My subordinates guess that they should have reached the peak of the Great Emperor."

"Now in the Divine Phoenix Empire, there are at least four Nine Tribulations Great Emperors, one at the peak level, and three Eight Tribulations Great Emperors, and that emperor is now at the Eight Tribulations Great Emperor level."

The woman nodded her head and said: "Unexpectedly, we have already highly estimated this emperor, but now it seems that we still underestimate him!"

"In just three years, he has gone from being a martial artist to the Eight Tribulations Great Emperor. Such a human arrogance is very likely to be the reincarnation of a certain power."

"You didn't reveal yourself, did you?"

The middle-aged man in black shook his head and said, "It's not exposed. Although the palace is heavily guarded, his subordinates have special skills that can hide their aura and body shape, so they haven't been exposed."

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched into a smile when she heard the words, and said: "It seems that we have to go back and report to Lord Tiandi again."

"With such a monstrosity and such a speed of cultivation, no matter how heaven-defying the magic weapon is, it is impossible to reach the Eight Tribulations Great Emperor in such a short period of time."

"The only thing that can be explained is the reincarnation of Da Neng. If it is the reincarnation of Da Neng, then he will definitely not stay in Nine Heavens Continent for too long."

"And our Celestial Dynasty stands on the top of the Nine Heavens Continent, the purpose is to take charge of the entire Nine Heavens Continent's five domains of the human race, there is no need to fight against a powerful person who is about to ascend."

"The envoy... Several Great Emperor Realm powerhouses from the Zhen Guo Mansion died, so let's forget it?" The middle-aged old man asked a little unwillingly.

The woman took a sip of tea, looked at the imperial palace in the distance, and said lightly: "According to the current combat power of this imperial palace, if the Lord Heavenly Emperor does not take action, can the people of your Zhenguo Mansion be defeated?"

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of Heaven, can't act casually, otherwise the envoys in the sky will find out, and the consequences will be disastrous, do you understand?"

"I understand, Messenger. You said that the change of ownership of the empire this time means that Hou Tian wants to follow the fate of the Divine Phoenix Empire and soar up in one fell swoop?" the middle-aged man asked again.

"It's not that easy to ascend. He is only the Eight Tribulations Emperor now. No matter how talented he is, it will take at least a few decades."

"As for us warriors, a few decades is just a snap of our fingers. The small Buddhist domain is already in a barren place, so what's the point of letting him stay here for a few more decades?"

"As for his becoming the king of the Divine Phoenix Empire, there is no need to intervene, but we must not relax our monitoring at all."

"Let's see if he will continue to think about expanding after he has obtained the fortune of the Divine Phoenix Empire. If there is such a sign, then we can secretly help other forces to prevent him from growing too fast."

After half a stick of incense, the middle-aged man walked out of the wine shop.

And the woman in the room, looking out the window, muttered to herself: "Houtian, Dijun, who is the reincarnation of you? People are getting more and more curious about you!"

After three days.

The imperial capital of the Divine Phoenix Empire has ushered in little Buddha Cloud, big and small forces.

It has also attracted many warriors from the small Buddha realm, but most of them can only stay in the outer city, and cannot enter the inner city at all.

Because if you want to enter the inner city, you must be a core disciple in the power, under the leadership of the elders of the sect or the suzerain, you can enter it with an invitation.

Even if they can't get into the inner city, they still come to the imperial capital to join in the fun.

Even though it was only the outer city of the imperial capital, it was still very prosperous, and its aura was [-]% higher than that of the outside. They handed in some spirit stones, sat in the outer city, and waited for the good show to unfold.

During this period of time, Hou Tian had transferred all of Zhao Yun's more than 9000 iron cavalry back to the imperial capital to be responsible for patrolling between the inner city and the outer city.

The world of martial arts is extremely dangerous. For such a big event as the Divine Phoenix Empire, there must be a lot of people coming. This is also to prevent people from causing trouble, so it is arranged in advance.

Of course, there are more than 9000 cavalry patrolling on the surface, and secretly, there are more than 9 Jinyiwei in Yuhuatian, who are distributed in the inner and outer cities of the imperial capital to inquire about news.

"My God, this is the imperial capital of the Divine Phoenix Empire. It's simply too beautiful." At this moment, a playful woman in a light green dress was following an old man with a long beard. She had just entered the city. exclaimed.

"Xuan'er, don't run around!" The old man shouted when he saw the woman in front of him who was jumping around alive and curious about everything.

The old man's name is Ling Zheng, and he is an outsider living in the Nine Heavens Continent. His identity in the Nine Heavens Continent is a casual alchemy master, and now he can refine eighth-grade elixir.

This kind of strength, looking at the entire Nine Heavens Continent, is the top existence.

The woman in front looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. She was tall, petite and cute. Her name was Lingxuan, and she was Lingzheng's granddaughter.

The two of them have been traveling all over the Nine Heavens Continent, and they just happened to travel to the imperial capital of the Divine Phoenix Empire recently.

"Grandpa, come and take a look, it's so lively here, but why don't I recognize the words on it?" Lingxuan, who was running in front, stood on tiptoe and glanced at a pair of clothes pasted on the gate of the city. Character.

(End of this chapter)

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