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Chapter 274 On the Day of Houtian's Ascension to the Throne, Golden Dragon Pulls a Cart

Chapter 274 On the Day of Houtian's Ascension to the Throne, Golden Dragon Pulls a Cart (Please subscribe for a monthly ticket)

Lingzheng stepped forward to take a look, then pulled Lingxuan away, came to a small alley, and said: "The above said that today is the emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire enthroned, the city is under martial law, and there is no invitation token." People are not allowed to enter the inner city."

Lingxuan tilted her head and thought for a while, then asked curiously: "Could it be that the Divine Phoenix Empire didn't have a monarch before, so why are they now enthroned?"

The two of them had heard a lot about the Divine Phoenix Empire along the way, and they had always thought that the Divine Phoenix Empire had an emperor, so why did they suddenly appear to ascend the throne at this time?

Lingzheng shook his head, and said quietly: "Grandpa doesn't know about this matter, but we can't enter the inner city without an invitation."

Although he is a famous alchemist on the mainland, he had no contact with the Divine Phoenix Empire before, so he did not receive the invitation.

When Lingxuan heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then saw that the guards entering the inner city from the outer city were not very strict, so she leaned into Lingzheng's ear and whispered: "Grandpa, I don't think the guards are very strict. Ah, we still have a chance to sneak in!"

Lingzheng shook his head helplessly, and said, "No!"

"Didn't you hear that the emperors of the Divine Phoenix Empire are already at the Great Emperor Realm? Although your grandfather and I are also at the Great Emperor Realm, I'm just an alchemist. Compared with warriors with their fighting power, I'm simply too weak. gone."

"We can't act rashly!"

"Eh, what about people?"

At this time, the inner city of the imperial capital of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

Today, the entire inner city has taken on a new look. Not only has the outer city expanded, but the inner city has also been renovated. The streets are full of lights and festoons, which look very lively.

The various buildings in the inner city of the imperial capital were all rebuilt and carefully arranged, in order to let those forces who came to congratulate them see how prosperous the Divine Phoenix Empire is today.

Yesterday afternoon, both merchants and common people in the inner city of the original imperial capital had all moved into brand new houses under the arrangement of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

All the people in the inner city already know about it.

Today is the day when His Highness Dijun ascends the throne and becomes the monarch.

To be honest, since the emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire appeared, the people in the entire empire lived and worked in peace and contentment, and lived happily.

And at the feet of the emperor, the people in the imperial capital feel even more deeply. From their point of view, the emperor's ascension to the throne is the best choice.

Therefore, the people in the inner city of the entire imperial capital are already waiting with great anticipation.

Countless people in the inner city of the imperial capital spontaneously went to the square outside the palace.

Because, the emperor will ascend the throne here and sacrifice to heaven.

And the Tiantai, which was built two years ago, is here.

At this moment.

More than millions of people in the imperial capital gathered in this huge square.

That is to say, now the imperial capital city has been expanded dozens of times, otherwise, it would simply not be able to accommodate so many people from the imperial capital and the entire small Buddhist realm who came to congratulate them.

In the middle of the square, there were countless guards from the prison army, and among the crowd, there were also many plainclothes guards, who were also guarding.

Their purpose is only one, to strictly prevent any uncertain factors from appearing in the enthronement ceremony the day after tomorrow.

As for the palace, Sun Shangxiang led Jiangdong female soldiers to arrange the guard work, and the square was guarded by the criminal army and Zhao Yun's cavalry.

Not to mention, after Zhao Yun's cavalry returned to the imperial capital, both their mounts and their armor were refitted, and they looked more beautiful now, but they couldn't hide their killing spirit from the battlefield at all.

A small group of ten people and a large group of a hundred people rode horses to patrol the special passages in the huge square.

After all, with so many people, it is quite difficult to maintain order.

All the civil and military officials of the Divine Phoenix Empire were already standing under the altar with incomparable vitality, waiting for the arrival of the Emperor Houtian.

"His Royal Highness is here."

Suddenly, with a loud shout, it resounded in the entire imperial capital.

I saw a laughing, majestic and gorgeous car of nine feet nine feet nine inches slowly driving from the sky.

This car does not use war horses, but is pulled by nine golden dragons that are tens of feet in size.

"Kowloon pulls a cart!"

"As expected of His Royal Highness, there are nine giant dragons pulling carts."

"Yeah, His Royal Highness is simply too powerful, how could you find nine golden dragons to pull the cart?"


Countless people and warriors from other forces who came to watch were extremely shocked when they saw this dragon rushing by, and started talking in low voices.

Front, back, left and right of Long Yu were Zhao Yun, Yu Huatian, Li Chunfeng, Gao Ying, the four top emperors, and four teams of elite cavalry escorted them.

What is also special is that this time, Luo Yi, the leader of Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry, did not hide in the dark today, but led his own members, riding in silver and white armor, with a one-horned horse following him.

Warriors with a slightly higher level of cultivation will find that what Luo Yi and others are riding is the eighth-order spirit beast Jiaolongma. This spirit beast whose strength is comparable to the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm has actually become the mount of these 18 people.

With such a high standard, many forces in the small Buddha realm were scared.

Because they knew that even for them, it would be extremely difficult to survive under this kind of flood dragon horse, but the Divine Phoenix Empire had already used this kind of spirit beast as a mount, and this was the gap.

As for the two beauties driving above Long Yu, one is the Holy Master of Yaochi, the Queen Mother of the West, Luo Qingcheng, who is wearing this light pink color after being disguised, and the other is wearing a golden gown. Murong Qianqian, the unapproachable God of War of the Celestial Clan.

These two beauties are extremely rare even in the entire Nine Heavens Continent, but now they are willing to drive for Hou Tian, ​​one can imagine how honorable Hou Tian's status is.

The two of them are responsible for driving the dragon.

At this time, Hou Tian was wearing a reddish-brown dragon robe, with the Human Emperor's Sword hanging from his waist, and was sitting inside the dragon.

Today is the day of his enthronement, so naturally it is impossible not to take it seriously.

In order to show the majesty of the emperor, he took out the human emperor's sword, and this dragon is still the human emperor's dragon.

It's just that when he took out the dragon, he realized that this dragon was similar to the previous one from the Divine Phoenix Empire, except that the dragon he was pulling turned into a giant golden dragon.

Of course, this human emperor and god is pulling the cart with nine golden dragons, which looks majestic and domineering.

You know, even in the Dragon Clan, the Golden Dragon Clan is the supreme existence, but now, they can only give Hou Tian a ride.

Of course, when Houtian was still the ancestor god of chaos, the entire dragon clan was his subordinate, and being able to pull a cart for Houtian was a supreme honor for the dragon clan.

(End of this chapter)

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