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Chapter 288 Zhuge 2 son, Xuanyuan 5 everyone

Chapter 288 The second son of Zhuge, the five masters of Xuanyuan (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)

When entering the door, everything went very smoothly, and I didn't meet anyone who was blind.

But as soon as they entered the city, they encountered a carriage galloping towards them. Zhao Yun was about to make a move, but Hou Tian waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

"Get out, the people in front get out of here quickly."

A sound of cursing came down from above the carriage.

Hou Tian frowned slightly when he heard this, he was really ready to make a move, but Murong Qianqian who was behind her was already the first to make a move.

In her opinion, this group of ants dared to call their master to go away, it was courting death.

Don't fly the carriage in an instant.

Three people were transferred from the carriage, two of them were scantily dressed women, and one was a disheveled man.

"Damn it, it's really fun!" Hou Tian couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

I didn't expect there to be such fun people here, who have accomplished what I wanted to do but never did.

I respect you for being a scumbag.

"Ah!" One of the women in the pink bellyband screamed, which immediately attracted the attention of countless male warriors.

I have to admit that this woman's figure is still very good, there is flesh where there should be flesh, and slender where it should be thin, and her face is also considered beautiful.

Even if it is Houtian, he has to comment: "A beauty!"

He was not wearing any clothes at first, and the white flowers scenery was seen by so many men in Xuanyuan City, and his face became rosy all of a sudden.

At this time, the man on the other side got up from the ground and patted the dust off his body. He was dressed in a gorgeous gold silk-trimmed robe, and it could be seen that his status was extremely noble.


"Who the hell ruined my good deed?"

On the chest of the long robe on the man's body, there was also the word Zhuge. When everyone saw his face clearly, they all left in a hurry, as if seeing a plague god.

Especially those women who were still watching the excitement, it was as if they saw their natural enemies and fled directly.

The driver of the carriage got up from the ground slightly tremblingly, walked to the side of the man, and said, "Second Young Master, we were driving the carriage normally just now, but the group of people in front blocked the way and startled the horse, that's why..."

Before the coachman finished speaking, the second young master Zhuge looked up at Hou Tian angrily, and asked with unfriendly eyes: "You guys are blocking my way?"

"Hehe!" Hou Tian didn't answer, but just smiled.

However, his contempt made the Second Young Master Zhuge very angry, he walked up to Hou Tian, ​​pointed at Hou Tian and cursed angrily: "What kind of expression do you have, I don't know I am..."


Before he could finish his sentence, his finger pointing at Houtian broke off directly, blood fell to the ground, and there was a scream.

"Noisy!" Hou Tian said lightly.

He doesn't cause trouble, but it doesn't mean he's afraid of trouble. Since he came into this world, no one has dared to point his finger at him. Even if there were, those are all dead.

"Bold, you, do you know who the young master in front of you is?" This is Zhuge's second young master's driver and several followers who immediately surrounded Hou Tian and others, and said indignantly.

Hou Tian glanced at the crowd, all of them were warriors in the early days of Emperor Wuhuang, he shook his head, playing with the taste: "I don't know, can you tell me?"

"Open your dog eyes and see clearly, the person standing in front of you is the second son of the Zhuge family, one of the five great families in Xuanyuan City." The coachman said arrogantly.

In fact, he is just an ant in the realm of King Wu, but because he works in the Zhuge family and is the celebrity next to the second son of Zhuge, he has always been arrogant and domineering in the entire Xuanyuan City, and never let people outside the five great families go. in the eyes.

"Is the Zhuge family strong?" Hou Tian frowned, already condemning this guy to gouging out his eyes.

The coachman held his toes high and said proudly: "The Zhuge family is a powerful family with the Emperor Wu in command. Even in Xuanyuan City, it can be ranked among the top three families."

"I tell you, you are dead, the city defense team will come soon, just wait!"

After listening to the coachman's words, Hou Tian shook his head in disappointment, lost the slightest interest, gave Murong Qianqian a look behind him, and said: "Those eyes are too dirty, you clean them."

"Obey!" Murong Qianqian replied, and her figure immediately disappeared in place.

"Ah~~~ my eyes!" Almost instantly, another scream came from the street.

Two chubby eyeballs fell on the street, and the people watching from a distance around were extremely shocked when they saw this scene.

"Oh my god, these people are just here. They look like they came from the Little Buddha Realm."

"Just coming to Xuanyuan City, you dare to attack the Zhuge family, you really don't know how to do it!"

"Who says it's not? Of the five major families in Xuanyuan City, the Zhuge family is the most brutal and protective. They have offended the Zhuge family. I'm afraid they won't survive today."

"But didn't you realize that the woman who shot just now has a very high level of cultivation?"

"Hehe, so what if the cultivation base is high, can it still be higher than the powerhouse of the Martial Emperor?"

"That's right, the Zhuge family has three Martial Emperor-level powerhouses. I heard that the ancestors of their family have already reached the eight-star Martial Emperor level, ranking among the top three in Xuanyuan City."

"There's a good show to watch now!"

Many of the onlookers showed different expressions, but most of them knew that the few people waiting for the day would definitely not survive today.

Hou Tian in the field walked slowly to the stern-faced Second Master Zhuge, who was covering his hands, and said indifferently: "Who are you pointing at, so you have to point at me?"

"I heard that your Zhuge family is very strong. Judging by your expression, you want to seek revenge from me?"

How could the voices of those people escape the ears of Hou Tian and others?
It's just that what Hou Tian didn't expect was that this Xuanyuan City, which is equivalent to the gateway of the Zhongzhou Domain, actually has an eight-star Martial Emperor level powerhouse sitting in it.

If it were someone else, it is estimated that he could only die here.

But, to Hou Tian and the others, they are just ants.

The reason why he came to Xuanyuan City was because he felt that the construction of this city was very unusual, and Emperor Bu Yao said before that the last time the secret realm appeared was near the Heavenly Sword Sect.

And here, only a few thousand miles away from the Heavenly Sword Sect, perhaps here, some clues to the secret realm of the Qiyun Emperor's Dynasty can be found.

"Second Young Master Zhuge, who hurt you?"

At this moment, a pair of cavalry surrounded Hou Tian and the others, and the leader of them asked with concern after seeing the second young master Zhuge.

The second son of Zhuge instinctively wanted to raise his finger to wait for the sky. Thinking of the scene where his finger was broken just now, he quickly withdrew his hand, looked at Houtian and said, "It's him!"

(End of this chapter)

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