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Chapter 289 Zhao Yun: You Don't Deserve to Know

Chapter 289 Zhao Yun: You Don't Deserve to Know (Please subscribe for a monthly pass)
As soon as the visitor heard this, he immediately commanded the cavalry to surround Houtian and the others, and then he dismounted from his horse and came in front of the Second Young Master Zhuge.

"Second son, don't be afraid, the end is coming."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Hou Tian angrily, and shouted loudly: "Bold thief, how dare you come to Xuanyuan City to act wildly, take it down for me."

He is a strong man in the realm of Martial Saints, and he perceives that Hou Tian has no cultivation, and the four people behind him are only in the realm of Martial Emperors, so he is not afraid at all.

"Oh? You mean to catch me?" Hou Tian said disdainfully with his hands behind his back.

The captain of the city defense team in the realm of martial saints, it seems that there is still something in Xuanyuan City, but Houtian is very curious. In this sea-connecting mountain range, the aura is not very strong, and the resources are limited. Is the captain already at the level of a martial saint?

You must know that the current imperial capital of the Divine Phoenix Empire, after being upgraded to the Qiyun Dynasty, has a concentration of aura that exceeds that of other places by more than three layers. Except for Sun Shangxiang's Jiangdong female soldiers, other ordinary soldiers have never appeared in the realm of Martial Saints .

"Nonsense, do it!" the Martial Saint general ordered to his subordinates.

He was cultivated by the Zhuge family with a lot of thought. Now that the second son of Zhuge has something to do, he naturally wants to protect him.

"Hehe!" Hou Tian smiled slightly, stood aside, and said to the four people behind him: "Zhao Yun, you go and solve it, don't leave anyone alive."

The reason for saying this is because the Zhuge family gave Houtian a feeling that it was a bit too domineering, and they wanted to arrest people without asking anything.

It doesn't matter if I haven't met this kind of bully, but if I do, I don't mind teaching them a lesson.

"Obey!" Zhao Yun couldn't wait.

If Hou Tian didn't give him instructions, he wouldn't dare to act indiscriminately, otherwise these people would have already become corpses.

"If you dare to resist, shoot me to death!" General Wu Sheng said to his soldiers angrily when he heard Hou Tian's words.

"Too weak!" Zhao Yun shook his head and sighed.

The whole person is like a ghost, shuttling back and forth among a group of soldiers, no one can see his movements clearly, only seeing where he passes, people and horses are divided into countless pieces,

It was as if he directly smashed these people into pieces with himself.

"How, how is this possible?"

After seeing this scene, many warriors who were watching from afar were extremely horrified.

It never occurred to them that those city defense teams composed of strong men in the realm of King Wu would be smashed into pieces by someone.

The wolf entered the flock, and after three breaths, the city defense team of more than 50 people, except for the generals of Wu Sheng, was smashed to pieces.

There was an unpleasant smell of blood floating in the whole street, and the blood even stained the street red.

"Bold, who dares to kill wantonly in my Xuanyuan City."

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded in the sky.

Everyone except the few people who let out Hou Tian felt dizzy, and raised their hands to look towards the sky.

I saw a phantom appearing in the sky above the street. The man was wearing a gray martial robe and a white goatee. He looked a bit fairy-like, looking at the street below with a majestic expression.

The corner of Hou Tian's mouth twitched, he didn't speak, but just watched quietly.

At this time, Zhao Yun, who had already dealt with the city defenders, leaped directly to the same height as Xu Ying, looked at the old man, and said calmly, "I killed it, how about it?"

The voice is very domineering, and the eyes are full of disdain and contempt.

The old man frowned slightly, and carefully looked at the young man in front of him. The breath released from him, one star Martial Emperor?
"This fellow Taoist, the person who came to Xuanyuan City to kill my Zhuge family is still so confident. It must have some background. Why don't you report your name?"

The old man said quietly.

He is just a phantom avatar now, facing the young man in front of him, he is really not sure of victory, and if the Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse makes a move in the city.

The buildings in the entire city will be destroyed in an instant, and those with low cultivation bases will also be torn apart instantly by the aftermath of the battle of the Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses, leaving them dead and dao disappeared.

"You don't deserve to know!" Zhao Yun put his arms around his chest and said very proudly.

Let alone a phantom clone, even if the deity came, Zhao Yun didn't take it seriously.

"Arrogance!" The old man burst out with arrogance, and he was a five-star emperor.

Of course, this is only the strength that his avatar phantom can explode, and his real body has reached the Seven Star Martial Emperor.

Suddenly, above the entire sky, the sky and the earth changed color, dark clouds rolled in, and a huge black tiger phantom was condensed from the dark clouds.

"Roar!" the tiger roared.

With unrivaled power, he pressed down towards Zhao Yun.

The warriors who watched the excitement on the street below ran away with their heads in their hands.

While running, he shouted: "Fuck, is this Zhuge family trying to kill us?"

"There are so many people down here. They are strong at the Emperor Martial Realm and they will do it as soon as they say it. They treat us like human beings!"

"I regret it so much. I shouldn't have entered through the Mercury Gate. I didn't expect the Zhuge family to care so much about the names of people in the city."

"If such a violent force falls on the city, wouldn't the entire block be turned into dust!"

"Run, run!"


Amidst the screams and screams, many warriors ran away one after another.

Even the Second Young Master Zhuge was taken away by the martial sage general, only Hou Tian and the others stood in place, surrounded by a golden energy shield.

"This person has some strength, but is this person the strongest of the Zhuge family?"

"Husband, it shouldn't be. I met the ancestor of the Zhuge family once before, and it didn't look like this." Han Ruoshuang reminded from the side.

When she came to Xuanyuan City before, she was already in the eight-star realm of Emperor Wu. At that time, she met the ancestor of the Zhuge family.

Hou Tian smiled and said: "It seems that Xuanyuan City is getting more and more interesting, the other people should be from other families!"

That's right, with Hou Tian's spiritual knowledge, he has already sensed that these old guys are hidden in the sky, but they didn't make a move, presumably to watch the fun.

"Master, why don't I deal with them?" At this time, Yu Huatian stepped forward and asked Ying.

Seeing Zhao Yun pretending to be aggressive outside, Yu Huatian felt itchy and wanted to show off.

Hou Tian waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, let's see what they want to do first!"

If we take action against the five great families in Xuanyuan City now, it will inevitably bring some unnecessary troubles, and offend the five great families in Xuanyuan City at the same time.

Although Hou Tian is not afraid, if he wants to find out the secrets of Xuanyuan City, he must have people from these five great families, so they are still useful.

(End of this chapter)

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