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Chapter 37 The emperor is awesome, double the absorption

Chapter 37 The emperor is awesome, double the absorption

For an instant.

With Houtian at the center, a golden magic circle slowly emerged, instantly enveloping the surrounding royal warriors.

Standing up slowly, moving his body, he found that Zhao Ru was standing not far away with a team of royal guards.

He asked with a smile: "Commander, the sun is just right at this time, do you want to come and practice together?"

"I still have something to do..."

Zhao Ru waved her hand and continued to reply: "The patrol in the palace will continue, let's see if there is anything unusual!"

"Well, that's fine!"

"Whenever you want to practice, come to Enlightenment Cliff at noon, and I will practice here."

Hou Tian looked at Zhao Ru indifferently and said something.

The reason why you have to fool around more... ahem, and lead more people to practice is mainly to be able to provide yourself with the power of faith.

The emperor's belief, I don't know what kind of huge benefits it can bring to me later.

Facing Zhao Ru's refusal, the other royal warriors who were practicing also shook their heads slightly in their hearts.

How rare it is for such a good opportunity to be led by the emperor to practice in person.

Hey, Commander Zhao doesn't seem to be so lucky.

However, just when Zhao Ru was about to leave.

Suddenly, a shout full of excitement was heard.

"Damn it, I'm about to break through the realm I haven't touched for three years!"

" too, how is this possible, I only broke through to Samsung Wuzong a few months ago, and I will break through again so soon!"

"Oye, Oye, I also broke through, this must be the protection of little brother Dijun!"

"The emperor is awesome (broken sound!)"

next second.

A group of royal dancers who practiced behind Hou Tian and were all in the formation were all very excited.

They all clearly felt that their cultivation speed had increased a lot, and the spiritual energy in their bodies was constantly hitting the barriers of the realm.

This is clearly the appearance of a breakthrough.

For a while, many royal warriors felt the surge of aura in their bodies.

Impacting their boundary barriers.

All the royal dancers who followed the practice became excited at once, looking at Hou Tian in front of them with hot eyes.

It's like looking at a god.

"This must be the blessing that the emperor brought us."

"It must be like this. With my aptitude, how can I have such a fast cultivation speed?"

As more and more people broke through, the surrounding royal warriors felt it instantly.

All of these are the blessings brought to them by the emperor.

If only one person breaks through, it can still be explained by his extraordinary talent.

However, if these hundreds of people break through together, it cannot be explained by talent. This must be the protection of the emperor.

"Eternal God of the Emperor!"

"The emperor is mighty and domineering, awesome!"

As more and more royal warriors were shouting slogans, at this moment, their hearts were full of faith in Houtian.

I obviously feel that I only need to finish shouting the slogan 'Dijun is awesome! 'My own cultivation speed has more than doubled.

"I'm going...I didn't expect that I didn't come here for a while, and I actually made a breakthrough!"

"Dijun is amazing. I haven't moved for a whole year, and today I successfully broke through!"

"Haha, labor and capital will be strong in the later period of Wu Zong!" A royal dancer in a slightly gorgeous dress was ecstatic.

Seeing such a scene at this moment, Zhao Ru felt envious in her heart!

Although she is in the realm of Martial King, her cultivation speed is also very slow. It has been a long time since she experienced the thrill of breaking through the realm.

Seeing them break through one by one, Zhao Ru hesitated.

Anyway, at noon, there shouldn't be any surprises in the palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire!

Why don't you try following the practice?
However, I am now the Grand Commander, in charge of the entire Royal Guard, so I must take the lead!
For a moment, Zhao Ru fell into a state of war between heaven and man.

But neither she nor the royal guard behind her moved.

Looking at the royal warriors who were sitting cross-legged on the ground full of admiration for Hou Tian, ​​he fell into deep thought.

As the person involved, Hou Tian sat cross-legged, feeling the power of faith contributed to him by those who treated him like gods.

It seems that a wonderful idea has formed in the hearts of these hundreds of royal warriors.

Shout out slogans and break through.

The emperor is awesome!
However, Hou Tian also saw that Zhao Ru hadn't left yet, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Looking at Zhao Ru, he smiled and said, "Well, practice with me, there will definitely be surprises!"

After speaking, he raised his hand as a signal, looking around, dozens of royal warriors were breaking through the realm at the same time.


Looking at Hou Tian's confident look, and looking at the extremely excited royal warriors who broke through the realm one by one, Zhao Ru couldn't help swallowing.

It seems that this little monk is really capable!
However, as long as you call the emperor awesome, will it really work?
For Zhao Ru, who was not very talkative, her face was flushed at this moment, and she obviously had made a decision in her heart.

At the same time, he was very excited that a character like Hou Tian could appear in the Divine Phoenix Empire.

For any power, only the younger generation is the future. If the young people don't grow up, this power is destined to not last long.

As for the Divine Phoenix Empire, now that there is a Monarch, there might be some unexpected changes.

"At ten o'clock at noon, there are patrols in other places, everyone should rest here for a while!"

Immediately, Zhao Ru turned around and said to the royal guard behind her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she finished speaking, the others sat cross-legged in place.

After shaking his head with a wry smile, Zhao Ru also sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

Hou Tian, ​​who was sitting at the front, couldn't help but smile when he saw Zhao Ru's honest look despite his body.

As expected of a proud female leader, this pride is not worth mentioning in front of Brother Monkey.


Of course, among these royal warriors, Hou Tian also knew that there must be some dark sons of the family, but he didn't want to take care of them at this time.

Start your own practice.

Now in Hou Tian's body, a huge aura is circulating back and forth.

In addition to the aura absorbed by oneself, there are also auras fed back from the emperor's beliefs.

Certainly not to be wasted.

"Didn't it mean that the speed of cultivation can be doubled?"

"Could it be that my opening method is wrong?"

Zhao Ru, who was practicing cross-legged, felt that her cultivation speed hadn't changed in the slightest, and looked around in a daze.

At this time, a royal warrior who had just broken through, kindly reminded: "Commander, you have to call the emperor awesome."

"What? Why?"

Zhao Ru looked at the warrior very puzzled.

"I don't know either. Anyway, I only improved my cultivation speed after I yelled."

"Is that so..."

Zhao Ru was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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