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Chapter 38 Wen Chen Xun Yu, Military General Sun Shangxiang

Chapter 38 Wen Chen Xun Yu, Military General Sun Shangxiang

He looked around at the royal warriors who were excited after breaking through.

As the great commander, Zhao Ru gritted his teeth in the end.

It doesn't matter, as long as you can speed up your practice, you won't lose anything by shouting.

Take a deep breath.

"Dijun is amazing!!!"

As soon as her voice fell, everyone's eyes fell on her.

Zhao Ru's pretty face instantly turned into a red apple.

This... this is too embarrassing!

People's faces!


At this moment, Zhao Ru felt a ray of holy light enveloping her, and then, the aura that was slowly absorbed in her body.

The speed increased a lot in an instant.


"It's really useful!"

"This is simply faster than practicing on the sixth floor of the cultivation tower!"

After Zhao Ru felt the speed of cultivation in her body pass, the embarrassment on her face was replaced by excitement.

She was in charge of the cultivation tower before, so she naturally knew that the spiritual energy in the cultivation tower was sufficient, and her cultivation speed was extremely fast.

But now a comparison.

Even the sixth floor of the cultivation tower is not as fast as the current cultivation speed.

Hold your mind and hurry up to practice.

If you don't practice at this time, when will you wait?
All the royal warriors have started to step up their cultivation, this is a very rare opportunity.

Soon, an afternoon passed.

After the sun goes down.

Hou Tian also took Luo Yi and others to leave the Enlightenment Pagoda first.

Now he has a civil servant's summoning card in his hand, and he also has a general's summoning card, so he has to find a place to summon it.

After returning to the bedroom, Mr. simply ate some dinner prepared by the court.

"System, I want to use the civil servant summon card."

[Wenchen Summoning Card is in use...]

The voice of the system rang in Hou Tian's mind.

This made him look forward to it a little bit, feeling that since the system gave him this civil servant summoning card, it should give him a good helper in governing the country.

[Congratulations to the host, summoning the famous Chinese civil servant Xun (xun) Yu (yu)! 】


Hearing what the system said, Hou Tian burst out with a foul language.

Although his grades were not very good when he was studying, he watched historical TV dramas a lot!
Now he just wants a talent from Wang Zuozhi, but he didn't expect the system to be really powerful.

Xun Yu was born in a famous family, and he was called Wang Zuozhi when he was young!
He was the general person in charge of personnel and finance of the ancient Cao Wei Group at that time. His role in the Cao Cao Group can only be somewhat similar to Liu Bang's Xiao He and Li Shanchang beside Zhu Yuanzhang.

This made Houtian very happy!
With Er Xunyu, he can save a lot of things.

Anyway, the three major cabinets now have their own ulterior motives, so Brother Monkey doesn't mind replacing them.

The people summoned by this system are absolutely loyal to themselves, so they are more at ease.

While waiting for the sky to think, a young man with a handsome appearance and an elegant demeanor has turned the imaginary into reality and appeared in front of him.

"Xun Yu, pay homage to the lord!"

Xun Yu bowed slightly to Hou Tian with a respectful expression on his face.

When he was summoned by the system, he had already implanted some basic information of this fantasy world into his mind.

But regarding Hou Tian's address, he still calls it the lord just like Luo Yi and others.

"Get up!"

"In terms of state affairs in the future, I can rest assured that I have you."

Hou Tian said to Xun Yu with a smile on his face.

In his mind, he was already looking at Xun Yu's data panel.

Name: Xun Yu.

Cultivation level: Three stars in the Emperor Wu realm.

Cultivation method: insight into the magic power!
Civil servant talent: strategizing.

"Well, not bad!" After reading Xun Yu's data panel, Hou Tian said with a smile.

"The lord has won the prize!"

Xun Yu replied with a humble expression.

"What I'm telling you is the truth, don't be humble in front of me!"

Hou Tian smiled slightly.

How can the things produced by the system be ordinary?
I still can't pretend to be in front of Brother Hou.

After hearing Houtian's words, Xun Yu also smiled, and did not speak again.

After all, excessive modesty is pride.

"Now there is still a military general, I don't know where to call it, hey!"

Hou Tian murmured in a low voice.

"My lord, according to the information of this world that the system gave me in my mind, there is a huge space under the Imperial Palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire. It should be fine there."

At this moment, Xun Yu who was standing beside him suddenly spoke.

They were summoned by the system, so they must know the corresponding information.

So Hou Tian didn't find it very strange.

So according to the location provided by the system in Xun Yu's mind, a secret passage was opened from the Empress' bedroom.


There is a huge underground space below this, and it seems to be a martial arts training ground.

However, there are a lot of weapons and other things piled up here, but they are all very common weapons.


"If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known there was such a big space below."

"It seems that my empress wife still has something to hide from me!"

Houtian sighed.

Immediately began to use generals summon card.

"System, use the general summon card."

[Hero Summoning Card, in use...]

[Ding, congratulations to the host, the general summoned successfully, and got the famous Chinese general: Sun Shangxiang! 】

The voice of the system rang in Hou Tian's mind.

"Sun Shangxiang?"

When Hou Tian heard it, he suddenly didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy.

Why was it Zhao Yun or Lu Bu who was summoned by others, but he actually summoned a female general.

But, why is this Sun Shangxiang also a famous beauty during the Three Kingdoms period on earth?

Do you want to use a beautiful woman to fight the enemy?

Of course, that's not possible.

How could Brother Monkey do such a cruel thing?
At this time, the figure of a heroic, incomparably pretty woman in red with a long sword on her waist began to appear.

No need to think about it, this person must be Sun Shangxiang summoned by the system.

Behind her, there are a series of female soldiers all wearing red tight armor.

Hou Tian also checked Sun Shangxiang's data page for the first time.

Name: Sun Shangxiang.

Cultivation: Martial Emperor Realm Third Level.

Martial arts and skills: Red Lotus Divine Art.

Army: [-] Jiangdong female soldiers.

General's Talent: General's Attitude (During battle, the whole army can be raised by three small realms, and the state can be maintained for three hours.)
What the hell!

That's pretty cool!

It feels like when you are fighting with someone.

Both of them are at the same level, and the aura in their bodies is similar, but the opponent suddenly soars, can you still beat it?
Moreover, this is the three small realms that the whole army has raised.

According to Sun Shangxiang's current three-star Martial Emperor Realm, she will be promoted to three small realms, that is, six-star Martial Emperor.

I am afraid that the two priests staying in the palace are not Sun Shangxiang's opponents.

Although there are regional restrictions, Emperor Wu's three-star realm is already very good.

Because now Houtian's cultivation has reached the Martial King Realm, the summoned characters have already reached the Martial Emperor Realm.

"Sun Shangxiang, meet the lord!"

"Meet the lord!"

(End of this chapter)

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