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Chapter 40 Liu Cheng of the Ministry of Industry, get rid of Yang Hong

Chapter 40 Liu Cheng of the Ministry of Industry, get rid of Yang Hong

"Master Liu, you are also the minister of the Ministry of Industry, why don't you even have a decent official uniform?"

When Hou Tian came to the court, he did not expect that the first person to come to the court today was Liu Cheng, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry and the eighth-rank Martial King Realm.

Looking at his poorly dressed appearance, Hou Tian really couldn't help it.

Just like on the earth, those workers who have just returned from work at the construction site, they don't look like they are officials.

"Reporting to the emperor, not to mention the official uniform, my Ministry of Industry has obtained a total of 720 spirit stones in recent years."

Liu Cheng's eyes flickered, and then he stepped forward and replied.

Since yesterday, I heard the rumors in the palace early this morning, so this Liu Cheng also has a different view on Houtian, so he came to court very early today.

Although in the fantasy world, the things manufactured by the Ministry of Industry here are some ordinary weapons used in fighting against the army.

Including making some airship chariots and so on.

Although the power of the fantasy world is much greater than that of ancient times, in the Nine Heavens Continent, there are still troops in the battle between empires, so there will be a Ministry of Industry.

And Liu Cheng came here early today, hoping that Houtian could allocate some spirit stones to their Ministry of Industry to develop the empire's chariots and the armor of the soldiers.

Hou Tian, ​​who was sitting on the dragon chair, immediately understood what it meant when he heard this.

This is the rhythm of wanting to ask Brother Monkey for money!
But this Liu Cheng is actually accurate to single digits for the money issued by the empire to the Ministry of Industry, there is something!

"It's really hard for you!" Hou Tian muttered in a low voice.

No need to think about it, he knew something about the empire through Zhao Ru's introduction yesterday.

Although Han Ruoshuang went to court every day before, basically, the three major cabinets had finished talking, and the others just came to gather numbers.

Like Liu Cheng, it's not that he never thought of finding the empress, but the news had already reached the ears of Yang Hong and others before he found the empress.

At that time, he was cold and obsessed with cultivation, so he didn't have much time to manage the government.

That's why the Divine Phoenix Empire has formed a situation where the outside is strong but the middle is capable.

Not long after.

After the three cabinets of Yang Hong, Ye Yunlong, and Kong Zheng entered the court, other officials also followed.

Looking at the orderly Baiguan Houtian above the court hall, another smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that everyone is very punctual!"

The civil and military officials who heard this were all condensed in their hearts.

They just hope that today can be a little more peaceful, no more blood.

But, can Brother Hou make them get what they want?
Of course, that's impossible!
If there is nothing that shocked the court, how can brother Hou get the reward from the system?

"Which one is from the Nalan family?"

Seeing that all the officials were silent and Hou Tian didn't care, he asked with a smile on his face.

No matter what happens, it is not as important as collecting bills.

The officials below glanced at each other, and they could see a look of horror in each other's eyes.

This emperor is coming for real!

In the entire Divine Phoenix Empire, the royal family is the one that lacks the most spirit stones. As the emperor of a country, you actually ask a family for spirit stones?
Moreover, looking at it like this, you won't give up until you get it!
After yesterday's dismounting, no one dares to be the first bird now.

Even the three major cabinets are all huddled there at the moment, as if they have nothing to do with them.

Just kidding, this little monk went crazy, he even dared to kill the martial saints of Nalan's family in court, and none of the people present was in the realm of martial saints.

What if he stood up rashly and was killed by the knife hidden in Hou Tian's smile?
"Master Yang?"

"The subordinate is here!"

Hearing Houtian's voice, Yang Hong's heart skipped a beat, he took a quick step and saluted Houtian.

"Among the officials, who is from the Nalan family?"

Hou Tian tapped the armrest of the dragon chair rhythmically with his fingers, and asked lightly.

Now that he has summoned Xun Yu, he has to find an excuse to remove one of the three cabinets.

However, Kong Zheng, one of the three major cabinets, was relatively upright, and he was able to cultivate righteousness, which showed that this person was upright and upright in his dealings with others, and he was a talent.

Therefore, in the end, they could only choose between Yang Hong and Ye Yunlong.

But Ye Yunlong is the cabinet that leads the generals, even if it is taken away, Xun Yu is not suitable, so the final target is only Yang Hong.

"Reporting to the emperor, there are no more officials of the Nalan family in the court!"

Yang Hong was sweating furtively at this moment, and answered after scanning around.

Simply above the court, there is really no one from the Nalan family.

Even though they belonged to an aristocratic family, in the court hall, it seemed that Han Ruoshuang had already discovered the strangeness of the Nalan family and cleared them out.

"Oh, no more?" Hou Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

But he knew that when Nalan Zhan was in court yesterday, Yang Hongke spoke for him.

It seems that the relationship between the two is very close!

"Reporting to the emperor, it is true that there are no more."

After repeated confirmation, Yang Hong did not find any members of the Nalan family, so he replied affirmatively.

"Okay, I thought about it last night. I have spent too much time cultivating recently, and I don't have enough spirit stones..."

Hou Tian glanced at Zhao Ru who was standing beside him, the latter nodded, and then said leisurely.

His purpose is very simple, that is to find an opportunity to replace Yang Hong in a legitimate way.

When the officials below heard Hou Tian's words, they almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

It is simply unheard of for a dignified emperor of the Divine Phoenix Empire to cry poorly with all the officials in the court!

Yang Hong and Ye Yunlong had a bad premonition in their hearts almost at the same time.


Hou Tian's next sentence made Yang Hong scold him thousands of times in his heart.

"So, I'm not going to ask for interest from the Nalan family anymore. As of today, there are a total of 22 spirit stones, so it's hard work for Mr. Yang."

Hearing Hou Tian's words, Yang Hong felt his heart was severely smashed.

This is completely sowing discord!
Let yourself go to the Nalan family to ask for money now?

People are dead for two geniuses, and you still ask someone for money?
The point is, if you want the money, go there yourself, what's the matter if you keep cheating on me?
"Emperor Jun, why don't Master Kong and Master Ye go with the old man!"

Yang Hong tentatively said cautiously.

Yesterday, after the morning court was over, he was looking for Kong Zheng and Ye Yunlong, but these two old things directly said that the emperor asked Yang Hong to go.

They didn't let Ye Yunlong or Kong Zheng go, this kind of offending thing, the other two big cabinets, no one is stupid, how could they do it?

"I don't care who you take, if you can't get back the 22 spirit stones today, then you can go home and live for the rest of your life!"

Hou Tian's tone changed suddenly, and his words were full of domineering, which made people feel a little creepy.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the officials in the court widened their eyes and opened their mouths slightly, looking very surprised.

This is a bit harsh!
Everyone knows the young monk sitting on the dragon chair, so he can say it, he can do it!

If Yang Hong hadn't asked for so many spirit stones, he might have been removed from the cabinet by Hou Tian.

But, is the Nalan family's money so easy to get?

Even though the Yang family had some strength in the Divine Phoenix Empire, they did not dare to face the Nalan family alone.

more importantly···

(End of this chapter)

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