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Chapter 41 Talent Selection, Survival of the Fittest

Chapter 41 Talent Selection, Survival of the Fittest

In this case, ask the Nalan family for money?
What's the difference between that and going to die?
However, since Hou Tian has spoken, there is no joke, and he will definitely not take it back.

"Ministers, is there anything else?"

After arranging this matter, Hou Tian asked again with a smile as he watched Yang Hong walk out of the hall in a daze.

"Report to the emperor, I have something to say!"

At this moment, Kong Zheng, who never spoke much, stood up, patted his sleeves with both hands, and bowed respectfully.


"Dijun, the battle between gods and demons is imminent. As the force closest to the demons, the Divine Phoenix Empire has been overwhelmed by other forces before. This time we must prepare in advance."

"The veteran thought that we could start selecting elite warriors from all over the country to prepare for entering the battlefield of gods and demons."

Kong Zheng said slowly.

These were all things he had thought about before going to court.

Originally, he thought that the fourth or eighth prince must be the host of this battle of gods and demons. After seeing Hou Tian's strength yesterday, he thought.

Perhaps the current emperor, to preside over this selection, may have a better effect.

Moreover, there were rumors in the palace that he had also heard about the fact that the emperor brought the royal warriors to practice in person.

So at this time, he will bring it up.

Hou Tian on the dragon chair tapped his fingers rhythmically.

He also learned a lot about this battlefield of gods and demons.

Entering the battlefield of gods and demons, most of them were disciples of some forces before, and formed their own teams, and then fought with small troops after avoiding large troops on the battlefield.

In other words, form a seven-member team to compete and fight against the demon team.

That means, to choose people with different martial arts attributes as partners to form a team.

At that time, on the battlefield, no matter whether it is human race or demon race, there will be a leaderboard.

There are lists for the teams and individuals with the most kills.

You will also get different rewards.

Of course, on the battlefield of gods and demons, the top combat power must be those who are strong in the Emperor Wu and the Great Emperor realm.

Hou Tian was thinking at this time, the [-] Jiangdong female soldiers in his hands are a powerful trump card, but he is not prepared to let these female soldiers go to the battlefield of gods and demons.

Instead, they decided to keep them in the palace of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

Just in case something happens in the palace at that time.

He couldn't go to the front and fight bloody battles by himself, but someone came and stole his hometown.

That would be a big loss.

As for Yan Yun's Eighteen Cavalry, as his own hidden guard, according to the rules of the battlefield of gods and demons, he cannot enter it.

Therefore, Houtian still has to choose his own teammates who can hand over his back.

"Three days later, auditions will be held across the country. Master Kong, you are responsible for this matter, and I will ask someone to cooperate with you."

"My request is only one thing, no matter what the status of the opponent is, as long as they are talented, they will all be included in it, and all royal warriors will participate."

"In this selection, the top [-] will all be able to join the royal warriors."

"However, as for those royal warriors who were defeated by outside warriors, all of them will be expelled."

"From now on, among the royal warriors of the Divine Phoenix Empire, I don't need trash to exist."

Hou Tian suddenly stood up from the dragon chair, full of imperial arrogance, which made all the officials below tremble when they heard the words.

They all know that as long as the former royal warriors enter it, they will enjoy this honor for life.

Now, the emperor actually said that if he didn't make it to the top [-] in the selection, he would be kicked out directly.

"The old minister leads the order!"

However, Kong Zheng was not surprised at all, and respectfully saluted.

He was originally a grassroots person, and he has long been displeased with those royal warriors who occupy the latrines and don't shit.

Those who have the strength can't get in, but those who don't have the strength have a relationship. They are all lazy with the resources of the royal family.

This was clearly consuming the national power of the Divine Phoenix Empire.

"Anything else?"

After Hou Tian finished asking, all the officials below remained silent.

"In this case, everyone today..."

Just when Houtian was going to tell everyone to go back and prepare for the selection in three days.


"Emperor, veteran Yang Hong has something to say."

Yang Hong, who had not been out for a long time, suddenly walked in from the outside and shouted in a thick voice.

The civil and military officials of the whole dynasty all looked forward to hearing the reputation.

Everyone is curious.

Master Yang has only been out for a while now!
Did he already get the spirit stone from the Nalan family?

Just now the emperor gave an order that Yang Hong must get 22 spirit stones today.

Not only the officials below, but even Hou Tian who sat back on the dragon chair moved slightly.

"Oh? Master Yang is back so soon?"

Feeling that Yang Hong's breathing was a little short, it was obvious that he was just on his way.

"Emperor, the old minister just came out of the palace, and happened to meet the Nalan family who came to give away the spirit stone, so the spirit stone has been brought back!"

Yang Hong walked to the front quickly, and took out a Xumi ring in his hand.

Two 10,000+ spirit stones, definitely can't be moved directly, and this kind of space ring is not cheap, tens of thousands of spirit stones each.

Hearing Yang Hong's words, Baiguan was stunned.

Master Yang is going to reach 10,000+ spirit stones so soon?

Moreover, it was said that the Nalan family sent someone to deliver it to the gate of the palace?

This is too incredible!
Could it be that Nalan's family has softened?

Hou Tian was also very puzzled, but still motioned to Zhao Ru who was next to him to go and get the Sumeru ring.

But in my heart I couldn't figure it out.

According to the previous understanding of the Nalan family, they are not so easily subdued!
Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of Yang Hong.

It seems that now, I have to think of a way again.

But as long as the spirit stone is back, it's fine. Although I earn a little less, it's not a big problem.

Zhao Ru took the Xumi ring and handed it to Hou Tian.

Divine Consciousness.

Xumi's ring is full of white spirit stones. With so many spirit stones, even if it is the spirit sea of ​​Houtian, it is enough for him to raise a realm.

"Well, it's not bad, Mr. Yang has worked hard!" Hou Tian put away the Sumeru ring with a smile, and praised Yang Hong.

Everything moves so smoothly.

Yang Hong below was blushing at the moment, and his eyes were fixed on Hou Tian's movements.

That Sumeru ring belongs to Yang Hong!
It is true that I met people from the Nalan family at the gate of the palace just now, but they only gave Yang Hong the spirit stone, not the Xumi ring.

That's tens of thousands of spirit stones!
Is this just gone?

Okay, what about rewards?
There is no reward, I endured it, but I still posted a Sumeru ring with tens of thousands of spiritual stones upside down.

Yang Hong said that he just wanted to kill him with a piece of tofu.

"It's nothing, let's retreat!" Hou Tian said to the civil and military officials after putting away the Sumeru ring.

At this time, Yang Hong came out again and said: "There is an envoy from the Righteous Path Alliance outside the palace gate, please see the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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