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Chapter 84 Love and Enmity Dreamland, Goodbye Empress

Chapter 84 Love and Enmity Dreamland, Goodbye Empress (please recommend tickets for collection)
at this time.

In my mind, the beautiful and timely voice of the system sounded.

[If you want to kill her, you will fail! 】

Hou Tian suddenly woke up.

He let go of his hand and took a few steps back.

It seemed that there was only one word "kill" left in my mind just now.

If the system hadn't reminded me in time, I'm afraid I would really be in danger.

"This is actually killing dreams!"

After Hou Tian figured it out, he shivered suddenly.

If he had directly killed the black disc just now, then he would have fallen into an endless killing dream.

At that time, it will become a killing machine.


Taking a deep breath, Hou Tian said again in his mind: "Brother System, thank you, you saved my life again!"

[Hey, this year's host is really hard to bring! 】

This time Houtian didn't quibble, he was indeed saved by the system several times.

Seeing the murderous intent in Hou Tian's eyes dissipate, the face of 'Black Die' became ferocious.

Almost roaring: "You, why don't you kill me, kill me quickly!"


Hou Tian snorted coldly, and said: "You are already a dead person, Brother Hou has no habit of killing corpses."

After finishing speaking, he looked at everything in front of him calmly.


The surrounding pictures seemed to freeze.

Immediately, there was a broken sound.

Click, click!
Everything around was shattered like a mirror.

All the scenery before Hou Tian's eyes dissipated.


He let out a breath of turbid air, and the surrounding environment changed again.

It was pitch black all around.

"Is this the end?"

Hou Tian asked a question to himself.

[No, this dream has to experience the four levels of love, hatred, love and hatred, and you have only passed the second level. 】

The beautiful voice of the system sounded in his mind again.

However, after hearing what the system said, Hou Tian expressed his perplexity!

Love, between him and Han Ruoshuang, is probably a test.

Hate, the black disc killed the Jiangdong female soldier Qin Lan summoned by the system, Hou Tian really hated it in his heart, so he directly broke the black widow's limbs and abolished her cultivation.

As for love and hatred?
I don't have any good luck, where did the emotional dream come from?

Not to mention hatred, after I came to this world, I have no enemies at all!
The surrounding scenery changed again.

Hou Tian appeared in an ancient castle, but the people here were a little different from the people he usually saw.

No matter when, they are all wearing black robes, and they can't even see their faces.

"Brother Houtian, this is a small border town in my hometown..."

A clear and moving voice, slightly immature, rang in Hou Tian's ears.

Hearing the sound, he looked sideways.

I saw a woman wearing a black dress and holding a parasol.

She has a delicate oval face, delicate eyes under her eyebrows, and long black braids. If you look closely, this person is tall like catkins.

What the hell!

What's happening here?
Who is this person?

Where am I again?

Hou Tian came to ask himself three times.

Because I have never seen the girl in front of me before!

But after having experienced the previous two dreams, Hou Tian naturally became cautious and vigilant.

"Little girl, you have identified the wrong person, I don't know you!"

Hou Tian looked at this petite loli and replied directly.

After half an hour, Hou Tian returned to another screen.

As for this so-called dream of love, there is still charm, and after the beautiful and moving frost, Houtian has become very calm, so the resolution is very fast.


The next scene made Hou Tian's face change drastically.

As soon as I came here, I heard a deafening sound. This was not thunder, but the loud noise produced by the collision of various martial arts.

The ground under his feet trembled violently, and there were huge deep pits, as if they had been bombed.

It was dead silent and desolate.

"Why are you here, go away!"

Just when Hou Tian stared blankly at the scene in front of him, a female voice sounded.

The voice is full of concern and supreme majesty.

That's right.

This voice was Han Ruoshuang, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

Looking up at that beautiful face, Hou Tian was speechless.

Hasn't this dream come before?
Is it coming again?


Why is there a trace of fatigue on the empress's wife's face?

"Honey, what's your situation?" Hou Tian asked with concern.

Even though he knew it was a dream, Hou Tian still had eyes full of concern when such a real 'Han Ruoshuang' appeared in front of him again.

'Han Ruoshuang' didn't answer his words, but sternly reprimanded: "Hurry up and get out, don't stay here."

Now, the position they are in is the high-end battlefield of the battlefield of gods and demons.

It is also the place where the Great Emperor Realm fights.

Han Ruoshuang, who was fighting the Demon Race Emperor just now, suddenly felt the aura of Houtian, so he withdrew and came here.

"What happened here?"

Hou Tian's expression was also a little dignified.

Looking at the surrounding scene, he felt that this place was not simple, and looking at the tired eyes of 'Han Ruoshuang', he felt a little distressed for no reason.

'Hanruoshuang' hadn't had time to answer.

"Han Ruoshuang, the great emperor of your human race is gone, where do you want to go?"

"If you agree to obediently go back with me and be my Taoist partner, I can still consider letting you live."

At this time, a figure wearing a black robe and surrounded by black air appeared in front of Hou Tian.

The voice seemed very arrogant.

More importantly, actually poaching someone in front of Brother Monkey?

How can this be tolerated?
"Didn't you brush your teeth in the morning, talking so smelly..."

Hou Tian spoke directly, but before he finished speaking, he was stopped by 'Han Ruoshuang'.

Protecting him behind him, looking up at the black-robed figure in mid-air, he said disdainfully:

"Moying, you are worthy, too?"

While 'Han Ruoshuang' was speaking, he pulled Hou Tian up into the midair, and stood opposite the phantom.

Looking at the light blue dress, which perfectly outlined the graceful figure, Hou Tian didn't know what he was thinking.

"Who said I'm alone?"

The corners of Moying's mouth lifted slightly, and a sneer flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, four figures with a strong aura similar to his appeared, each of them was wrapped in robes, and only a pair of their eyes could be seen.

At this time, Hou Tian instantly understood.

This is the battlefield of gods and demons, and these people on the opposite side are not human races at all.

However, in his last dream, he actually went to the demon clan?
Do I still have acquaintances in the Demon Race?

No, no!
Absolutely not, I am an out-and-out human race.

"Are you guys stupid? Or do you think this emperor is easy to bully?"

At this moment, the breath of 'Han Ruoshuang' burst out.

In the sky, there was constant thunder, and an extremely powerful aura spread out around her centered on her.

"Do you think you can defeat me with three of you Three Tribulations Great Emperors, one Five Tribulations Great Emperor, and one Four Tribulations Great Emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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