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Chapter 85 Walking out of the dreamland, the mysterious temple

Chapter 85 Walking out of the dreamland, the mysterious temple (recommendation ticket please collect)

With the burst of 'cold as frost' breath, Hou Tian standing behind her felt that the surrounding space was frozen.

He is in this space and has not received the slightest influence!

"Confidence is a good thing, but being too confident is conceited!"

The shadow old man snorted coldly.


The phantom old man and the others took out their weapons one after another.

A battle suddenly begins.

Facing the five Great Emperor Realm powerhouses, Han Ruoshuang handled it with ease at the beginning.

However, as time went by, she began to lose ground.

Hou Tian, ​​who was protected, looked at the 'Han Ruoshuang' who fell into the wind in front of him, and was extremely anxious.

"These dogs don't talk about martial arts."

"No, brother monkey has to find a way to help..."

I haven't finished my words yet.

There was a loud noise, and then a body suddenly hit the ground.

When the dust dissipated, a huge deep pit was left on the ground.

"court death!"

"I said, you can't do anything to me just because of you!"


"Dancing demons, get up!"



Since one of the Three Tribulations Emperors of the Demon Race was beaten into the ground by "Han Ruoshuang" and became seriously injured, the battle became more and more intense.

The attacks of those demon emperors became more and more rapid.

Although it is very difficult to die in the Great Emperor Realm, the long-term battle will consume the true energy in one's body very seriously.

And 'Han Ruoshuang' is still a one-to-five.

Standing aside and watching Hou Tian, ​​the veins on his neck bulged.

This feeling of being helpless and powerless is really annoying.

[This is a dream, and it is also the most real side of my heart. 】

[If you want to change, you can only improve yourself! 】

Just as he kept beating the transparent barrier, the voice in his head sounded again.

Suddenly, Hou Tian suddenly came back to his senses.

"How to break the dream of this layer?"

[Be quiet as a spectator, stick to your Dao heart and not be eroded by hatred, and the dream will be destroyed by itself! 】

The system said something vaguely.

This last dream is completely a test of Dao Xin.

If at this time, Hou Tian fell into a rage, lost his mind, and was blinded by hatred.

Then he will fall into a dream of hatred forever.

Some people may say, can you really turn a blind eye to seeing your woman seriously injured?
it's not true.

This dream seems to be a kind of anticipation of the future, and it is the motivation to practice harder the day after tomorrow.

After hearing the prompt from the system.

Hou Tian sat down cross-legged, closed his six senses, and devoted himself to cultivation.


I do not know how long it has been.


Click, click!
There was a sound of glass breaking.

Hou Tian slowly opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding scene.

Green mountains and green waters, beautiful scenery, among the jungles, a bluestone road appeared in front of his eyes.

The neat trees on both sides of the road are like rows of guards.

Looking up along the bluestone road, I saw a shimmering golden temple on the top of the mountain.

"Is this still a dream?"

Looking at all this in front of him, Hou Tian was a little unbelievable.

After going through several dreams, it was already a bit unclear what was true and what was false.


Just when Hou Tian became vigilant, he heard a sound of surprise coming from behind.

look back.

Ling Tian, ​​Shangguan Ya and others walked towards this side.

"As expected of the emperor, he actually came out before us, I admire..."

"do not move!"

When everyone was still a few feet away from Houtian, Houtian stopped them.

"What happened to the emperor?"

Ling Tian and the others were taken aback when they heard the words, and immediately stopped in place.

Immediately, he felt Hou Tian's scrutinizing eyes.

After all, I just experienced a dream, and I feel a little bit of an occupational disease.

After a while.

"Well, not one less!"

Hou Tian nodded, and after confirming that these were real people, he said something.

It's just that he himself didn't expect that these people who were selected could pass through the dream gate.

It seems that these people are very talented.

"Cough, the last dream, the dream of desire, I almost didn't come out, it's because the fairy in the dream is so charming."

Lan Batian said freely.

When Ling Tian and the others heard the words, they all recalled the fairy in their dreams...
It is so beautiful.

But Shangguan Ya gave them a contemptuous look.

"Shangguanya, didn't the two of you encounter this dream?"

Sensing Shangguan Ya's white eyes, Lan Batian asked a little unconvinced.

After Shangguanya was silent for a moment, she shook her head with a blush on her pretty face.

Just quietly glanced at Hou Tian.

"Okay, let's take a look at what's going on with the steps in front of you!"

At this time, Tian interrupted everyone's discussion about their dreams.

No need to think about it, he also knows that the dreams encountered by everyone in this dream gate are different.

"Dijun, I think this is an ordinary ladder. The real test should be in the temple on the top of the mountain!"

Lan Batian was the first to come up, and after touching the bluestone steps, he didn't find anything unusual.

Of course, he just touched it very quickly and didn't stop.

"Do you think the inheritance of the Great Emperor Realm will be so simple?"

Ling Tian beside him couldn't help giving him a blank look.

As a veteran royal warrior of the Divine Phoenix Empire, his trust in Hou Tian has almost surpassed those civil servants and generals summoned by the system.

Hou Tian came out before them. If it was that simple, how could he wait here?
This is totally unreasonable!
"Be careful, the previous nine gates are the second test, and the next one should be the third test."

Hou Tian faintly felt that the trees on both sides of the bluestone steps were not that simple, and reminded him in a deep voice.

at this time.

The prides of other holy places also came here.

Looking around, there are probably dozens of people who can walk here.

"The opportunity is good, but fate is too thin!"

Hou Tian couldn't help sighing in his heart for those warriors who died in the first and second levels.

After all, when we first entered the main hall, there were hundreds of people from all major forces, but now there are only a few dozen people left.

"Hey, isn't this Dijun, what are they doing here?"

"Could it be that this road is weird?"

"It should be, otherwise, how could the emperor wait here with his people?"

After seeing Hou Tian and the others, many later martial artists stopped their steps and began to discuss in a low voice.

To be able to get here, in addition to having a certain strength, luck and brains are not simple.

The owner of this mausoleum has said that the emperor has the appearance of a great emperor, so he must be stronger and more talented than them.

"Hmph, it's just a guts..."

At this time, a disciple of the Kunlun Holy Land was full of displeasure, and was about to say that Hou Tian was a coward.


There was a roar in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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