Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 122 Spreading Waves, Mutations in Dai Yaochen and the others

Chapter 122 Spreading Waves, Mutations in Dai Yaochen and the others
Apart from Ancestor Xingluo and Ancestor Nether, there is no third Title Douluo in the Star Luo Empire. Even Emperor Dai Tianyu is only a quasi-title Douluo now. After obtaining the ninth spirit ring He is a real Title Douluo.

In such a huge empire, there are only two Title Douluo. This may sound embarrassing, but it is true. The situation in the Heaven Dou Empire is actually even worse. There is not even a single Title Douluo directly belonging to the royal family, like Dugu Bo. , it was just because of the kindness of saving his life that he made friends with the Tiandou imperial family. If the Tiandou imperial family wanted to tell him what to do, they would not even think about it.

Although there are not many titled Douluo at the top, the Star Luo Empire is still very powerful in other respects. For example, the number of Contra gathered by the Star Luo Empire this time exceeds ten. power, then more.

It can be said that the Star Luo Empire is very powerful in all aspects now, only missing the title of Douluo, and this time, if it can handle the Ninth Grade Ginseng King of Ten Thousand Years, whether it is subduing or killing, it can use its medicinal properties to cultivate more strong.

Therefore, the Ten Thousand Year Ninth Grade Ginseng King is a great opportunity for the Star Luo Empire, and it must not be missed.

Knowing that they have to deal with 10-year-old soul beasts, although they don't need to fight them head-on, the Contras didn't relax at all, and they all stood up for battle.

After Dai Tianyu saw that they were all mentally prepared, he whispered a few words to Patriarch Xingluo and Patriarch Youming, and then came to Yang Wudi and Ye Yunqian, indicating that they could start.

Yang Wudi and Ye Yunqian looked at each other, and immediately took out a jade box without any ambiguity.

Before the two jade boxes were opened, they suddenly emitted some strange fluctuations, which gave people a feeling of complementing each other. The few people present immediately understood that this fluctuation was the key to attracting the ten thousand year ninth grade ginseng king , but now this fluctuation is still very weak and needs to continue to strengthen.

Immediately, Yang Wudi opened the jade box in his hand first, took out the blood-red, crystal-clear ginseng inside, and placed it on a platform in front of him. The roots are green and full of vitality, and the ginseng whiskers are taken out and placed on it.

According to what Ye Yunqian said, as long as the ginseng whiskers and the crystal blood dragon ginseng are placed within one foot, no matter where the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King is on the mainland, he can clearly sense the strange fluctuations emanating from it.

Sure enough, when they did this, the originally very weak fluctuations froze for a moment, and then broke out suddenly.

This strange wave had no impact, but it spread crazily in all directions at an extremely terrifying speed. Everyone present was swept away by this wave, and they all had a feeling like a breeze blowing on their faces. Feeling, I just feel that my whole body seems to be a little lighter, very comfortable.

This fluctuation is not strong, beyond the range of ten miles, normal people can't feel it, but although it is not strong, this fluctuation still exists, and it keeps spreading and spreading to farther places...

In Xingluo City, Dai Yaochen was discussing with his seven little friends. Although he knew that today was the time for the official action, he didn't get involved. He just stayed in Xingluo City to wait for the news. Let's practice.

Speaking of which, his partners are really strong now.

When watching Soul Fighting before, Dai Yaochen's partners all had reservations and didn't show their full strength, because there was no need for that, but now when they competed with Dai Yaochen, they didn't have any reservations.

And even Dai Yaochen found it very difficult to deal with seven unreserved partners by himself.

It's not that Dai Yaochen can't win, but that if he wants to win, he has to go all out and fight hard, but this is just a sparring, obviously he can't really fight hard, then Dai Yaochen can't really beat them.

The reason for this is really because Niubi's defensive ability is very strong, although it can't be said to be ingenious, but basically there are no flaws, under his protection, Dai Yaochen can't get past Niubi first Solve Ye Lingling.

And even if Dai Yaochen wants to deal with Niu Bi first, it won't work, with Ye Lingling constantly providing treatment, minor injuries are meaningless to Niu Bi, because Dai Yaochen can't use ruthless hands to defeat Niu Bi with serious injuries until he is completely lost. the level of fighting power,

Slight injuries are meaningless, and serious injuries can't be used, so he has nothing to do with Niubi, and at the same time he has nothing to do with Ye Lingling who is under the protection of Niubi.

If he couldn't solve Ye Lingling, he couldn't defeat this team that was constantly recovering, so Dai Yaochen could only maintain an unbeatable situation, sometimes confronting Tai Long's iron fist, sometimes confronting Yang Muwei head-on, sometimes Taking off and chasing Bai Chenxiang in the air, one must always be on guard against the sneak attack of Zhu Zhuqing who is elusive and elusive, and to isolate Dugu Yan from the toxin attack.

In fact, this is also good, in the constant confrontation, it is very beneficial to sharpen one's actual combat ability, whether it is for Dai Yaochen or for the partners.

Just when they were fighting fiercely, and there was no difference between the winner and the loser, a wave of fluctuation suddenly passed here. Ordinary people could not feel this wave of fluctuation, but except for Ye Lingling, the bodies of the other seven people froze suddenly .

"Huh? Stop for a moment!" Dai Yaochen suddenly felt a little hot in his body, and the sea of ​​spirit also churned inexplicably, he immediately stopped the discussion and felt the condition of his body.

The others are similar to Dai Yaochen, they all seem to be a little different.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Sensing that Dai Yaochen and the others seemed to have something wrong, Ye Lingling couldn't help asking.

"I, I..." As soon as Tai Long opened his mouth, without saying anything, his body suddenly swelled up, turning into a titan great ape again.

In the spar just now, Tai Long had already transformed into a titan great ape once. Logically speaking, it would take a long time before he could transform again, but for some reason, he changed again now.

At the same time, Dugu Yan's complexion also suddenly changed from red to blue, Zhu Zhuqing was shrouded in black light, and a flame suddenly ignited on Bai Chenxiang's body, under the burning of the flame, the feathers on both wings extended extremely slowly, There are several other people, all of whom have changed.

"Don't panic!" Dai Yaochen's body was suddenly enveloped by a hazy white light, and his eyes were radiant. Although there were strange changes in his body, Dai Yaochen had probably guessed what was going on, and immediately Signal your partners to hold on.

(End of this chapter)

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