Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 123 The Rapidly Growing Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng

Chapter 123 The Rapidly Growing Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng
The changes in their bodies now are obviously related to the immortal herbs they had taken before, and Ye Lingling, the only one who did not take the immortal herbs, showed no abnormality, which obviously proved this point.

Looking at the current state, it should be that everyone's body has not been fully digested, and the medicinal properties of the remaining immortal herbs suddenly burst out. Fortunately, this is not a big problem, so don't worry.

Although it has been a long time since they took the fairy herb, they obviously haven't digested all the medicinal properties of the fairy herb, and more or less left some of it. Over time, the remaining medicinal properties will be gradually absorbed, but for some reason, it suddenly burst out today.

Immediately, Dai Yaochen quickly explained the situation he had speculated to his partners, signaling them not to be nervous.

"The residual medicinal properties erupted?" After hearing Dai Yaochen's explanation, Dugu Yan couldn't help asking, "Then why do we have such problems at the same time? The time for us to take immortal herbs is not the same. How could the residual medicinal properties be in the Exploding at the same time? This can't be a coincidence."

"Cough, of course it can't be a coincidence." Seeing Dugu Yan's red and blue face, Dai Yaochen couldn't help but want to laugh, but he knew that if he laughed, Dugu Yan would definitely make trouble, so he coughed dryly to cover it up Smiling, he said at the same time, "Although I don't know the specific reason, I think it should be related to the actions of the empire today."

The empire is going to besiege and kill the ninth-rank ginseng king of ten thousand years today, and this kind of mutation happened to all of them. Obviously, there is a connection between the two.

Could it be that the breath of the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King has affected us?Ignite the remaining medicinal properties in our body?
Dai Yaochen thought about this, and immediately said to his companions: "No matter what, it is a good thing for us that all the remaining medicinal properties in the body burst out. Everyone meditates quickly, and maybe we can use this opportunity to make a breakthrough."

Dai Yaochen and the others could only slowly absorb the remaining medicinal properties after eating the fairy herbs, but now that all the remaining medicinal properties have exploded, they can naturally take this opportunity to take the initiative to refine them.

Hearing what Dai Yaochen said, everyone took action, except for Ye Lingling, they all quickly entered the state of meditation, they did not pick a place, and refined the medicinal properties in their bodies on the spot.

"Lingling, go and inform my captain of the guard and tell him the situation here. Don't let others approach here. If someone comes to look for me, let that person wait first."

Dai Yaochen finally gave Ye Lingling a word, and immediately closed his eyes. You must know that he had taken three celestial herbs before, and now the remaining medicinal properties of these three celestial herbs erupted together. , it would be bad if something went wrong.

Seeing that all the partners including Dai Yaochen had entered the state of meditation, Ye Lingling, who was the only one who was still awake, did not dare to delay in the slightest. She did not have much combat power and could not undertake the task of protecting the Dharma. If something happened suddenly, she would It was difficult to deal with, so he quickly followed what Dai Yaochen said, and went to find the captain of the guard of the Prince's Mansion.

In Xingluo City, Dai Yaochen and the others began to refine their remaining medicinal power due to the sudden spread of fluctuations, and outside Xingluo City, strange changes also appeared on the side of Emperor Dai Tianyu and the others.

The crystal blood dragon ginseng and ginseng whiskers that were put together were shining brightly, and it could be seen that the strong breath of life in the ginseng whiskers was continuously pouring into the crystal blood dragon ginseng with bursts of green light.

After the crystal blood dragon ginseng was supplemented with this vitality, the five-clawed dragon pattern on the body surface that seemed somewhat blurred became clearer and clearer, and finally the dragon pattern seemed to come alive. Long Shen's body surface is constantly moving, which is very strange.

"The quality of the crystal blood dragon ginseng is improving rapidly." Yang Wudi couldn't help but said after watching the changes in the crystal blood dragon ginseng.

Since the birth of Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, it needs to grow for ten thousand years before it can truly reach its peak, and the current crystal blood dragon ginseng has only grown for 5000 years. It is reasonable to say that there is still a long time before it reaches its peak, but who knows that it is now in ten thousand years? Under the effect of Nian Ninth Grade Ninth Grade Ginseng King Ginseng, this crystal blood dragon ginseng grew rapidly.

But when Yang Wudi said this, the medicinal power of the ginseng whiskers was exhausted quickly, and the green color full of vitality faded away, and it turned into fly ash and dissipated under the breeze.

And with the disappearance of the ginseng whiskers, the giant dragon pattern on the surface of the crystal blood dragon ginseng also opened its teeth and claws, as if a little unwilling.

This five-clawed giant dragon is still a little short of being able to really soar into the sky, marking the great success of the crystal blood dragon ginseng. Unfortunately, the power of only a ten thousand-year ninth-grade ginseng king ginseng is obviously not enough to make the crystal blood dragon ginseng Pushed to the point of complete success.

"The ginseng whiskers are all gone, why hasn't the Ninth Grade Ginseng King of Ten Thousand Years showed up?" Seeing his ginseng whiskers dissipating into flying ash, Ye Yunqian, who had already pulled Yang Wudi back, said in a low voice.

Whether or not the Wannian Ninth-Rank Ginseng King will appear is related to whether the problem of their family's martial arts inheritance difficulties can be solved, so wait until this ginseng beard disappears, and after the Wannian Ninth-Rank Ginseng King has not yet appeared, how does Ye Yunqian feel? Inevitably became a little apprehensive.

It shouldn't be, the ancestor said, this operation can attract the ten thousand year ninth grade ginseng king, it is impossible for the ancestor to be idle and make up nonsense to deceive their descendants.

Could it be that Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King had an accident in the past 200 years and died, so he couldn't appear now?

But in the past 200 years, I haven't heard of any force that has killed the Wannian Ninth Grade Ginseng King?Could it be that the 10-year Ninth Grade Ginseng King was killed by other [-]-year soul beasts?
Just when Ye Yunqian was unavoidably thinking wildly, a sudden change occurred.

The Xingluo ancestor who had been closing his eyes and resting his mind as if he was asleep suddenly moved his eyelids, as if he felt something, his whole body disappeared in place as if teleporting, and then appeared next to the crystal blood dragon ginseng.

At the same time, two green, whip-like vines suddenly broke out from the ground near the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng, and rolled towards the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng at lightning speed, intending to give the Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng to it. swept away.

Fortunately, Patriarch Xingluo was faster and reacted ahead of time, directly grabbing the two rolled up vines, and seeing him make any unnecessary movements, the two vines were disconnected.

(End of this chapter)

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