Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 13 Zhu Zhuqing's Obsession

Chapter 13 Zhu Zhuqing's Obsession
"Let me defeat Zhu Zhuyun?" Zhu Zhuqing murmured subconsciously, and immediately said directly, "Okay, I'll be with you!"

It can be seen that when Zhu Zhuqing said this sentence, there seemed to be a bright light called "hope" blooming in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing agreed so decisively, Dai Yaochen was also a little surprised.

It seems that she really has a deep obsession with defeating Zhu Zhuyun. Has Zhu Zhuyun cast a shadow over her to this extent?

"Is that agreed?" Thinking of this, Dai Yaochen couldn't help asking, "Aren't you afraid that I'll trick you into selling you?"

"As long as I can defeat Zhu Zhuyun, it doesn't matter if you sell me." Zhu Zhuqing said without hesitation.

"Don't regard defeating Zhu Zhuyun as your only goal in life." Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, Dai Yaochen shook his head, leaned down slightly, looked directly into her eyes, and said seriously, "She is nothing at all, just It's just a small stumbling block in your life, you need to be more confident."

Under Dai Yaochen's words, Zhu Zhuqing's original firm expression suddenly became a little confused.

Ever since she was selected as a competitor, Zhu Zhuyun has become her lingering nightmare, constantly launching all kinds of crazy suppression on her. Under this kind of high-intensity suppression, she can only forcibly establish herself A goal of defeating Zhu Zhuyun, and unceasing efforts to achieve it, has persisted.

Hearing what Dai Yaochen said now, the thoughts she had been holding on to had fluctuated a little.

"Do you want to be more confident?" Zhu Zhuqing thought to himself, "I am confident that I can defeat her!"

When Zhu Zhuqing was thinking this way, Dai Yaochen talked about the next arrangement: "We are leaving in two days, before we leave, you can go to the teaching office with me to ask for leave."

Zhu Zhuqing came back to her senses, and didn't say much about it, saying that she listened to Dai Yaochen for everything, and it could be seen that although Dai Yaochen enlightened her, her thoughts could not be changed in a short while, she is still the same now. Put defeating Zhu Zhuyun first.

As long as she can become stronger and have the strength to defeat Zhu Zhuyun, then she will obey all of Dai Yaochen's arrangements, which makes Dai Yaochen somewhat suspicious, if he really wants to sell her, will she count the money for him?
This thought just flashed through Dai Yaochen's mind, of course he wouldn't sell Zhu Zhuqing, a little girl less than ten years old with no meat on her body, even if she sold it by the catty, she wouldn't be able to sell it How much money, and Dai Yaochen is not short of money.

After confirming the itinerary to go out together, the two walked out of the woods, returned to the wide green brick road, and then went directly to the teaching area of ​​the Star Luo Royal Academy, and came to the teaching office.

One is the second prince of the Star Luo Empire, and the other is the fourth miss of the Zhu family. The director of the teaching office naturally recognizes them, but even if he recognizes them, the director of the teaching office did not easily open the back door for them.

What are you kidding?Three to five days, even half a month's vacation, as long as there is a reasonable reason, it's not unapproved, but both of you have to take half a year's vacation?This is outrageous, why don't you all come to school at all!

This is the Xingluo Royal Academy, not the sloppy Tiandou Royal Academy, even if one is a prince and the other is a princess, such a long vacation of half a year cannot be granted.

Fortunately, for this situation, Dai Yaochen had expected it a long time ago, and slowly took out a token in the voice of the director of the teaching office, "absolutely not".

After learning that Dai Yaochen's white tiger martial spirit showed signs of returning to his ancestors, his cheap father's attention to him skyrocketed, and he even sent someone to give him a token.

This token has no special function, it just represents a special approval from the emperor to the person who granted the token. If the person who owns this token wants to do something, as long as it is not banned or is too outrageous , Basically, others have to make a convenience, which can be regarded as giving the emperor a face.

The imperial power of the Star Luo Empire is centralized, and the emperor is the biggest. If anyone dares to disrespect the emperor, then everyone can have a feast at his house.

"Here, can I ask for leave?" Dai Yaochen said as he tapped the token in his hand on the desk of the director of the teaching office.

"Huh?" Originally, the director of the teaching office had already made up his mind that this fake must not be approved, but when he saw this token, his expression suddenly changed, "Is this token given to you by His Majesty?"

"Otherwise?" Dai Yaochen couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Could it be that I stole it?"

"That's not the case." The attitude of the director of the teaching office changed 180 degrees immediately, and he said with a smile, "I didn't expect that His Majesty would give this token to His Highness the Second Prince. It seems that His Highness the Second Prince's family is in full swing. .”

"It's okay." Dai Yaochen said casually, and then continued, "I'll just ask you, can I take this leave?"

"Yes, yes." The director of the teaching office nodded, and directly took out two leave slips and filled them out for him. "Do you want to ask for half a year's leave? I'll give you a one-year approval."

With that said, he began to write, and after a while, the two leave slips were filled out.

Dai Yaochen took it over and took a look, seeing the one-year holiday written on it, he immediately showed a satisfied smile.

Just now, even if I wanted to take half a year's leave, I still "absolutely not". Now that I took out the emperor's token, I actually took the initiative to extend the leave to one year. Sure enough, no matter where I am, status is very important.

Of course, in the Douluo Continent, the lofty status also requires strength as the basis. Dai Yaochen's cheap father also defeated his competitors back then and became the emperor of the Star Luo Empire because of his extraordinary strength.

Dai Yaochen deeply understands this point, so even though he is valued by Xingluo Patriarch and the emperor now, he has not become complacent because of it, instead he is trying his best to improve his own strength.

After the issue of asking for leave was satisfactorily resolved, Dai Yaochen stopped staying in the teaching office, and directly pulled Zhu Zhuqing out of here, planning to set off together in two days.

With the departure of Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing, the director of the Academic Affairs Office couldn't help squinting his eyes, and muttered to himself: "I thought that after the third prince escaped, the eldest prince's position would be unstoppable. The second prince is actually not simple."

One must know that even Davis didn't have the token that Dai Yaochen took out just now, which shows that the emperor attaches great importance to Dai Yaochen.

"It seems that the current direction of the wind is still unclear, it's better not to fall rashly to the First Prince..."

 I received a short message from the website today, and I can sign a contract. You can watch it with confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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