Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 14 Visiting the Broken Clan

Chapter 14 Visiting the Broken Clan

Two days passed quickly, and finally it was the time set by Patriarch Xingluo to go to the Pozhi Clan. Dai Yaochen took Zhu Zhuqing into the palace early, waiting for Patriarch Xingluo's arrival.

It didn't take long before Xingluo Patriarch appeared in front of Dai Yaochen again, and after appearing, Xingluo Patriarch's gaze was locked on Zhu Zhuqing immediately: "She is... the little girl of the Zhu family ?”

Although he didn't know Zhu Zhuqing, but with the strength of Xingluo Patriarch, he could easily sense the Nether Civet Martial Soul on Zhu Zhuqing, and judged that she was from the Zhu family.

"Great Uncle." Seeing the reaction of the ancestor Xingluo, Dai Yaochen immediately explained, "Zhuqing is the fourth daughter of the current Duke Youming, and her situation is not very good these days, so I want to take her with me when I go out this time. Let's relax together, can you see it?"

As soon as he heard that Zhu Zhuqing was the fourth daughter of Duke Nether, Patriarch Xingluo had a general idea of ​​what Dai Yaochen said about "the situation is not good", so he nodded and agreed directly: "Okay, since you want to go together, then Just let her go."

Saying that, Xingluo Patriarch turned his head to look at Zhu Zhuqing again: "Little girl, you can call me great uncle just like Yao Chen."

"Hello, Grand Uncle." Hearing Patriarch Xingluo's words, Zhu Zhuqing immediately bowed slightly, and greeted him a little timidly.

"He is a well-behaved child." Ancestor Xingluo shook his head and smiled, "Let's go."

If it's just Patriarch Xingluo and Dai Yaochen, then just rush to the Pozhi Clan's place as quickly as possible, but now there is another Zhu Zhuqing who is not yet ten years old, so she needs to take care of her a little So, Dai Yaochen directly bought two royal carriages, let Patriarch Xingluo ride in one alone, and he and Zhu Zhuqing shared one.

Driven by the coachman, the two royal carriages left the palace, drove out of Xingluo Imperial City, and headed for the destination of this trip.

The Po Zhi Clan came to the Star Luo Empire ten years ago, and belonged to foreign forces, but the Po Zhi Clan has a Contra sitting in command, with extraordinary strength, and their own pharmaceutical ability is quite popular, so although they can't squeeze into the Star Luo Imperial City Among them, but you can also choose a big city around the imperial city to take root.

Because it was around the imperial city, the distance was not very far, so they arrived at their destination that night.

Although it seemed that it was getting late, Dai Yaochen, who couldn't wait, didn't plan to rest for a night before visiting, but went directly to the door. Ancestor Xingluo had no objection to this, and he also wanted to solve it as soon as possible. .

The family land of the Pozhi clan is a mansion with a large area, and a plaque with the word "bro" is hung on the gate of the mansion.

"Huh? It's interesting." Seeing this plaque, Xingluo Patriarch was a little surprised, "The rumors are true, the Pozhi clan really specialize in attacking. This plaque should be written by their patriarch. Shen Yun."

Originally, Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing didn't pay much attention to the "broken" plaque, but now they both looked up curiously. Dai Yaochen was fine, but felt that the "broken" character exuded a sharp aura, And Zhu Zhuqing felt his eyes hurt a little, and quickly looked away.

Seeing this, Xingluo Patriarch laughed: "Yaochen absorbed a 5000-year-old spiritual attribute soul ring before, and his own spiritual power has improved a lot, so it's not a big problem to look at it. You can't keep looking at it, Zhuqing girl." gone."

Hearing what Old Ancestor Xingluo said, Dai Yaochen also looked away, and instead of looking at the plaque with the word "broken", he started down to business.

Dai Yaochen took out a greeting card from his storage soul guide ring, stepped forward, handed it to the two strong men guarding the gate of the mansion, and said at the same time: "Please inform Patriarch Yang, Just say that Dai Yaochen, the second prince of the Star Luo Empire, has something to come to visit."

Dai Yaochen didn't bring out Xingluo Patriarch, he just used his own name, his status as the second prince was enough.

"Second prince?!" The two strong guards looked at each other in surprise.

Prince, why did you find rare things here?

Although surprised, one of the gatekeepers quickly accepted the invitation and said, "Second prince, please wait a moment, I will go to inform the patriarch right away."

After finishing speaking, he pushed open the door, walked towards the mansion, turned a few corners and came to a quiet room with lights on, and said respectfully: "Patriarch, someone came to visit and said he wanted to ask you for something. "

"What do you want me to do?" A voice came from the quiet room, "We are leaving tomorrow to attend the gathering of the four clans. This time is too unfortunate. Go and tell someone, come back in two months if you have anything to do."

"Not seen?" The strong man at the gate hesitated for a while, and then continued, "But the person who came to visit is the second prince of the Star Luo Empire..."

"Second prince?" Hearing what the strong man at the door said, after a moment of silence in the quiet room, the door that was originally closed was opened, and a slender old man came out with a look of surprise on his face.

"What are you here for?" Taking the greeting card from the gatekeeper, Yang Wudi simply looked at it. Although there was no specific description on it, it had a mark exclusive to the Xingluo royal family, so he He walked directly towards the gate.

Although Yang Wudi is rebellious, he is not stupid. Since the Pozhi clan was attacked by the Wuhun Temple ten years ago, their vitality has been severely damaged. Now that they are developing in the Star Luo Empire, naturally they cannot let their tempers mess around.

In fact, because they are good at refining medicines, the Broken Clan has established a considerable network of relationships in the Star Luo Empire. Most of the forces have a good relationship with the Po Zhi Clan, let alone the Star Luo Royal Family. .

Now that the second prince of the Star Luo Empire is visiting, although I don't know the specific reason, we should try our best to establish a good relationship and not casually offend him, so even if we are going out tomorrow, we still have to meet up.

Walking quickly to the gate of the mansion, Yang Wudi swept his eyes and saw Dai Yaochen and the three of them.

A little girl, an old servant, and the young man in the middle should be the second prince of the Star Luo Empire.

Well, because Patriarch Xingluo's aura is restrained, he looks like an ordinary person, so Yang Wudi treats him as an old servant...

"I don't know why the second prince came to our broken clan?" Yang Wudi directly asked Dai Yaochen why he came.

"This time, I have a very troublesome matter to ask Patriarch Yang, and I can't explain it clearly in a few words." Dai Yaochen also bowed his hands in return.

"If it's about medicine, I should be able to help." Yang Wudi made a gesture of invitation, "Please come in and talk."

(End of this chapter)

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