Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 15 Yang Wudi: I can't handle it

Chapter 15 Yang Wudi: I can't handle it
Under the leadership of Yang Wudi, the three of Dai Yaochen entered the Pozhi clan's mansion and came to the meeting hall. Where I can help, I, Yang Wudi, will never refuse."

"Patriarch Yang is a senior, and I am a junior. You don't need to be so polite, just call me Yaochen." After all, he came to ask for help, so Dai Yaochen didn't put on airs like a prince.

Hearing Dai Yaochen's words, Yang Wudi's heart immediately felt a lot more at ease. With his character, as long as others give him face, it's easy to say anything.

After bringing the relationship closer with one sentence, Dai Yaochen started to talk about the business: "That's right, Patriarch Yang, our royal family has been married to Duke Nether's family for generations..."

At the moment, Dai Yaochen explained the problem of the loss of the martial soul attributes of the Dai family and the Zhu family and the reasons.

As for the loss of light and dark attributes of the White Tiger Martial Soul and Nether Civet Martial Soul, as long as it is a long-standing power, it is generally known, so it is not something that must be concealed, and it doesn't hurt to tell Yang Wudi.

Following Dai Yaochen's narration, Yang Wudi, who was originally smiling, gradually frowned. He didn't expect that the second prince would ask him such a troublesome question as soon as he arrived.

After explaining the problems of the White Tiger Martial Soul and Nether Civet Martial Soul, Dai Yaochen finally stated the purpose of this trip: "We came to Patriarch Yang this time to ask if Patriarch Yang can prepare some Special medicine to make up for the lost original attributes of our martial soul?"

Regarding Dai Yaochen's question, Yang Wudi frowned and fell into deep thought.

Dai Yaochen and Xingluo Patriarch did not urge Yang Wudi either, but gave him enough time to think slowly.

Dai Yaochen and Patriarch Xingluo were not in a hurry, but Zhu Zhuqing, who knew these things for the first time, pressed his lips tightly, and clenched his fists subconsciously.

"It turns out that the Nether Civet Martial Soul should have a dark attribute, but has it been gradually lost with the marriage of generations?" Zhu Zhuqing's heart was aroused, "The purpose of our coming out this time is to find someone to help make up for the Martial Soul Lost attributes!"

"No wonder Brother Yaochen said that as long as everything goes well, I can defeat Zhu Zhuyun. If my Nether Civet's martial spirit can be fully restored, it will be a matter of course for me to defeat Zhu Zhuyun whose martial spirit is incomplete!"

"I hope Patriarch Yang can find a way."

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuqing immediately looked expectantly at Yang Wudi.

However, to Zhu Zhuqing's disappointment, Yang Wudi shook his head slowly after pondering for a long time.

"Your Highness, the Second Prince, you really think highly of me." Yang Wudi smiled wryly, "Although our Pozhi clan has considerable attainments in medicine, when it comes to the loss of the original attribute of the martial soul, there is really no problem." There is a way, please forgive me for being powerless."

Well, although Dai Yaochen was being polite to Yang Wudi just now, it is enough for him to call him by his first name, but now Yang Wudi can't solve Dai Yaochen's problem, which makes him really embarrassed to call Dai Yaochen by his name directly, so he is still the Second Prince. call.

Hearing what Yang Wudi said, Zhu Zhuqing's face was immediately filled with disappointment, but Dai Yaochen and Xing Luo's ancestors still had calm expressions on their faces.

The reason why Dai Yaochen was calm was because he didn't think that Yang Wudi could solve this problem, and the ancestor Xingluo was so calm because he felt that the problem was not as serious as what Dai Yaochen said just now.

Immediately, Xingluo Patriarch said: "Patriarch Yang, after all the source of the martial soul is lost, it is indeed beyond human power to make up for it, but if the martial soul shows signs of returning to the ancestors, in this case, can the lost spirit be replaced?" The attributes are re-activated?"

"Your Highness the Second Prince, who is he?" Yang Wudi's attention had been focused on Dai Yaochen before, and he only regarded Patriarch Xingluo as an old servant. At this time, Patriarch Xingluo suddenly spoke, making him realize The old man seemed unusual, so he asked Dai Yaochen.

"Patriarch Yang, let me introduce you." Dai Yaochen introduced the identity of Xingluo Patriarch to Yang Wudi, "This is my great uncle, the white jade pillar of our royal family, and the purple golden beam that supports the sea."

"Great Uncle?" Hearing Dai Yaochen address Xingluo Patriarch, Yang Wudi was startled.

Is this old man the prince's great-uncle?Isn't that from Emperor Xingluo's grandfather generation?
I didn't feel the slightest fluctuation of soul power in him, and I always regarded him as an ordinary person. It seems that his strength is much higher than myself.

Thinking of this, Yang Wudi immediately said, "It's disrespectful, disrespectful, to neglect senior."

Ancestor Xingluo kept smiling: "I'm just a bad old man, Patriarch Yang doesn't need to care about it, I just want to know that Wuhun has shown signs of returning to the ancestors, but the lost attributes have not shown for a long time. , Can Patriarch Yang prepare some special medicines to help stimulate the lost attributes?"

"This..." Yang Wudi was uncertain, and said somewhat uncertainly, "If it's only to this extent, give me a little time, and supplement it with various precious herbs, I'm sure."

This is what Xingluo Patriarch was waiting for. Hearing this, he directly promised: "As long as Patriarch Yang can activate the lost attributes, all kinds of medicinal materials in the Xingluo Empire's treasury can be used at will!"

For the Xingluo royal family, owning a complete white tiger martial spirit and passing it on is absolutely the number one priority. As long as it can be successful, it doesn't matter even if it means emptying all the precious medicinal materials in the treasury.

"Not in a hurry." Yang Wudi waved his hands, and turned his gaze to Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing, "Senior, whose martial soul shows signs of returning to the ancestors, but the attributes are still not visible?"

This time, apart from Xingluo Patriarch, only Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing came together, so the one who had this problem was obviously among the two of them.

"It's Yaochen." Ancestor Xingluo smiled, "He is the only person in our Dai family who has shown signs of returning to his ancestors in the Dai family for hundreds of years. Can you activate the lost light attribute and let the spirit return completely? Zu, it depends on Patriarch Yang."

"I can give it a try." Yang Wudi was not too sure and dared not speak up, "But I'm afraid it will take two months."

"Oh?" Patriarch Xingluo raised his eyebrows, "Patriarch Yang has something to deal with recently?"

Ancestor Xingluo attached great importance to the matter of helping Dai Yaochen activate the light attribute, and naturally wanted to finish it as soon as possible. At this time, he heard that it would take two months to wait, so he said immediately: "Patriarch Yang, why not let us know if we can help you?" Are you busy?"

(End of this chapter)

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