Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 134 The Goddess of Light Butterfly

Chapter 134 The Goddess of Light Butterfly

With the strength of Xingluo Patriarch, the entire Myriad Spirits Forest can roam freely, no soul beast can threaten him, so the only question is what kind of soul ring Dai Yaochen wants, as long as Dai Yaochen draws a rough range, then They can quickly find the corresponding target.

As for the soul ring that Dai Yaochen needs now, Ancestor Xingluo actually already knew it in his heart, but he didn't directly state his plan, but asked Dai Yaochen what he thought first.

"What kind of fifth spirit ring do you want?" For this question, Dai Yaochen had already thought about it long ago, so when faced with the question of Xingluo Patriarch, he immediately gave an answer without hesitation, "Of course it is A flying soul ring with a light attribute."

"Since my white tiger martial soul returned to its ancestors, in addition to possessing the attribute of light, it also has an extra pair of wings. Naturally, it is necessary to make good use of these wings."

"If I don't add a flying skill, then I can only fly with the power of the wings itself. Although this is not impossible, it still ruins the talent of flying."

"It's good that you can think of this." Hearing what Dai Yaochen said, Ancestor Xingluo couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction, "Our white tiger spirit has no wings, so naturally we don't have to worry about such problems, but you are different from us, You have the ability to fly, so you must strengthen your own flying ability."

Apparently, Patriarch Xingluo and Dai Yaochen had the same idea.

"So the best goal for your fifth spirit ring is to find a light attribute spirit beast with the ability to fly." Xing Luo Patriarch said, "And according to your requirements, the age should be close to 5 years."

When the year was close to 5 years, the ancestor Xingluo couldn't help but look at Dai Yaochen: "Are you sure you really want to absorb a spirit ring with such a high age? You must know that the seventh spirit ring of ordinary soul saints is about the same This level, with your current body, can you really bear it?"

Ancestor Xingluo actually expected Dai Yaochen's request to absorb a soul ring beyond the level, but he felt that Dai Yaochen's absorption of a soul ring of more than 3 years was almost the limit this time, he did not expect Dai Yaochen's request to be so high , preparing to absorb a nearly 5-year soul ring.

Ancestor Xingluo also knew that Dai Yaochen was not the kind of arrogant and conceited character. Since he proposed to absorb this level of soul ring, he should have some confidence, but it is still a bit outrageous to be close to 5 years, so before the official action, Ancestor Xing Luo made a special effort to confirm it with Dai Yaochen.

"Don't worry, Grand Uncle." Dai Yaochen smiled, and just said, "I won't joke about this kind of thing, I'm sure, as long as the age is less than 5 years, I can definitely absorb it."

"Since you have already decided, then so be it." With Dai Yaochen's confirmation, Ancestor Xingluo didn't say anything more, but looked in one direction. The goal at the place, "There should be a soul beast that meets your requirements, follow me."

After finishing speaking, Xing Luo Patriarch directly dodged towards the place he was looking at. In order to take care of Dai Yaochen's speed, he didn't burst out at full speed, so Dai Yaochen quickly followed after seeing this.

While the two were walking, no spirit beast jumped out to attack them, so they were not hindered by anything, and soon, an open land appeared in front of them.

This open land has a large area, and there are countless flowers of various colors growing as far as the eye can see. These flowers sway with the wind and shine brightly under the sunlight. When I saw it, even Dai Yaochen couldn't help it. A little dazzled, and at the same time inwardly surprised.

In this forest of all spirits that is full of soul beasts, how can there be such a beautiful sea of ​​flowers that cannot be seen at a glance?I'm afraid this is the territory of a powerful soul beast.

Just when Dai Yaochen was thinking this way, he suddenly saw a few blue figures flashing past among the flowers. Although he quickly sneaked into the flowers again, Dai Yaochen still saw it clearly. The whole picture of them, that is a few blue butterflies.

blue butterfly?

Dai Yaochen quickly recalled the information of various butterfly-like soul beasts in his mind, and quickly matched them with a butterfly-like soul beast: "This is the butterfly, the goddess of light?!"

Butterfly, the goddess of light, is recognized as the most beautiful butterfly-like soul beast on the Douluo Continent. Occasionally, soul masters with this kind of martial soul will appear in humans, and this kind of martial soul is very strange, and it will only appear in beautiful female souls. teacher.

"That's right." Ancestor Xingluo nodded, "This sea of ​​flowers is the habitat of the goddess of light, and the strongest butterfly in it should have a cultivation base of about 7 years, and there are three or so that are close to 5 years old." Only, it definitely meets your requirements, what do you think?"

The Butterfly Goddess of Light has both the attribute of light and the ability to fly. From these two aspects, it really meets Dai Yaochen's requirements.

And speaking of it, this kind of soul beast is also dubbed the "Goddess of Light". It is indeed very high, otherwise it would not have such a name if it was just a show.

"The Butterfly Goddess of Light? It's just this kind of soul beast." Various information related to the Butterfly Goddess of Light flashed through his mind, and Dai Yaochen directly made a decision, "Grand Uncle, what should we do next? Let's rush in, Kill a butterfly goddess of light who is nearly 5 years old, and then come out?"

"You don't need to make such a fuss." Hearing Dai Yaochen's words, Ancestor Xingluo shook his head and smiled, "Look at me."

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying coercion was suddenly released from Patriarch Xingluo's body, and spread out in an instant, covering the entire sea of ​​flowers in front of him.

Under this coercion, everything seemed to freeze, the wind stopped blowing, the flowers stopped swaying, and even the butterflies, goddesses of light, who fluttered among the flowers stopped in midair.

Although he was not targeted by this coercion, Dai Yaochen, who was close at hand, still felt a little difficult to breathe. He took a few deep breaths before slowing down, looking at the scene in front of him in silence.

Is this the real strong?Obviously he didn't do anything, but just exposing the coercion, it can actually have this kind of effect similar to freezing the world. It seems that he still has a long way to go.

After breaking through level [-], Dai Yaochen originally thought that he could be considered a strong man despite his size, but now after seeing the power of a real strong man, he realized that he was still far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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