Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 135 Easy Kill, Soul Beast's Resentment

Chapter 135 Easy Kill, Soul Beast's Resentment
When everything seemed to be frozen, a golden light suddenly erupted deep in the sea of ​​flowers.

It was a goddess butterfly shining with golden flames. Under the golden flames was a pair of huge blue butterfly wings. The color of the two ends of the front wings of the butterfly wings changed from dark to light, which looked like waves surging on the blue sea. The blossoming waves are shining brightly and are very gorgeous.

But it's not just beautiful, it can break through the terrifying coercion of ancestor Xingluo, the strength of this butterfly goddess of light should not be underestimated.

Although Patriarch Xingluo is powerful, relying on his own coercion alone, he can only suppress soul beasts under 5 years old at most. As for soul beasts over 5 years old, even he has to do it himself.

Since the Goddess Butterfly of Light in front of him was able to break through the coercive influence of Patriarch Xingluo, it was obviously the one with the 7-year cultivation he just mentioned.

At this time, after breaking through the coercion of the ancestor Xingluo, the goddess butterfly with 7 years of cultivation did not choose to attack Dai Yaochen and the others, but the butterfly wings vibrated, carrying a series of broken The shadow flitted towards the distant direction, apparently running away directly.

Soul beasts have been cultivated for more than ten thousand years, and they can possess wisdom not inferior to humans. The same is true for the goddess of light, Die. Through this coercion that seems to be able to solidify everything, it can feel the strength of ancestor Xingluo. Being able to break free from this coercion does not mean that it is the opponent of Xingluo Patriarch, so running away is the best choice.

For intelligent creatures, it is very normal to choose to escape when they are obviously not their opponents. For example, in the original book, when Bibi Dong hunted and killed the two kings in the Star Dou Forest, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape did not. The ones who were also kicked out ran around, only those soul beasts with low intelligence or crazy bloodthirsty might choose to fight to the end, and the goddess of light butterfly was obviously not included in this list.

"Run away? It's sensible."

Seeing the 7-year-old Die Cang, the Goddess of Light, fluttering its wings and fleeing, Xingluo Patriarch did not stop it. Anyway, their goal this time is not the existence of this kind of year. It also saves them a little trouble.

"Let's go in and pick. There are still three butterflies of the goddess of light with a cultivation base of nearly 5 years. Let's see which one you are going to choose." Saying so, the ancestor Xingluo directly jumped towards the sea of ​​flowers in front of him. Swept away, while maintaining its own coercion, so that all the remaining butterflies, the goddess of light, could not move.

Dai Yaochen immediately followed Xingluo Patriarch into this sea of ​​flowers, and went to the depths of the sea of ​​flowers.

During this process, Dai Yaochen saw many goddess butterflies of light, and the strength of these goddess butterflies of light also changed from weak to strong as he continued to deepen. At the beginning, they only existed for ten or a hundred years. There are hundreds of them, while those at the millennium level are only in double digits. As for the Butterfly Goddess of Light who have been cultivated for more than ten thousand years, there are less than ten.

As a group that has existed for 7 years, the number of this group of bright goddess butterflies is actually less than a thousand. If it is replaced by other soul beasts, with such a powerful existence in the group, the number will definitely exceed [-]. From here we can It can be seen that the butterfly goddess of light is relatively rare among soul beasts.

Soon, the two came to the deepest part of the sea of ​​flowers. The flowers here are already soul beasts, especially the big flower in the middle has a cultivation base of more than ten thousand years. Obviously the strongest one Butterfly, the goddess of light, lives here on weekdays.

And around this big flower, there are three butterflies, the goddess of light with a wingspan of nearly five meters, struggling non-stop. The golden light on the wings keeps flickering, trying to break the pressure and let themselves fly , but it didn't work.

A soul beast with a cultivation base of less than 5 years can be instantly killed by a level 91 Title Douluo, but Xingluo Patriarch's strength is enough to instantly kill an average level 91 Title Douluo, so the gap between them is too large. It is too huge, just like the difference between heaven and earth, all the struggles of the three bright goddess butterflies are just in vain.

Under the coercion of Xingluo Patriarch, the three butterflies in front of them were unable to move, which happened to be convenient for them to identify the years of the three butterflies in detail.

Dai Yaochen looked carefully, chose the one with the closest age to 5 years, and then directly killed it.

While trembling, the life force of this butterfly goddess of light continued to drain until it finally died completely. Soon, a circle of deep black soul rings emitting powerful fluctuations of soul power rose from its body.

Seeing this scene, Dai Yaochen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

When hunting soul beasts, it is really easy to have a strong leader lead the team. This time they just came to the Wanling Forest for a walk, and they didn't even fight, so they directly harvested a nearly 5-year-old beast Butterfly, the goddess of light, is no one else.

However, this situation can be regarded as pros and cons, although with the help of the strong, it will be easy to kill the soul beast, but the difficulty of absorbing the soul ring will increase a lot.

Generally speaking, if you defeat the spirit beast and kill it with your own strength, then the spirit beast will "convince" and absorb its spirit ring much more smoothly.

And if the spirit beast is killed with the help of other people, the spirit beast will obviously not be convinced, and this will inevitably generate resentment, which will increase the difficulty of absorbing the spirit ring.

It can be predicted that under the coercion of the Xingluo ancestor, this butterfly goddess of light was killed by Dai Yaochen without any resistance. Its resentment probably went straight to the sky. In addition to the energy impact contained in the ring itself, it is not an easy task to resist the crazy resentment counterattack of the goddess of light, even for Dai Yaochen now.

After the soul ring of this butterfly goddess of light appeared, Patriarch Xingluo finally restrained his own pressure and let go of the suppression of this sea of ​​flowers. The other goddess butterflies of light suddenly fluttered their wings as if they had been forgiven. Flying away from here, those flower-type soul beasts also escaped into the ground one after another, and quickly moved away from the right and wrong place by means of burrowing, lest the terrifying human powerhouse would kill them.

Soon, this sea of ​​flowers was directly cleared, there were no other soul beasts, and people could absorb the soul ring with peace of mind.

Dai Yaochen didn't say much, took a deep breath, sat cross-legged immediately, and began to use his own soul power to pull up the deep black soul ring.

After absorbing this soul ring, he will be an official soul king, and then he can continue to advance his various plans for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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