Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 168 Mental Power Qualitative Change

Chapter 168 Mental Power Qualitative Change

"Does Zhuqing also have a soul bone?"

Looking at the soul bone ability Zhu Zhuqing displayed during the two sides' sparring, Dai Yaochen fell into deep thought for a moment.

I remember that when he set off for the Slaughter City two years ago, he told Zhu Zhuqing that as long as Zhu Zhuqing's cultivation was over level 5, and he had a soul bone over [-] years old or two ordinary soul bones, she was allowed to come and find him. For myself, it seems that Zhu Zhuqing has been working hard in this direction for the past two years.

However, it is not an easy task to get a soul bone. If there is no accident, the soul bone she owns now should be given to her by the Duke of Netherworld. After all, with her talent, it is completely For the future of the Nether Duke's Mansion, it is normal to give her a soul bone.

However, one soul bone is already very powerful, and it is really not that easy to get a second soul bone at the stage of the five-ring soul king, so Zhu Zhuqing has not yet achieved what Dai Yaochen set for her at that time. requirements.

Fortunately, it was like this, otherwise when Dai Yaochen came out from the Slaughter City, it would be boring for Zhu Zhuqing to plunge in again, in that case, it would be better if they had been together from the beginning.

After Zhu Zhuqing's acquisition of the soul bone flashed through his mind, Dai Yaochen's attention returned to the discussion with his partners.

Although it is three against four, both Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan have the blessing of soul bones, and their strength is far beyond the same level, so they are completely comparable to the four poles. Once the battle is in a stalemate, the battle situation will gradually favor the possession A side of the auxiliary department.

With the help of Ye Lingling's continuous treatment, Zhu Zhuqing and Duguyan gradually gained the upper hand, but Siji was still suppressed by them.

However, Siji is a perfect team, with both offensive and defensive power, speed, and everything, so even if they are suppressed, they are still very strong. Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan can only superficially suppress them at most, trying to defeat them. Basically nothing is possible.

Dai Yaochen has already figured out that if they want to decide the outcome between them, they can only fight until one side's soul power is completely exhausted, but it's just a competition, and it shouldn't be necessary to reach that level, so the battle between them should be very fast it will be over.

Sure enough, after a few more moves, the two sides stopped in a very tacit understanding.

"Phew, I'm still a bit behind." After the discussion, the seven of them naturally gathered together to summarize their performance just now. Among them, Bai Chenxiang tapped his head with some annoyance, "If my soul power If it exceeds level [-], then even if we can't win, at least we won't be suppressed by Sister Yanyan and you, and we can draw anyway."

"Okay, okay." Dugu Yan reached out and rubbed Bai Chenxiang's little head, "Xiangxiang, you are already very powerful. You are not yet 14 years old, and your soul power is already close to level [-]. It won't be long before you can Become an official soul king, so don't worry."

"We also used the power of our soul bones, otherwise we wouldn't be your opponents. Among the same rank, basically there is no opponent who can resist your siege."

Not only among the same ranks, Tai Long, Niu Bi, and Yang Muwei are all soul kings now, and Bai Chenxiang is only a little short of the soul king stage. The four of them join forces and completely possess the combat power of the soul saint level, especially the soul king. Soul saints below level 75, as long as they are a little careless, there is a great possibility that they will be defeated by the four of them.

"You are all soul kings now, and Xiangxiang and I have to work hard to cultivate and reach the stage of soul king as soon as possible." Ye Lingling also said at this time.

As the only two remaining soul sects with four rings in the team, Ye Lingling and Bai Chenxiang are actually under a lot of pressure.

Next, several people summed up the discussion just now, but Zhu Zhuqing seemed a little restless at this moment, and looked around.

Dai Yaochen had restrained his breath on purpose when he came here just now, so his partners didn't feel it, only Zhu Zhuqing felt a little strange because he and Dai Yaochen had the martial soul fusion skill, as if Dai Yaochen was nearby.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing was already aware of his own existence, Dai Yaochen no longer hid himself, and immediately walked out from the corner, and said at the same time: "Everyone is pretty good, during the two years since I left, the soul power has been made great progress.”

As Dai Yaochen's voice fell, everyone who was still summarizing the battle just now fell into shock and turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice. After seeing Dai Yaochen, they didn't react for a while.

Zhu Zhuqing, who had already expected this, was the first to respond, and she didn't see any movement, but a black light flashed, and she appeared on the shadow behind Dai Yaochen, and hugged Dai Yaochen: "Brother Yaochen, It's really you, you're back?!"

"Well, I'm back." Sensing Zhu Zhuqing's trembling body, Dai Yaochen comforted him, "Zhu Qing, I've already told you that that place is not too dangerous to me, and I will definitely be able to find it before you go to me. Just come back."

To be honest, Dai Yaochen is still a bit threatened by the Hundred Hell Slaughtering Fields matches in the Slaughtering Capital. For Dai Yaochen, the Hell Road is not as difficult as the Hell Slaughtering Fields. The so-called three obstacles on Hell Road are really too friendly. Like the battle in the killing field of hell, every time you have to die, and you have to be besieged after the game.

"It's good if you can come back." Zhu Zhuqing didn't say anything more, just hugged Dai Yaochen all the time, refusing to let go no matter what.



"Brother Dai!"

At this time, Dugu Yan and the others finally came to their senses, shouted in surprise and excitement, and gathered around Dai Yaochen.

"Yanyan, Tailong, Niubi, Muwei, Xiangxiang, Lingling." Dai Yaochen greeted them one by one with a smile, "It's been a long time."

In the ghostly place of the killing capital, the sun is not visible, there is only a strange purple sun on his head, no acquaintances yet, and he has to face a lot of killings every day, which makes Dai Yaochen's spirit tense all the time, even if After leaving there, he didn't completely relax, until now, when he reunited with his companions, Dai Yaochen's tense spirit was finally completely relaxed.

Following this tightening and loosening, Dai Yaochen's spiritual sea suddenly surged with monstrous waves, and a large amount of mental power was released from his body uncontrollably, like mercury pouring down the ground, covering the entire training ground, and It is still spreading around.

Before, Dai Yaochen's spiritual power was comparable to that of Contra's later stage, but at this moment, his spiritual power has undergone a qualitative change, reaching the realm of Titled Douluo.

(End of this chapter)

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