Chapter 169
Dai Yaochen's spiritual power just spread uncontrollably to the surroundings, and did not launch an impact on the surroundings, so although his partners felt the spiritual power leaked from Dai Yaochen, they were not affected too much, they were just simply affected by this Feeling a little suffocated by the strong mental pressure.

"This is... such a powerful mental power!" Dugu Yan's mental power is very strong now because she has absorbed a 3-year-old head soul bone. However, in front of Dai Yaochen's leaked spiritual power, she is still There was a feeling of being very small, and he couldn't help but asked with some worry, "Why did you suddenly leak your mental power? Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Dai Yaochen waved his hand, indicating that Duguyan doesn't need to worry, and then began to control his own powerful spiritual power, slowly drawing it into the sea of ​​spirit, "It's just that seeing you all of a sudden makes me feel a little bit, So the mental power has improved a bit, and this is the situation just now, and it is now better."

"Phew, it's fine." As Dai Yaochen restrained his leaked mental strength, Bai Chenxiang breathed a sigh of relief, and said with some lingering fear, "Brother Dai just now gave people such a scary feeling, I almost suffocated gone."

"Your spiritual power has improved?" Dugu Yan keenly grasped the key point in Dai Yaochen's words, "Your spiritual power has reached the level of Titled Douluo, right? The feeling you gave me just now is indeed somewhat similar to Grandpa's." Alike."

"It's also thanks to you." Regarding Dugu Yan's words, Dai Yaochen said with a smile.

Although he didn't say it directly, the meaning of Dai Yaochen's words was obvious, his mental power had indeed reached the level of Titled Douluo.

As soon as these words came out, everyone suddenly gasped.

Dai Yaochen's spiritual power has reached the level of Title Douluo now?Although it is only mental power, it is also very powerful.

A Soul Douluo, who wants to break through the realm of Title Douluo, has to face the two thresholds of physical body and spirit. The physical body must first reach the level of Title Douluo, so that it can carry powerful soul power, and the same is true for spiritual power , only titled douluo level spiritual power can control titled douluo level soul power.

Only after the body and spirit have passed this threshold can one possess the ability to break through to Title Douluo, otherwise one will only be ruthlessly stuck before the ninety-level mark, unless one is willing to spend a lot of resources to force a breakthrough.

And Dai Yaochen's spiritual strength has reached the level of Title Douluo, judging by his martial spirit, his physical body will definitely not be an obstacle, so it can be said that his door to Title Douluo has been completely opened.

"It's just the spiritual power that has just reached the title Douluo level, it's nothing." Looking at the shocked partners, Dai Yaochen said helplessly, "You will definitely be able to reach it in the future, so don't worry too much about it."

His mental power is only a step away from the level of the Titled Douluo. It is a surprise to see his partners achieve a breakthrough this time.

Seeing that the partners still hadn't recovered from the shock of the Titled Douluo's level of mental power for a while, Dai Yaochen had no choice but to change the subject and said: "I heard that you were selected as the seed team recommended by the Star Luo Royal Academy, and you will represent the academy to participate in the competition in half a year. Is there such a thing as the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition?"

"Yes." Niu Bi, who has always been calm, nodded, "We are just seven people, and we can make up a complete team, so the academy chose us as the seed team. We are also confident to win glory for the academy and win this time Champion of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition."

The seven were indeed a complete team, and with their cultivation, it was normal for the Star Luo Royal Academy to choose them as the seed team.

As for Dai Yaochen, he will not participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition as a player.

Not to mention that those battles are completely child's play for him now, without the slightest challenge, and can't arouse his interest. Even if he really wants to participate, it will be very troublesome as Prince Xingluo.

If it's just an ordinary prince, it's okay to participate in the elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy, but it's really strange to participate as a prince of a country.

The fundamental purpose of holding the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is actually to give young soul masters a stage to show their strength, and this is meaningless to a prince of a country, where the status of the prince is, so far , the two great empires and many kingdoms and duchies, none of them participated after becoming a prince. If Dai Yaochen wanted to participate, although it would not break the rules, it was indeed very inexplicable.

Therefore, Dai Yaochen will not participate in this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. He will lead the team as a prince at most. , Dai Yaochen did not have the slightest doubt.

Just the combination of the four poles already has the ability to rival Soul Sages, and even defeat some Soul Sages in the early stages. If Dugu Yan, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ye Lingling are added together, they can almost sweep away all existences at the level of Soul Sages.

Of course, the soul sage mentioned here only refers to the combat power of the soul sage level. As long as the opponent's combat power is still at the soul sage level, he will definitely not be the opponent of the seven of them. Level, but the combat power exceeds the soul saint, that's another matter.

Among the opponents in this Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, only Wuhundian Academy might pose some threat to them, but that's all.

Even if Xie Yue and Hu Liena launched the martial soul fusion skill Yao Mei, it was only at the level of soul saints, and they would be swept away without any accident.

Therefore, in this Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Contest, it is inevitable that Star Luo Royal Academy will win the championship. It is estimated that Bibi Dong will not dare to take out three soul bones as the reward for the final champion like in the original book, because that would only will be free.

As the saying goes, there are gains and losses, although Dai Yaochen is very pleased with the growth of his partners, but because they have grown too strong, they have lost the opportunity to prostitute the three soul bones of the Wuhun Temple, which inevitably makes Dai Yaochen I feel a little sorry.

Such things as soul bones, no matter what time it is, there is absolutely no way too much.

"Come on." After sighing for the three lost soul bones in his heart, Dai Yaochen also encouraged his partners, "The Star Luo Empire is constantly strengthening in all aspects, but because it hasn't been long, the outside world's response to this The feeling is not deep, this time with the opportunity of the elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy, you will show your own strength, and let all the forces on the mainland feel the changes in the Star Luo Empire."

(End of this chapter)

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