Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 26 We Can Help You and Dugu Yan Detoxify

Chapter 26 We Can Help You and Dugu Yan Detoxify

When Dai Yaochen said that detoxification requires a lot of precious herbs, Dugu Bo snorted coldly: "This is your real purpose, under the pretense of helping me detoxify, you actually want me to provide you with various precious herbs. "

"Boy, the old man eats more salt than you eat. You still want to lie to me with your little thoughts?"

Regarding Dugu Bo's words, Dai Yaochen was not annoyed, but said calmly: "Since Poison Douluo is suspicious, you might as well listen to my detoxification method first, and then judge whether what I said is true or not, how about it?"

"I want to hear how you plan to lie to me." Dugu Bo sneered.

Yang Wudi on the side didn't say anything, and withdrew the soul-breaking gun in his hand. He also wanted to see if Dai Yaochen, the second prince of the Star Luo Empire, was just fooling around, or if he really had a way.

After pondering for a while, Dai Yaochen brewed for a while, and then said: "Senior Poison Douluo, the reason why your body is eroded by toxins is because the toxins contained in your Jade Phosphorous Snake Emperor Wuhun are constantly irritating you. Merge with your body, right?"

"That's right." Dai Yaochen talked about the root of the problem as soon as he opened his mouth, and Dugu Bo couldn't help but believe him a bit, "If it's a weapon spirit, then you can store the toxin in it to protect yourself from the toxin's influence , but my Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor is a beast martial soul, and the martial soul is fused with itself, and the toxins contained in it will naturally erode my body continuously, which is absolutely unavoidable."

"Even if it is a beast spirit, why does it have to store toxins in your body?" Dai Yaochen induced, "Senior Poison Douluo, have you ever thought that you can find something that can store toxins in your body?" , so that your body can be protected from erosion."

"You mean..." Dugu Bo seemed to have a clear understanding after being instructed by Dai Yaochen.

"Soul bone." Dai Yaochen said the answer directly, "Senior Poison Douluo, when you fought with Patriarch Yang just now, I think you used a soul bone skill, right? If the poison is forced into this soul bone, won't everything be fine?"

"That's right, soul bone!" Dugu Bo's eyes lit up as if waking up someone in a dream with a single word, "Why didn't I think of that before?!"

Yang Wudi on the side looked at Dai Yaochen with surprise at this time, he did not expect that Dai Yaochen actually pointed out a correct solution to Dugu Bo.

"And your precious granddaughter." Seeing Dugu Bo's expression, Dai Yaochen knew that this time it was safe, so he said slowly, "As long as you get her a soul bone and help her force the poison into the soul bone, Then of course it will be fine.”

As soon as he mentioned his granddaughter, Dugu Bo reacted, and could not help but frowned slightly: "I have to say, your method of using spirit bones to store toxins is indeed very good, but it is not so easy in the process of implementation." .”

"The old man has been practicing for more than seventy years. He has been eroded by the poison of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor for so many years, and his body has already merged with the poison. killed me."

"There is also Yanyan. Although she has not practiced for a long time, she was submerged in my poison when she was in the womb. Even if I can find her a soul bone, it may not be so easy to force the poison."

"So, it's back to what I said just now." Dai Yaochen smiled slightly, "When helping you solve the problem of toxins, you need a lot of precious herbs to assist you."

"Use those precious herbs to prepare specific medicines, and guide them in the process of forcing poison, so as to reduce the backlash you suffer and greatly increase the success rate of forcing poison."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo finally understood, and after wandering around for a long time, Dai Yaochen was actually thinking about cherishing medicinal herbs...

But if it can really solve the toxin problem of himself and his granddaughter, then even if Dai Yaochen is a bit cautious, Dugu Bo doesn't care.

After being silent for a while, Dugu Bo took a deep look at Dai Yaochen, then turned around directly, and walked towards the valley ahead: "Need to cherish a lot of medicinal herbs, right? Come with me."

"And the little girl hiding over there, come too."

Seeing this scene, Dai Yaochen couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Seeing Dugu Bo like this, he is going to take the initiative to lead them into the Eye of Ice and Fire, which shows that Dugu Bo has temporarily believed in them, and this is a good start.

Soon, Dai Yaochen went to pull Zhu Zhuqing who had been hiding by the side, and then followed Dugu Bo together with Yang Wudi, and came to the mountain pass.

Looking at the two distinct pools of spring water shrouded in dense mist, even Dai Yaochen couldn't help but feel a little excited at this moment.

Binghuo Liangyiyan, he finally came, this place can really change a person's life against the sky.

From a normal situation, in the original book, among the Shrek Seven Monsters, only Tang San with twin spirits should have the hope of becoming a god, and the other six monsters, including Xiao Wu, are at most Title Douluo. After the fairy herb in Yi's eyes, the other six monsters all became gods later.

In terms of talent, isn't the golden generation of Wuhundian stronger than them?But in the end, none of the golden generation became gods.

This is the role of fairy herbs, which contain the hope of making people become gods. Right now, Dai Yaochen is right in front of him, so close to him, how can he not feel excited?
Dugu Bo on the side felt Dai Yaochen's fluctuating emotions. Although he didn't know why he was so excited all of a sudden, Dugu Bo didn't show it on his face, but introduced: "This is my medicine garden. There are precious medicinal herbs here, as long as you can solve the problems on me and Yanyan, you can use the medicinal herbs here as you like."

This is what you said!Don't regret it when the time comes!
At that moment, Dai Yaochen couldn't wait to go towards the valley, but was pulled back by Dugu Bo.

Didn't you say that the medicinal herbs in the valley can be used at will?Then why are you stopping me now?
Looking at Dai Yaochen's suspicious eyes, Dugu Bo said in a bad mood: "You have seen those two springs in the valley, right? Those two springs are releasing the two extremes of heaven and earth, ice and fire, all the time. You little brat Without any protection, if you enter the valley without any protection, you will be blasted to death by these two extreme auras of heaven and earth in an instant."

Hearing what Dugu Bo said, Dai Yaochen couldn't help but patted himself on the head.

Hey, I was so focused on the fairy grass here that I forgot that the environment of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye is not something ordinary people can bear.

 Which fairy herb do you think can help the protagonist awaken the light attribute?
(End of this chapter)

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