Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 27 The most suitable fairy herbs for Dai Yaochen

Chapter 27 The most suitable fairy herbs for Dai Yaochen
Now Dai Yaochen's mind is full of fairy herbs, so that he temporarily ignores the environmental problems in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi. At this time, he heard Dugu Bo's warning and recalled it again. There are two extremely cold and extremely hot breaths stirring inside, It's really not what he can bear now.

However, this does not mean that he cannot enter the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye. As long as there are strong people to help him resist the two extreme auras of heaven and earth, then there will be no problem.

Yang Wudi obviously thought of this too, so without Dai Yaochen saying much, he directly let out his sharp aura and wrapped Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing in it, as a way to isolate the two extreme auras of heaven and earth .

"It's okay for you to do this." Seeing Yang Wudi's operation, Dugu Bo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "But it can't be like this all the time, can it?"

It will be exhausting for Yang Wudi to release the breath guard. It is not a problem in a short time, but it will definitely not last for a long time.

Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing, these two little fellows, could it be that Yang Wudi has been protecting them all the time?

"Aren't there many precious medicinal herbs in the valley?" Dai Yaochen said, "Those medicinal herbs were born and grown here, so they have adapted to the extreme environment in the valley."

"As long as Zhuqing and I can take one plant each, and be protected by the breath of the herb, we can adapt to the environment here." Saying this, Dai Yaochen turned to look at Yang Wudi beside him, "But before taking the herb, you should I can only trouble Patriarch Yang for a while."

"It's okay, it's a small matter." Yang Wudi spat out these words.

Seeing that Dai Yaochen had made up his mind, Dugu Bo didn't say anything more, and jumped straight towards the valley as soon as he stretched out his figure.

Seeing this, Yang Wudi also grabbed one in each hand, leading Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing to follow.

Because of the dense fog on the mountain pass, they could only see the two most conspicuous springs. Now after entering the valley, Yang Wudi looked around and immediately stood there, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of fairy herbs..."

"That's... the eight-petal fairy orchid? And the strange velvet chrysanthemum..."

Sensing Yang Wudi's excitement, so that the breath fluctuated violently, Dai Yaochen hurriedly said: "Patriarch Yang, these medicinal herbs are right in front of you, you can't run away, calm down, calm down!"

In case Yang Wudi got too excited and let go of the aura that protected them, then Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing would have to bear the impact of the extreme spiritual energy of heaven and earth here.

Hearing Dai Yaochen's words, Yang Wudi couldn't help but took a deep breath, although he was still very excited, but he barely suppressed it.

Anyway, it's already here, and the fairy herbs here can naturally be studied slowly.

Seeing that Yang Wudi had regained his composure, Dugu Bo said, "All my medicinal herbs are here, how are you going to help me prepare the medicine I need to force the poison?"

"Don't worry, Senior Poison Douluo." Dai Yaochen said, "Let Zhuqing and I take a herb here to gain the ability to withstand the extreme environment here, otherwise it will be inconvenient for Patriarch Yang to protect us all the time Down operation."

Dugu Bo frowned: "The medicinal herbs here are amazing. I don't know many of them. If you are not sure, you'd better not eat them indiscriminately."

"Don't worry, Senior Poison Douluo, we won't mess around." Dai Yaochen just smiled at Dugu Bo's advice.

"Then please do as you please." Dugu Bo said, "Hurry up."

Although he knew that Dai Yaochen just wanted the best medicinal herbs from his own place, as long as he could help himself and his granddaughter solve the problem, then it didn't matter.

With Dugu Bo's permission, Dai Yaochen immediately turned his head to look at Yang Wudi, and then it was up to him to identify the immortal herbs, and then choose the one that was most suitable for him.

Yang Wudi glanced obsessively at the many fairy herbs around the Binghuo Liangyi Eye. Although he really wanted to start researching now, he did not forget the business anyway. After identifying all the fairy herbs, he took Dai Yaochen walked towards a strange fairy herb.

It was a very magnificent plant, its branches were black, but there was a pearl-like golden fruit growing on the top, which was as big as a palm. If you observe carefully, you can find that the golden color on this fruit seems to be formed by thousands of people. It is made up of tens of thousands of light spots, which looks very strange.

"This celestial herb is called Xingluo Lingzhu." Yang Wudi introduced, "Its growth needs to absorb the starlight all over the sky, so it contains pure light power. If you eat it, there is a great possibility to recover properties of light."

Dai Yaochen is now the second prince of the Xingluo Empire, and this celestial herb is also called Xingluo Lingzhu. From the name alone, the two seem to be related by fate.

However, Dai Yaochen obviously wouldn't make a choice just because of the name, so he asked: "Is this Star Luo Lingzhu just absorbing starlight to grow? Starlight, is it too thin? Is there any fairy herb that gathers the light of the sun and the moon? I I feel that the power of the sun, the moon, and the light may have a greater success rate in restoring my light attribute."

"In a sense, your idea is correct. Reawakening the light attribute, the effect of sun and moon light is definitely better, but your understanding of Xingluo Lingzhu is too superficial." Yang Wudi shook his head, "I ask you , what is starlight?"

"Naturally it's the light from the stars." Dai Yaochen replied without hesitation.

"Then the sun and the moon, are they considered a kind of stars?" Yang Wudi continued to ask.

"This..." Dai Yaochen was immediately stopped by the question, "Patriarch Yang, you mean that the power of the sun, the moon, and the light are actually contained in this Star Luo Lingzhu?"

"That's right." Yang Wudi said directly, "The so-called Xingluo means to collect all the stars. In addition to the power of the stars you think, even the power of the sun, the moon and the light, the Xingluo Lingzhu also has it."

"The three lights of the sun, the moon and the stars are gathered together, so I said that this star Luo Lingzhu contains the purest power of light. After you take it, the probability of reawakening the light attribute is definitely more than [-]%."

"It turned out to be like this." After Yang Wudi's explanation, Dai Yaochen finally understood, if it was true what he said, then Xingluo Lingzhu was really the most suitable fairy herb for him.

"In this case, let's choose this Xingluo Lingzhu." At that moment, Dai Yaochen made a decision.

Seeing that Dai Yaochen had no other questions, Yang Wudi continued: "This Xingluo Lingzhu is a bit special, and it will only be effective if taken by people who pick it personally. If it is given to other people, the medicinal properties contained in it will dissipate in an instant, so it needs to be used again. You can do it yourself, you can just touch the golden fruit with your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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