Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 28 Take, effect

Chapter 28 Take, effect

So amazing?

Hearing Yang Wudi's introduction, Dai Yaochen couldn't help looking at the Xingluo Lingzhu in front of him in surprise.

Do I have to take it off myself before taking it?No wonder Tang San didn't give this fairy herb to the other six monsters in the original book.

A thought like this flashed in his mind, and Dai Yaochen acted according to Yang Wudi's words at this time, stretched out his right hand, and lightly touched the golden fruit in front of him.

The moment Dai Yaochen touched it, it could be seen that the golden fruit seemed to tremble slightly, and immediately the surface of the fruit burst into thousands of golden lights, covering Dai Yaochen who was close at hand.

Under the cover of the golden light, Dai Yaochen only felt warmth all over his body, and a faint sense of satisfaction, as if some kind of defect in himself had been made up for.

However, this feeling of satisfaction came and went quickly. After a while, the golden light covering his body was absorbed into the Xingluo Lingzhu again, and the Xingluo Lingzhu also rolled down from the branch at this time and fell into the Dai Yaochen's hand.

"That's the feeling!" Dai Yaochen said excitedly, "At that moment just now, I seemed to have a sense of completeness. This star Luo Lingzhu can definitely help me reawaken the light attribute!"

"I have this feeling that the star Luo Lingzhu is really effective for you." Yang Wudi smiled and said, "From this point of view, your problem should be sure."

"As for the way to eat the Star Luo Lingzhu, it's quite simple, you just swallow the fruit."

Carefully holding the Xingluo Lingzhu in his hand, although he couldn't wait to awaken his own light attribute, Dai Yaochen did not take it immediately, but looked at Yang Wudi and said: "Since my fairy herb has been decided, the bamboo clear?"

"What kind of fairy herb should she take to restore her lost dark attribute?"

Dai Yaochen traveled thousands of miles this time, and brought Zhu Zhuqing here, just to get her a fairy herb to awaken the dark attribute, so that he can also have a partner in the martial arts fusion skill in the future, so Dai Yaochen still has a choice about Zhu Zhuqing's situation. More caring.

Hearing Dai Yaochen's words, Zhu Zhuqing also raised his head, looking at Yang Wudi nervously.

Along the way, Zhu Zhuqing also knew that Dai Yaochen very much hoped that she could recover the dark attribute, so she didn't want to disappoint Dai Yaochen.

"If you want to restore the dark attribute to this girl, there is only one fairy herb." With that said, Yang Wudi turned around and took the two of them to another direction, and soon came to a fairy herb. before the herb.

This is a pitch-black epiphyllum that has no other colors other than black, and it doesn't seem to emit any smell. It grows alone in a corner. If you don't pay special attention, you can easily ignore it.

"This is An Ye You Tan." Yang Wudi introduced, "This fairy herb can absorb the purest power of darkness to grow only on the night when the moon is the smallest every month, so the growth of An Ye You Tan is extremely slow. "

"That is to say, the treasure land of Binghuo Liangyiyan has the effect of accelerating the growth of various precious plants. Otherwise, even if it takes 1000 years, it may not be possible to wait for a dark night Youtan to mature."

Dark night?

Under Yang Wudi's introduction, Dai Yaochen couldn't help but feel a little puzzled, it seems that this fairy herb didn't appear in the original book.

Could it be that it was used by Tang San to refine Yan Wang Tie or other medicines?
Or was it eaten by Dugu Bo?
I remember that there seems to be a description in the original book. Dugu Bo couldn't stand the temptation here, so he chose a herb he didn't recognize and took it. As a result, he suffered a big loss and was backlashed so badly that he only dared to use the one he recognized in the future. Herbs, those who don't recognize them, don't move at all.

Now that I have come here four years earlier than in the original book, Dugu Bo should not have taken herbs indiscriminately, that's why this Dark Ye Youtan has been preserved.

Of course, there are other possibilities, if Dai Yaochen can't figure it out, then he simply doesn't think about it, anyway, this Dark Ye Youtan is in front of him now, that's enough.

While Dai Yaochen was thinking, Yang Wudi continued: "Although Anye Youtan grows hard, it contains the purest power of darkness. If this girl eats it, the probability of reawakening her dark attribute should be more than [-]%."

The probability of more than [-]% is not low, and Yang Wudi is very strict when it comes to medicine, the [-]% probability should be just his conservative statement, the actual success rate will definitely be higher.

Immediately, Yang Wudi took down the An Ye You Tan with a special silverware, handed it to Zhu Zhuqing, and said: "There is no special way to eat the An Ye You Tan, you just need to eat all the petals That's it."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly, expressing his understanding, and at the same time looked curiously at the pitch-black An Ye You Tan in his hand.

Can this little herb change my fate?

"If possible, I still want to study these two fairy herbs first, and then give them to you." After choosing the most suitable fairy herbs for Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing, Yang Wudi looked a little regretful, " But since I promised to help you awaken your own attributes, it's time to get down to business."

"You can take it here."

Hearing what Yang Wudi said, Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but looked at each other, then sat down cross-legged, and took the fairy herb in their hands according to Yang Wudi's words.

After swallowing the Xingluo Lingzhu into his stomach, Dai Yaochen suddenly felt a warm current appearing in his body, this warm current was somewhat more majestic than the energy he had absorbed the 5000-year soul ring last time, fortunately at this time The herbal properties of the fairy medicine are milder than the energy of the soul ring.

But even so, Dai Yaochen didn't dare to neglect, and quickly refined this warm current, and Zhu Zhuqing who was beside him did the same.

Seeing that the two began to absorb the medicinal power of Xingluo Lingzhu and Anye Youtan, Yang Wudi immediately stopped paying attention, and instead shifted his attention to the other fairy herbs here.

From Yang Wudi's point of view, with the help of Xingluo Lingzhu and Anye Youtan, Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing's recovery of their attributes can be said to be a sure thing, and he can't wait to pick the fairy herbs that Dai Yaochen promised to distribute to him. .

"Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade... and Snowy Swan Kiss... are all good things!" Looking at these two immortal grade herbs, Yang Wudi couldn't help showing obsession.

With them, I can research all kinds of drugs to my heart's content.

(End of this chapter)

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