Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 313 Overlord of the Sky, Bird of Scourge

Chapter 313 Overlord of the Sky, Bird of Scourge

It was a small bird with silvery-white feathers, its body length was no more than a foot, and it looked no bigger than a palm. However, it was such an inconspicuous bird. After Dai Yaochen discovered it, he couldn't help but feel a slight shock in his heart. for a moment.

"This is... the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon? I didn't expect this kind of soul beast to exist on the Sun Moon Continent."

Soul beasts like the Silver Emperor Falcon have been completely extinct on the Douluo Continent, and Dai Yaochen also occasionally saw records about the Silver Emperor Falcon when he was looking up the royal family's stored data.

Although the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon looks small, it is extremely dangerous. Its flying speed is extremely fast, and its movements are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. It is an existence of the air supremacy level.

This kind of soul beast is best at the ability of the space system, space splitting, space splitting can counter most other space skills, and its destructive power is extremely amazing. Wherever its wings pass, it can be said to be indestructible.

The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon feeds on ordinary soul beasts or human brains. It is extremely aggressive and destructive. Wherever it goes, it often brings disastrous consequences. Therefore, in the records of the Xingluo Royal Family, this kind of The soul beast is called the bird of natural disasters, and it is one of the most powerful and vicious types of bird soul beasts.

Although the Silver Emperor Falcon is very terrifying, but corresponding to this horror is its extremely powerful ability, so in the former Douluo Continent, I don't know how many soul masters hope to obtain a soul ring produced by the Silver Emperor Falcon, And the coveting of the Silver Emperor Falcon eventually led to its demise.

According to the records of the Star Luo Empire, the last Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was discovered thousands of years ago. Since then, no soul master has ever seen this kind of soul beast on the Douluo Continent, so the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon is very likely. Bajiu has indeed perished on the Douluo Continent.

Unexpectedly, they could find this kind of soul beast that was extinct in the Douluo Continent on the Sun Moon Continent now, which can be said to be a surprise.

The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon is definitely the best choice for Bai Chenxiang's sixth spirit ring at this time.

Birds and extremely fast speed, which fit perfectly with Bai Chenxiang's attributes, plus the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon also has the ability of the space system, it is conceivable that as long as Bai Chenxiang absorbs the soul ring produced by it, [-]% of them can also get it. A space-type soul skill, this is definitely a huge boost for Bai Chenxiang.

You must know that although Bai Chenxiang's speed was fast before, it was purely fast and did not involve the level of space, and if she mastered a space skill, then her body would undergo a real qualitative change.

You must know that unless you have the kind of martial spirit with its own space ability, human soul masters generally have to cultivate to the realm of Titled Douluo before they can begin to perceive and use the power of space. If you can have a space before then Ability, then it is undoubtedly a huge leap for one's own strength.

In particular, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon's skill Space Splitting can also counter many spatial abilities, compared to the teleportation and the like, if it is cut by Space Splitting while launching the teleportation, it will definitely not die and will be seriously injured.

So, the Silver Emperor Falcon in front of him is definitely the best choice for Bai Chenxiang at this time.

At that moment, Dai Yaochen made a gesture to Bai Chenxiang's eyes, and Bai Chenxiang immediately understood, disappeared in place in a flash, and then quietly approached the position of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon without causing the slightest disturbance.

However, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon's vigilance is very high, or its perception is extremely sharp. Although Bai Chenxiang didn't make any movement, it still directly found Bai Chenxiang who was sneaking towards him. A silver light rushed directly to the position between Bai Chenxiang's eyebrows.

Attacking the center of the eyebrows, this can be said to be the habit of spirit beasts like the Silver Emperor Falcon, after all, attacking the center of the eyebrows can be fatal in one blow, and they also happen to feed on the brain.

Fortunately, Bai Chenxiang's reaction was also extremely fast. At the moment the Silver Emperor Falcon attacked her, she also quickly dodged. Although the Silver Emperor Falcon passed directly between her eyebrows, it was only because of Bai Chenxiang's speed that it was too fast. As for the afterimage left behind, the attack of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was actually completely missed.

Since it is impossible to gain the upper hand by sneak attack, then the next step is to force it. Bai Chenxiang immediately increased her speed to the limit, and started to deal with the equally fast Silver Emperor Falcon in this forest.

Because the speeds of both are so fast, ordinary people can't see clearly at all, they can only hear the sound of breaking through the air, and barely see two silver-white silk threads passing by.

Most people can't see the movements of Bai Chenxiang and Silver Emperor Falcon at all, but this is definitely not a problem for Dai Yaochen, he did not directly intervene in the battle between the two, but observed the situation of Silver Emperor Sky Falcon from the sidelines.

It has to be said that the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon is worthy of being a sky overlord-level bird soul beast. In terms of speed alone, it is even higher than the soul masters of the Minzhi clan at the same level. That is, Bai Chenxiang once took immortal herbs. The speed has been greatly improved on the basis of the original, and now it can compete with this Silver Emperor Sky Falcon in terms of speed.

However, although the speed of the two is almost the same, in the process of fighting, the situation is somewhat unfavorable for Bai Chenxiang.

Without him, the Silver Emperor Falcon who mastered space cutting is too powerful in terms of attack. Although Bai Chenxiang's attack power is also good, she doesn't dare to defend the space cutting of the Silver Emperor Falcon, so in this speed contest, Bai Chenxiang still mainly hides, and can't help this Silver Emperor Falcon at all.

This kind of situation is really normal. After all, at the same level, soul beasts are generally stronger than human soul masters. Otherwise, humans don't need to form groups when hunting soul beasts. What's more, in Dai Yaochen's feeling, The Silver Emperor Falcon in front of him may have been cultivated beyond the limit of 2 years.

Under normal circumstances, the age limit for the sixth soul ring absorbed by a soul master should be less than 2 years, but in Dai Yaochen's opinion, the cultivation base of this Silver Emperor Sky Falcon should be around 3000 years, which is indeed beyond this limit .

However, although the limit was exceeded, the extent of the limit was not too much, and the Silver Emperor Falcon was indeed a top-quality soul beast that could not be met, so Dai Yaochen felt that Bai Chenxiang could try to absorb its soul ring. If Bai Chenxiang really can't bear it, isn't he still there, and he can help.

After Dai Yaochen made up his mind, when Bai Chenxiang was entangled with the Silver Emperor Falcon, he also shot directly. Even if the Silver Emperor Falcon was powerful, it would definitely not be his opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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