Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 314 Bai Chenxiang's Breakthrough, Dai Yaochen's Mission

Chapter 314 Bai Chenxiang's Breakthrough, Dai Yaochen's Mission
When Bai Chenxiang was at loggerheads with the Silver Emperor Falcon, Dai Yaochen also collected most of the information about the Silver Emperor Falcon through observation, so he was ready to do it.

At that moment, a pair of wings spread out from Dai Yaochen's back, and then, wrapped in dazzling light, he rushed directly towards the Silver Emperor Falcon that seemed to have turned into a silver thread.

Because of mastering the space ability, the Silver Emperor Falcon's speed is extremely fast, but Dai Yaochen also has the light attribute, and with the blessing of the light attribute, his speed has also reached the limit, and because his cultivation base surpasses the Silver Emperor Falcon, his current The speed is still above the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon.

The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was a little impatient when he was in a stalemate with Bai Chenxiang, and was about to launch the big move of space cutting to compete with Bai Chenxiang, but who knew that Dai Yaochen rushed over suddenly at this time, and his power was extremely violent This immediately surprised Yin Huang Tian Falcon, before he had time to think about it, he turned around and launched this move at Dai Yaochen.

Although his own strength was far above the Silver Emperor Falcon, Dai Yaochen did not dare to underestimate the space cutting. He immediately burst out his own power of light and collided with the space cutting.

Although the space cutting is powerful, in the final analysis, it is also driven by the soul power of the Silver Emperor Falcon, and Dai Yaochen's pure light power now has the effect of purifying and dispelling the opponent's soul power, so when he uses the power of light to hit Silver After Huang Tian Falcon's space cutting, the power of space cutting dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant it dropped to the point where it could not threaten Dai Yaochen at all.

So Dai Yaochen just waved his hand, and easily broke through the space cut whose power was weakened to the limit. At the same time, the tiger claws surrounded by the power of light came forward like lightning, and grabbed the Silver Emperor Falcon forcefully.

Suffering such a sudden change, the Silver Emperor Falcon still wanted to struggle, but it was meaningless to Dai Yaochen, it had already fallen into his hands, how could it be possible for the Silver Emperor Falcon to struggle and escape again?

Under the full force of the power of light, the struggle of the Silver Emperor Falcon was completely in vain. Its power was quickly purified and dissolved by Dai Yaochen's power of light, and it also completely lost its fighting power.

Seeing the Silver Emperor Falcon who was completely ruled by him, Dai Yaochen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

In the past, when he needed a soul ring, he would hunt and kill it under the leadership of Grand Uncle Xing Luo. Now he can also help others hunt suitable soul beasts like Grand Uncle.

This is the case with human soul masters, who continue to help the weak by the strong, so that those who are not strong enough can also get suitable and favorite soul rings, and Dai Yaochen has changed from being a beneficiary to a helper, which also shows the progress of his strength .

Such a thought flashed through his mind, and immediately Dai Yaochen stretched out the Silver Emperor Falcon, which was not as big as a palm, in front of Bai Chenxiang, and said: "Kill it, this Silver Emperor Sky Falcon is definitely the most suitable for you It’s a soul beast, but its cultivation might be a bit beyond your tolerance limit, you must hold on when you absorb the soul ring.”

If Bai Chenxiang had a spirit bone on her body now, then there would definitely be no problem in absorbing the slightly older spirit ring, but she didn't have the blessing of a spirit bone after all, so even if the spirit ring's age was not much older, it would still be a big deal for her test.

Of course, Dai Yaochen is here after all, and with him there, it is certain that Bai Chenxiang will not fail to absorb the spirit ring, but if Bai Chenxiang can bear it with his own strength, then it would be great.

Bai Chenxiang also understood what Dai Yaochen meant, and after nodding to him, he directly harvested the life of the Silver Emperor Falcon without hesitation, a black soul ring rose up from the body of the Silver Emperor Falcon very quickly, And Bai Chenxiang was also unambiguous, quickly sat cross-legged, and began to absorb the circle of spirit rings.

After Bai Chenxiang entered the state of absorbing the spirit ring, Dai Yaochen also stood aside to protect her, ensuring that there would not be any accidents that would interfere with her absorption of the spirit ring.

If it was in the Star Dou Forest or the Demon Forest, Dai Yaochen really wouldn't dare to say such big words, but here in the Jingyang Mountains, Dai Yaochen dared to make such a guarantee.

Even if all the soul beasts in the Jingyang Mountain Range are rushing towards him, he is absolutely sure that he can guarantee Bai Chenxiang's safety, and he is so confident in his strength.

Bai Chenxiang said that the time for absorbing the soul ring was not long, but it was not short, it took a full day and night.

During this period, although Bai Chenxiang had some difficulties, fortunately, she still managed to survive with her own strength, and successfully absorbed this circle of spirit rings without the help of Dai Yaochen, and her spirit power cultivation was directly improved because of this. At level 63.

The reason why she soared to three levels all of a sudden, in addition to absorbing the soul ring by leapfrogging, was also because of the reward from Qiankun Wenqinggu before, but she was stuck at the bottleneck of level [-] before, even if Qiankun Wenqinggu rewarded her to increase her soul power , but before obtaining the soul ring, even the improvement of soul power cannot be manifested.

Now that she has successfully obtained the spirit ring, the rewards she received will naturally also appear, allowing her to reach level 63 cultivation.

This is all right, for Bai Chenxiang, she has always been slightly behind her companions, but now she has finally caught up, and her cultivation level is on par with her companions.

Even Ye Lingling, who is also backward in cultivation, has been recognized by the god of love. As long as she successfully completes the test and absorbs the lovesickness heartbroken red, then her cultivation base will definitely catch up with her companions, and there is a great possibility that she will even surpass them. .

And after helping Bai Chenxiang successfully obtain the sixth soul ring, Dai Yaochen let her go back first, and he still has some things to deal with here in the Jingyang Mountains.

And Bai Chenxiang is also very sensible, although she didn't know what Dai Yaochen was going to do, but she didn't ask too much, and left here immediately, not staying here too long, so as not to disturb Dai Yaochen.

After Bai Chenxiang left, Dai Yaochen could finally do his own thing, he wanted to raise his killing god domain to the killing domain level by killing soul beasts here.

Of course, the Jingyang Mountains is an important place where soul beasts live in the Sun Moon Continent. Although Dai Yaochen is essentially from the Douluo Continent, the people on the Sun Moon Continent have treated him pretty well these days, so he He didn't intend to bring disaster to the Jingyang Mountains.

Although it is necessary to kill a lot of soul beasts in order to raise the Killing God Realm to the level of the Killing Realm, Dai Yaochen will basically only choose those soul beasts who have practiced for less than ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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