Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 49 Excited Star Luo Ancestor

Chapter 49 Excited Star Luo Ancestor
"Senior." Yang Wudi also stood up at this time, cupped his hands at Patriarch Xingluo, "I've already heard from the old brothers that our sect can be built into what it is today within half a year, thanks to senior s help."

"It's all trivial." Ancestor Xingluo obviously didn't care too much about it, but looked at Yang Wudi and said, "I just don't know, what happened to the matter that Patriarch Yang promised me half a year ago?"

"I live up to what I entrusted." Yang Wudi said with a smile, "I have already completed the work of the senior."

"Oh?" Hearing what Yang Wudi said, Patriarch Xingluo's eyes lit up immediately, and he turned his head to look Dai Yaochen up and down.

Seeing this, Dai Yaochen also smiled, and immediately stretched out his right hand, releasing his soul power.

Sensing the strong power of light contained in Dai Yaochen's soul power, Patriarch Xingluo's body trembled faintly.

"Okay, okay, thanks to Patriarch Yang!" Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Ancestor Xingluo said, "From now on, Sijizong will be the best friend of our royal family. Patriarch Yang needs anything, just ask!"

"Senior, you are serious." Yang Wudi said with a smile, "This time I have gained a lot. Speaking of which, I should be the one to thank you."

Seeing that Yang Wudi was being polite to him, Patriarch Xingluo didn't say anything, but said: "If there is nothing else, then Yaochen and I will leave first."

After learning that Dai Yaochen had recovered his light attribute, he couldn't wait to take Dai Yaochen back.

"Senior, please go ahead." Yang Wudi made a gesture of invitation.

Just when Xingluo Patriarch was about to take Dai Yaochen back, Dai Yaochen tugged at the hem of his clothes, signaling not to worry, and said at the same time: "Grand Uncle, not only me, Zhuqing also awakened the dark attribute this time."

"Girl from the Zhu family?" Patriarch Xingluo immediately looked at Zhu Zhuqing in astonishment. Although he was a little surprised by this, he still said, "In that case, then the girl from the Zhu family should come along too."

What is going on with this generation?Not only did my Dai family have a child who returned to his ancestors with a martial spirit, but the Zhu family also had a little girl who had awakened her attributes. Could it be that this is a sign of the great prosperity of my Star Luo Empire?
A thought like this flashed in his mind, Patriarch Xingluo immediately walked towards the gate of Siji Sect, and at the same time motioned Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing to follow.

On the other hand, seeing that Xingluo Imperial City will be separated from Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan was a little at a loss as to what to do.

And Dai Yaochen also noticed Duguyan's slightly disappointed expression, leaned close to her ear, and said in a low voice: "You stay with Patriarch Yang for a while, and I'll give you a hand after I finish dealing with the things I have to do in the past few days." Arrange for a separate residence."

Although Dai Yaochen has far surpassed his cheap brother in all aspects, his status is still the same as before.

Except for the ancestor of Xingluo who took care of him, most of the others didn't take him seriously, so Dai Yaochen needed some time to show his strength, completely defeat Davis, and let everyone in the Xingluo Empire know that he It's the most powerful one, just raise your status up.

"Hmph." Hearing Dai Yaochen's words, Dugu Yan couldn't help smiling, and gave him a light slap, "Don't make me wait too long."

After bidding farewell to Dugu Yan for the time being, Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing chased in the direction where Xingluo Patriarch was, and left Sijizong.

Following Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing's departure, Yang Wudi also signaled a clansman to take Dugu Yan to the backyard to help her clean up the house. Soon, there were only four Contra-level patriarchs left in the Siji Sect's meeting hall. .

They were all outsiders just now, and they didn't know much about the situation, so the other three patriarchs didn't say anything, and let Yang Wudi handle it. Now that there is no one else, Tai Tan couldn't help asking immediately: "I said, old goat, what did you call me just now?" Senior, thank him, his identity is..."

"He has the background of the royal family. In terms of seniority, he is the grandfather of Emperor Xingluo, and his soul power cultivation must be above level 95. It is appropriate to call him a senior." Yang Wudi explained to his old buddies, " As for gratitude, the support you have received from the Xingluo Royal Family in the past six months is probably because of this senior."

"I see." The other three patriarchs nodded clearly, and Bai He looked even more excited, "Since we have the support of that senior, the future development of our Siji Sect will definitely go smoothly."

"Let's not talk about that for now." Yang Wudi said, "Tell me first what happened to the sect during the six months I was away..."

Immediately, the four patriarchs continued to communicate.

On the other side, after leaving Siji Sect, Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing followed Patriarch Xingluo into the palace, and came to a relatively remote martial arts hall in the palace.

Once here, Xingluo Patriarch couldn't wait to say: "Yaochen, and Zhu family girl, release your martial soul and show me."

Hearing what Xingluo Patriarch said, Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing nodded at the same time, releasing their martial souls.

Seeing that Dai Yaochen had a pair of white wings on his back compared to the original one when he was incomplete, and Zhu Zhuqing's body surface was covered with a layer of black mist, Xing Luo Patriarch no longer suppressed the excitement in his heart, and laughed heartily : "Haha! White Tiger Wings! Nether Body Protector! Unexpectedly, after a thousand years, my Dai family and Zhu family finally have a complete inherited martial spirit again!"

"God bless Xingluo!"

If it is just Dai Yaochen's martial soul returning to his ancestors, although this is something to be happy about, but in this way, the great heritage of the Star Luo Empire, the martial soul fusion skill Nether White Tiger may disappear, after all, if the royal family inherits the complete White Tiger martial soul , but the Zhu family has a broken Nether Civet Martial Soul, obviously unable to activate the Martial Soul Fusion Technique anymore.

But now even Zhu Zhuqing's dark attribute has been restored, which means that the two of them can inherit the complete martial soul in the future, so they can naturally use the martial soul fusion technique again.

This is the reason why Patriarch Xing Luo couldn't contain his excitement.

After laughing for a while, patriarch Xingluo stopped, looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Girl of the Zhu family, if I remember correctly, you should have been selected as the third child." Your fiancée is involved in a royal rivalry, right?"

Zhu Zhuqing pursed his lips and nodded slightly, expressing that it was indeed what the ancestor Xingluo said.

"Since your Nether civet spirit is fully awakened now, you will naturally inherit the title of Duke Nether and pass on the complete martial spirit." Xingluo Patriarch said, "Your situation is no longer suitable for marriage with our Dai family. , I will talk to Tianyu later to see when the engagement will be cancelled."

(End of this chapter)

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