Chapter 50
Engagement canceled?Am I freed from this nightmare?
Hearing the words of Patriarch Xingluo, Zhu Zhuqing didn't feel overly happy, but rather at a loss.

Even though the dark attribute was reawakened in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, she didn't relax her cultivation in the past six months, and she was going to continue to compete with Zhu Zhuyun after returning.

But now the ancestor Xingluo told her that because of the recovery of the dark attribute, she no longer had to compete, and only needed to inherit the title of Duke of Nether, and pass on the complete spirit of the Nether civet.

This naturally caused Zhu Zhuqing to fall into confusion. After all, her previous goal was to defeat Zhu Zhuyun, but before she even fought, she just lay down and won. This made her lose her goal all at once.

Moreover, when hearing the Xingluo ancestor say that she is not suitable to marry the Dai family in the future, for some reason, Zhu Zhuqing felt even more uncomfortable.

"Don't think too much." Sensing that Zhu Zhuqing was a little restless, Dai Yaochen comforted her so softly.

On the other side, after talking about Zhu Zhuqing, Xingluo Patriarch said to Dai Yaochen again: "And Yaochen, since you have recovered the light attribute and the white tiger spirit has returned to integrity, then naturally you will inherit the throne in the future, and will be complete." I will pass on your white tiger spirit, and I will explain your situation to Tianyu later, and let him canonize you as the crown prince."

Well, it's not just Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Yaochen is also going to lie down and win this time.

But this is really normal. The so-called competition for the throne in the Star Luo Empire is just to select more talented royal children, and this is obviously not as important as recovering the complete white tiger martial soul, so as long as the light attribute is awakened, this kind of competition is actually just a matter of life. It doesn't make much sense anymore.

Dai Yaochen did not object to being the crown prince. After all, after becoming the crown prince, his status in the Star Luo Empire would be greatly improved, and it would be convenient for him to do anything at that time.

And even if he becomes the crown prince, he himself will not be bound in the palace, just like in the original book Dai Mubai becomes the crown prince, he can still run around the continent.

As for whether he will be able to inherit the throne in the future, it is not certain, maybe Dai Yaochen will become a god before inheriting the Xingluo throne...

After talking to Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing, Xingluo Patriarch hurriedly went to find Dai Tianyu, the current emperor of Xingluo Empire. After all, Dai Tianyu was in charge, and he had to be notified as soon as possible about such a big matter as the royal family's children returning to their ancestors. OK.

With the departure of Patriarch Xingluo, only Dai Yaochen and Zhu Zhuqing were left in the big Martial Arts Hall, and they didn't stay here for long, they left soon.

Walking together on the road in the palace, both of them were silent for a while, and then it was Dai Yaochen who spoke first: "Zhuqing, you don't want to go back to the Duke's mansion these few days, after the great uncle and the others have ventilated with your father , you go back to avoid any accidents during this period."

Zhu Zhuqing silently nodded.

Even though she has reawakened her dark attribute now, it doesn't mean that everything will be fine. If Zhu Zhuyun took the risk and attacked her, her situation would be even more dangerous, so she had better wait until all the dust settles before returning to the Duke's Mansion .

Because Dugu Yan will stay in the Star Luo Empire for a long time, Dai Yaochen can't arrange for her to live in the palace for a long time, and Zhu Zhuqing will only stay in the palace for a few days, so it is better to arrange a place for her in the palace. It was not difficult, Dai Yaochen settled the matter without much effort, and then returned to his residence, waiting for news.

Dai Yaochen didn't wait long, even before the sky darkened, a waiter came to convey the emperor's meaning to him.

The waiter didn't say much, but just told Dai Yaochen that His Majesty the Emperor asked him to attend the court meeting three days later.

"Let me go to court?" Hearing what the waiter said, Dai Yaochen suddenly smiled, "What about Davis? Will he go or not?"

Even in front of the waiter, Dai Yaochen didn't bother to call Davis to make a show.

"Of course the First Prince is going too." The waiter bowed slightly and said softly.

"Interesting." Dai Yaochen waved his hand, "I see, you can go back."

Combining with what ancestor Xingluo said to him before, Dai Yaochen has roughly guessed what the court will do in three days' time, and I only hope that guy Davis can accept the result and not collapse too much.

Three days is neither short nor long, Dai Yaochen didn't feel how long it had passed, three days was up.

In the morning, after a night of training, Dai Yaochen put on his clothes, walked along the road, and headed towards the central hall in the palace.

On this road, a group of patrolling soldiers passed by from time to time. When they saw Dai Yaochen, they subconsciously cast curious glances.

That direction is the Chaoyi Hall, why is the second prince going there at this point in time?Could it be that the second prince is going to court?This is really strange.

Dai Yaochen didn't pay much attention to the curious eyes of the soldiers, and soon came to the platform in front of the court hall.

Following Dai Yaochen's arrival, the princes and ministers who were already waiting here looked at him one after another. Some people who seemed drowsy because they got up too early also woke up at this time, and looked at Dai Yaochen's face. His eyes were full of surprise.

It's time for the court meeting soon, and no one who has nothing to do with it can't just come here. Dai Yaochen's appearance here is obviously approved by the emperor, and this is the reason why the princes and ministers were surprised.

The Second Prince's reputation has always been obscure and mediocre, how could His Majesty the Emperor allow him to attend the court meeting?
Under the gaze of countless gazes, Dai Yaochen remained calm, he just greeted a few people he recognized, and then waited quietly by himself.

After a while, before the court meeting started, another person arrived at this time, different from Dai Yaochen's arrival, when this person arrived, it caused quite a commotion, some princes and ministers greeted each other proactively.

"His Royal Highness."

That's right, the person who came was none other than the First Prince Davis.

Davis looked tall, with a faint purple light flashing in his eyes. At this time, he was wearing a smile of a superior, and he was greeting the princes and ministers around him.

Although Davis is the eldest prince of the Star Luo Empire, he is not the prince after all, and he does not usually have the right to attend court meetings. He did not expect to be allowed by the emperor to come here today, which naturally made him a little proud. Hou ministers have a good relationship.

But at this moment, Davis suddenly saw Dai Yaochen who was waiting here, and the smile on his face immediately subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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