Chapter 51

Seeing that Dai Yaochen was actually here, the smile on Davis' face immediately subsided.

Sensing the change in Davis's expression, the princes and ministers surrounding him also dispersed with interest.

After thinking for a while about why Dai Yaochen appeared here, Davis put on a false smile again, and walked slowly towards Dai Yaochen: "Hey, isn't this my dear second brother? You also Come to this court meeting?"

Dai Yaochen didn't bother to pay attention to what Davis said, and didn't even want to make excuses. Anyway, it won't be long before he can't laugh.

Dai Yaochen ignored himself, and Davis didn't care, but continued: "Father asked you and me to attend the court meeting at the same time, I'm afraid it's to announce something related to me, and then let you be a witness .”

Well, Davis felt that if he was allowed to come this time, it was likely that the dust had settled and he was going to be canonized as the crown prince.

As for why Dai Yaochen is here, it is also very understandable, as the prince who is still staying in the imperial city, it is normal for Dai Yaochen to come over to be a witness for the crown prince.

Thinking that he was about to become the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, Davis couldn't help but feel a little excited.

And when Dai Yaochen heard Davis say this, he finally couldn't help but look at him like a fool, then shook his head, moved to another position and waited for the meeting to start.

Davis, you have a good idea, I hope you will not have too much psychological gap later, so as not to lose your composure during the court meeting.

Seeing Dai Yaochen ignoring him again, Davis finally felt a little angry, and his eyes narrowed involuntarily: "Oh, second child..."

Davis felt that he was going to be canonized as the prince, so he was in a good mood these few days. When he saw Dai Yaochen just now, he even had a plan to show mercy and let him go.

But now that Dai Yaochen has such an attitude, then don't blame him for killing them all after becoming the crown prince!

Not long after, when the sun rose slowly, the door of the Chaoyi Hall opened, and a waiter walked up to the steps in front of the hall, signaling that everyone could go in, and then the princes and ministers lined up in an orderly manner The queue entered the court hall one by one.

After the princes and ministers stood up, Dai Tianyu, the emperor of the Star Luo Empire, finally arrived.

Looking at the majestic emperor sitting high on it, this was the first time Dai Yaochen had seen his cheap father in the past half a year. To be honest, he didn't have much feeling.

As a time traveler, Dai Yaochen is naturally a stranger to the original body's father, and even the original body has no relationship with his father, so even if he inherited the original body's memory, Dai Yaochen still has nothing to do with his current cheap father. feel.

For Dai Yaochen, at most, they were only considered to belong to the same camp of the Star Luo Empire, and as for family affection, they didn't have the slightest bit.

Just when Dai Yaochen was thinking this way, following the arrival of the emperor, the princes and ministers standing below bowed to the emperor at the same time, Dai Yaochen also saluted when seeing this: "Welcome Your Majesty."

Among the princes and ministers, there are quite a few powerful soul masters. The stronger the soul master, the more they care about their own dignity. If they are made to kneel down all the time, it will easily arouse their resentment. After a long time If they don't do it well, they will be separated from Germany.

And for free soul masters, if they need to bow down to the emperor every day after joining the Star Luo Empire, they will definitely stay away, which is not conducive to the Star Luo Empire's recruitment of free soul masters.

So a long time ago, the Xingluo Empire abolished the kneeling salute. Even to greet the emperor, one only needs to bow and salute. Now that Dai Yaochen is standing among the princes and ministers, it is natural to salute in the same way.

"Excuse me, everyone." Emperor Dai Tianyu raised his right hand lightly, signaling that everyone should not be too polite. At the same time, his eyes quickly locked on Dai Yaochen who was standing in the crowd, and said, "Yaochen, come here."

Hearing Daddy Cheap's words, Dai Yaochen stepped out of the line with a normal expression, and walked to the front slowly.

Dai Tianyu's eyes swept over the princes and ministers below, and he said straight to the point: "Today, the prince's clan and all the civil and military officials are here. I have something to announce, which happens to be related to you."

"The second prince, Dai Yaochen, has an extraordinary beauty and won my heart. I want to make him the crown prince. Do you have any objections?"

As soon as Dai Tianyu said these words, the huge court hall fell into silence, as if a needle could be heard, and a moment later, there was an even more uproar.


"Second prince?"

"Establish the second prince as the crown prince?"


Hearing what the emperor said, the princes and ministers were all stunned, and some even thought they heard it wrong. The entire court hall was noisy, like a vegetable market.

"Quiet!" Seeing this, Dai Tianyu slapped the handrail suddenly, a powerful aura erupted from him, and swept across the court hall like a tiger descending a mountain. Under the suppression of this aura, everyone immediately Keep silent, dare not say more.

"This so strong!" Although this aura was not aimed at him, Dai Yaochen also felt a little bit of it. He immediately compared it with some auras he had seen before, and roughly analyzed the strength of his cheap daddy.

In terms of soul power cultivation alone, his cheap daddy is definitely higher than Yang Wudi, but there seems to be a gap between him and Dugu Bobi, so his cheap daddy's soul power should be between level 85 and level [-]. between.

It is already very good to have a high-level Contra-level cultivation. After all, Dai Yaochen's cheap father is only in his early 50s. As long as he does not relax his cultivation in the future, becoming a Titled Douluo should be a certainty.

At this time, after overwhelming the audience with his high-level Contra-level aura, Dai Tianyu said in a deep voice: "What's the proper way to make noise? If you have any objections, come together!"

Now that Dai Tianyu said so, one of the princes and ministers below immediately expressed his opinion: "Your Majesty, as I remember well, when the contenders for the crown prince were selected two years ago, it should be the confirmed eldest prince and prince." Third prince, even if His Majesty wants to establish a crown prince at this time, he should choose between the eldest prince and the third prince."

"Why does His Majesty suddenly prefer the Second Prince now? I am really puzzled."

After the person expressed his opinion, there were voices of agreement from both sides.

"Yes, yes."

"Either the eldest prince or the third prince, what is the second prince?"

"The second prince can't do it, and the third prince has already run away. If you want me to say, I can only make the eldest prince the crown prince."


(End of this chapter)

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