Douluo's Tiger Roaring Universe

Chapter 52 Martial Soul Returns to Ancestor?I don't agree!Fight with me!

Chapter 52 Martial Soul Returns to the Ancestor?I am not convinced!Fight with me!
When the Star Luo Empire decided on candidates for the crown prince competition, the first prince Davis and the third prince Dai Mubai were chosen.

Because Davis is the oldest, his soul power cultivation has always been far ahead, and although Dai Mubai is the youngest, his cultivation speed is the fastest, at least a bit faster than Davis.

In other words, even if Dai Mubai's spirit power cultivation is the lowest, as long as he is given enough time, there is still some hope that he can surpass Davis, so he was selected as Davis' competitor.

As for Dai Yaochen who was caught between the two, he was naturally ignored.

Dai Yaochen's original cultivation speed was at most on par with Davis, and his age was four years younger than Davis, that is to say, if nothing unexpected happened, his soul power cultivation would be faster than that of Davis in his entire life. If you can't catch up with Davis, you naturally don't have the qualifications to compete.

Based on this point, it is normal that when Emperor Dai Tianyu expressed his intention to make Dai Yaochen the crown prince, it would cause a lot of opposition.

Of course, it is estimated that many of the opposing voices in this blockbuster are because they have already bet on the eldest prince Davis in advance.

At this time, Dai Yaochen looked normal when he heard the objections from this blockbuster, and he didn't care about it, because everything was actually doomed, so he didn't say anything.

And Dai Tianyu tapped the armrest with his fingers regularly: "You don't know why I made Yaochen the crown prince? Well, I'll tell you now."

"Yaochen's martial soul has returned to his ancestors, and he has reawakened the light attribute. Now he has the purest white tiger martial soul, do you understand?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people below who knew about the loss of the Xingluo Imperial Family's martial soul attributes immediately showed shock, and the eyes they looked at Dai Yaochen suddenly changed.

"The second prince actually returned his martial soul to his ancestors?!"

"No wonder, I just said why Your Majesty chose to make the second prince the crown prince!"

After knowing that Dai Yaochen had reawakened the light attribute, they understood that it was completely natural for His Majesty the Emperor to make such a decision, and what was normal could no longer be normal.

However, hundreds of years have passed since the Xingluo royal family's martial soul attribute was lost, so many princes and ministers did not know about it. At this time, when they heard Dai Tianyu say this, they all showed doubts.

Light attribute awakening?Martial soul returning to ancestors?What is this scenario?Because this can directly establish the crown prince?
Fortunately, although they didn't understand it, there were always people around who understood it, so after a while of whispering, they also knew what the return of the martial soul and the reawakening of the light attribute meant to the Star Luo Empire.

Immediately, the voice of opposition gradually subsided.

Seeing that no one objected anymore, Dai Tianyu smiled with satisfaction, and then he was ready to finalize the matter directly: "Since everyone has no objection, then the second prince, Dai Yaochen, can be canonized as..."

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, an angry voice suddenly sounded, and then Davis' figure rushed out of the queue, "I don't agree!"

At the beginning, Davis thought that this court meeting was to appoint him as the crown prince, but who knew that his father actually chose the second child!

When his father said that he wanted to make the second child the crown prince, Davis's mind went blank for a moment, and when he recovered, he was filled with boundless anger. He could not accept this result at all.

Fortunately, many princes and ministers objected to this later, which reassured him a lot, but then his father said that the second son's martial soul had returned to his ancestors and awakened the light attribute.

Davies didn't know about Wuhun's return to his ancestors and the awakening of light attributes at first, but when the surrounding princes and ministers whispered to each other, he also understood what it meant, which made his complexion green for a while. Bai, his heart was full of unwillingness.

So when Dai Tianyu was about to finalize the matter, Davis rushed out to express his opposition.

After going out, although Davis looked very ugly, he still clearly expressed his opinion: "Father! The return of the martial soul to our ancestors is indeed extremely important to our Star Luo Empire, but even if the second brother is a collateral, It is also possible to pass on the complete martial spirit, so it is not necessary to make him a prince!"

"Furthermore, the strength of my Star Luo Empire is the most important, and the position of crown prince is naturally the strong first. Even if the second brother's martial soul returns to his ancestors, his strength is not as good as mine! If he is established as the crown prince, how can he convince everyone?!"

Davis's words sounded reasonable, and some princes and ministers immediately echoed them.

"I think the First Prince is right."

"Strength is respected, and strength is respected."

"Even if the second prince's martial spirit returns to his ancestors, it is not necessary to be registered as a prince."


They are so noisy because they have already bet on Davis in advance. If Davis does not become the crown prince, fetching water with a bamboo basket will be nothing. After Dai Yaochen comes to power, they may have no good fruit to eat.

So in this case, they had to continue to bite the bullet and support Davis.

At this moment, Dai Yaochen, who had been silent since the court meeting, finally spoke up: "My strength is not as good as yours, it may not be."

"Second brother!" Davis glared at Dai Yaochen viciously, as if he wanted to kill him alive, "I'm afraid you don't know that you have been away for half a year, brother, I have now broken through to level 42 and won the first The four soul rings are now level [-]!"

"I'm afraid you are really not my opponent! If you don't believe me, you might as well fight me. If you win, I will never say more about the establishment of the crown prince!"

Davis deliberately provoked him like this. He swore that as long as Dai Yaochen dared to agree, he would definitely be crippled in the battle, and even kill his second brother!

What light attribute is awakened?The complete white tiger spirit?What does it matter to him?Anyone who dares to stand in his way must die!
As soon as these words came out, all the princes and ministers cast their eyes on Dai Yaochen.

Just like what Davis said just now, the Star Luo Empire advocates force, and the strong are respected. If the second prince dare not accept the challenge of the first prince at this time, it will be considered as the return of the martial soul and the awakening of the light attribute. They would never approve of such a person being the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire.

Not only the princes and ministers, but even Dai Tianyu stared at Dai Yaochen at this moment. He also wanted to see how he, the second child who was ordinary in the past but had a very good luck returning to his ancestors, would choose. If he is a coward, then it doesn't matter if the prince is not registered!
Under everyone's gaze, Dai Yaochen was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly: "Level 42? Alright, since you wish so, then I will fight with you."

(End of this chapter)

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