Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 100 Don't Say It's Unpredictable

Chapter 100 Don't Say It's Unpredictable (Please Subscribe!)
Xie Dong, Tian Yi, and Yun Wu discussed and decided on their attitude to the negotiation.

In their view, the Wang family of Giant Crocodile Mountain really does not know whether to live or die.

Dare to ask for help from Lingxu Cave, which triggered everything now.

It is the fuse.

Also the bane.

The Pantheon has given the Wang family a hundred years of business benefits, but it is still greedy. Only killing Wan Chuanping is enough to show its kindness, but it is not grateful.

After negotiation, it should be removed.

The Zhou family of gods and demons acted like a coward, and the ancestor evaded it, and never gave them an explanation about the Liyu Tower, not even Mingba's situation.

I don't know what to say, and I don't know how to flatter.

As for Ming Ba, who intensified the conflict and ignited the underground business in Liyulou, he can be punished a little.

It's a stupid thing to do, but it's forgivable.

The punishment can only be punished by the Pantheon itself. This trip will revise the contract, and they can give a stern warning to Lingxu Dongtian and return the missing Mingba.

As for the Lingxu Cave.

The arrival of Zeng Qingru and Wei Long proves that the blind forbearance will not be rewarded, and they have no awe of the Pantheon, so they should be dealt a painful blow.

"Mingba is still in their hands."

Yun Wu agrees with the bottom line of their attitude towards all parties. He advocates, "Before we rescue Mingba, we might as well make a concession. This mine is not necessary for the current temple, as long as it is returned to Mingba, the giant Crocodile Mountain Royal Family, we can completely withdraw from the contract."

Xie Dong pondered for a moment, and the tail of the scorpion slowly swayed behind him.

Tianyi's proposal was in line with his own intentions, but Yunwu was more sensible.

Ming Ba came from the branch hall in the hinterland of Dayan, and something happened in Nanhuang, which damaged the majesty of the temple, "Just as Yun Wu said, taking a step back is just to show the magnanimity of my temple."

Tianyi raised his dog's head, but didn't say anything after all.

There are also factions in the Pantheon. Although they all believe that the gods are higher than the human race, the blood of the original sin flows on the human race, and they should accept the transformation of the gods and serve the noble gods.

But under this general direction, some people advocate slowly plotting, gradually integrating into the boundless territory of the human race, and constantly absorbing new blood.

There are also people who claim that the time is ripe, and more drastic measures should be adopted to capture the human race faster and more effectively, and wash away the blood of its original sin.

And organizations like Liyulou that secretly abduct children.


It is to use human newborns to study how to use less divine blood to complete the transformation of aptitude.

In the eyes of radicals, it is still too slow.

You should directly control the city and use more people to experiment.

A large part of the factor that hinders the expansion of the Pantheon is the secret technique of 'divine body transformation' that it masters.

To transform an ordinary person into a divine body, one needs a piece of divine blood, that is, the blood of a higher god.

The blood of the upper god is not endless.

Essence and blood are limited, too much loss will directly affect the promotion of the upper god.

Many high gods did not provide more than a hundred drops of divine blood until they fell, and most of them used self-purification methods after death to prevent their corpses from being defiled.

Although most of the upper gods don't mind indulging the human geniuses to hunt down the descendants and sons of gods to stimulate their transformation.

But when they themselves are about to die, their corpses may be taken to be refined and improved, or refined into treasure soldiers and treasure pills.

It is not acceptable to them.

Tianyi is a radical.

Yun Wu is advocating the overall situation.

Of course, Pantheon also has a lot to enjoy about the overall situation of the world in the future.

In the future world they describe, a considerable part of the human race should exist as slaves, serving them and supporting the temple.

And when the human race reaches a certain age, the latest research result of the temple is 13 years old, the human race's physique will have a certain attribute deflection.

to test their qualifications.

For example, those who are compatible with the original power of light can take the path of the light protoss, and those who are compatible with the source of the fire attribute can take the path of the fire cloud protoss
Talented people become god descendants and sons of gods, and their families will also become god descendants races.

As time goes by, one day, everyone will be a descendant of a god, and everyone will be a descendant of a god.

At that time, the human race will completely wash away their sins.

And their protoss are tyrannical races that can absorb Heisha and Chixia at the same time. Races like Yuanmo protoss are more comfortable in the sky full of Heisha.

Even the light protoss can absorb Heisha directly without refining.

The Pantheon, will one day rule the entire world.

Human races and desolate beasts will all be trampled under their feet.

Zeng Qingru and Wei Long finally persuaded Wang Duoduo to leave Aunt Zhen Pingping with milk candies, and followed them to Ekou City to find his parents.

"A lot!"

Zeng Qingru and Wei Long directly parachuted into Wang's compound.

When Wang Jiadong saw the chubby young son, he lost his composure for a moment, and hugged him into his arms, "It's great that you're fine!"

Wang Jiadong remained calm. The two visitors from the Lingxu Cave, Zeng Qingru's aura was unfathomable, and they were undoubtedly strong in the realm of gods and demons.

Wei Long is even more famous as the jade-faced king kong, and his true name is very prestigious.Lingxu Dongtian was able to rescue Wang Duoduo first, which made him feel much more at ease.

"You~ wow" Wang Duoduo has been away from home for more than a month, and he has almost forgotten about Wang Jiadong.

Being hugged suddenly, she cried in fright.

Wang Jiadong's wife, who came over after hearing the news, almost melted when she saw her son, "Don't be afraid, mom is here."

"Mom and Dad~" Wang Duoduo stopped crying as he was held in his mother's arms. It took a while to realize, and shouted, "I want candy!"

"Eat, eat, eat whatever you want." Wang Jiadong asked his wife to take away his frightened son.

The latter has been obedient to Wang Duoduo, and when his son returns safely, he will give him anything, let alone candy.

When the servant in the backyard left with his wife, Wang Jiadong rushed to Zeng Qingru and Wei Long to bow deeply, "Thank you for saving my youngest son! These days, my husband and I are suffering very much! Duoduo's safe return is equivalent to saving our family! From now on , my royal family and the Pantheon are incompatible, and I am willing to let the cave send me."

The moment Wang Jiadong saw Wang Duoduo, he had already made up his mind.

Only by hugging the thighs of Lingxu Cave Sky can there be a future, and swinging left and right will only make the situation worse.

As for the Pantheon, this kind of crazy power cannot be measured by common sense, so it is better to keep it at a respectful distance.

"I don't know how to negotiate?" Wang Jiadong took out the previous mine contract and handed it over to Zeng Qingru, asking.

Zeng Qingru and Wei Long looked at each other, and Wei Long answered, "Lingxu Dongtian will not negotiate with Pantheon on any bottom line issues!"

Wang Jiadong was stunned.

Outside the giant crocodile mountain.

Zeng Qingru, Wei Long, Wang Jiadong, and the Wang family's guards confronted Xie Dong, Tian Yi, and Yun Wu from afar.

Wang Jiadong's expression was difficult to understand. He had already turned to Lingxu Dongtian wholeheartedly, but what Lingxu Dongtian did was far beyond his expectations.

It made him uneasy again for a while.

In fact, any change, for the Wang family caught between the Pantheon and the Lingxu Cave, there is a crisis of destruction,
He really wanted to hand over the mine directly, which was better than facing this situation.

But obviously not possible.

The Wang family is not the Zhou family of the gods and demons. The Zhou family was able to jump out of the whirlpool because of their vicious vision, and because of the death of a direct family member. The ancestors have been exiled to guard the border for a hundred years.

His royal family wants to stay out of the matter, why?
It's not that Wang Jiadong cherishes his life when he does big things, and forgets righteousness when he sees small gains, it's really that Lingxu Cave Heaven's actions are inconsistent with what he thinks.

Lingxu Dongtian has no plans to negotiate with the Pantheon.

The basis of the negotiation is to talk about it, but the private abduction of young children by the Pantheon has violated the bottom line of the Lingxu Cave.

What's there to talk about?

Maybe there is no direct evidence for the concealment of Liyulou, but in Nanhuang, Lingxu Dongtian has identified it, and that is the evidence.

Lingxu Dongtian must first keep the giant crocodile mountain mine, declare its determination to clean up Xing'an County, and then issue a warning to Pantheon.

This is also the reason why Wang Jiadong was flustered.

Negotiating with the Wang family still has a little effect. Now that they don't even talk about it, the Wang family has really become a flat boat on the stormy sea.

Life and death are out of your control.

"From now on, the Nanhuang branch of the Pantheon will stop all illegal acts in the Nanhuang, and any harm to ordinary people living in the Nanhuang. Completely withdraw from the Giant Crocodile Mountain Mine and shrink the sphere of influence in Xing'an County. "

Wei Long said to Xie Dongsan in a loud voice: "If you cross the line again, don't say it's unexpected!"

"Why is the situation different from what I thought?" Xie Dong, the high god, was a little dumbfounded.

Their original negotiations were all in vain, and Lingxu Dongtian didn't want to negotiate with them at all.

The most severe warning was given directly.

Not to mention what they want to do to the Wang family of Giant Crocodile Mountain, even to rescue Ming Ba, Lingxu Dongtian didn't want to negotiate with them from the very beginning!
Some are just the sternest warnings!
As far as the warning about the competition for the giant crocodile mountain mine is concerned, Lingxu Dongtian has given Pantheon some face.

This is also considering that the power of the Pantheon should not be underestimated. If it is really torn apart, it will damage the overall situation of the Southern Wilderness.

"What about Mingba? Let Mingba go, let's talk again."

Xie Dong held back the anger in his heart, he wanted to tear Wei Long in front of him, but he looked at Zeng Qingru and suppressed his killing intent.

Lingxu Cave has concerns, and Pantheon also has concerns.

"This is not a negotiation, but a final warning. The Yuxia Mine Deposit Case on Giant Crocodile Mountain is just a mine deposit scramble case. Mingba robbed the youngest son of the Wang family, and he has constant contacts with forces such as Liyulou, which is engaged in abducting young children."

Wei Long said calmly: "I killed him and ended his sad life."

"You killed him?!" Xie Dong scorpion's tail flickered with divine light, he couldn't believe it.

"This is the sincerity of my Lingxu Cave. Killing him is to help us bring this matter to an end. After we go back, we will shrink our forces and be obedient."

Xie Dong's body trembled, he gritted his teeth and said, "I still want to thank you?"

"Look? This is the land of my human race!"

Wei Long pointed to the ground under his feet, and then pointed to the sky, "Look again, Nanhuang is the place guarded by my Lingxu Cave Heaven! No one is allowed to be presumptuous here. The Liyu Tower has crossed the line and is destroyed. Ming Ba After crossing the line, it is also destroyed. I repeat, the Yuxia Mine Scramble Case on Jucrocodile Mountain ends here, and I believe that if Mingba knows about his death and can reduce the fight, he will also thank me."

(End of this chapter)

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