Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 101 Audacity

Chapter 101 Audacity (for Subscription)

Xie Dong has never seen such a brazen person who killed the god son of the Pantheon, destroyed the forces secretly supported by the Pantheon, and wanted to drive the Pantheon out of the development team of Yuxia Mine in Giant Crocodile Mountain.

And it also threatens that the Pantheon must restrain its expansion activities in Xing'an County, as well as its plan to absorb new blood.

Burning with anger, murderous intent filled the air.

Xie Dong slammed his fist on the ground, making a big hole, and the upper god's aura was fully opened.

The surroundings seemed to be enveloped by a giant scorpion shadow, but Wei Long stared at Xie Dong without blinking his eyes.

Xie Dong was amazed by Wei Long's calmness, he managed to suppress his anger, regained his senses, and looked at Zeng Qingru, "Is this the attitude of Lingxu Cave Heaven?"

"This is the attitude of Lingxu Cave." Zeng Qingru nodded, not bothering to explain.

He had taken the overall situation into consideration, and the Pantheon honestly stopped its plan to abduct human children and retreated to the vicinity of Iron Sand City.

That's all for this matter.

In Zeng Qingru's view, these freaks should all be destroyed, but he is the elder of Lingxu Cave after all.

From the moment he took over this matter, he represented Dongtian's position and affected the overall situation of the Southern Wilderness.

Cave master Liu Shenzong allowed him to come forward, which represented his trust in him.

Zeng Qingru was also suppressing her anger.

He set out before the expiration of the mine contract half a year, first to solve the problem of the god and demon Zhou's family, then to take down Liyulou and Mingba, and rescue Wang Duoduo and some young children.

Before times.

I don't know how many batches of young children disappeared. These things were as expected. He first removed the miscellaneous fish wandering outside the mine scrambling practice, and he had already revealed the sincerity of the Lingxu Cave.

The mine competition case ended in Mingba.

Does not expand, does not spread.

Your Pantheon has passed the line, go back honestly to rectify, shrink the sphere of influence, and behave like a man with your tail between your legs.

Zeng Qingru acted as if she was out of sight and out of mind.

Zeng Qingru felt that this was the biggest concession.

Still negotiating?
Also released Mingba?
What else do you want to do to the Wang family?
Dreaming? !

How can it be!

Zeng Qingru felt that he was magnanimous enough. In fact, according to his thinking, this matter should be used to wipe out all the forces of the Pantheon in the Southern Wilderness.

By making such a big concession, Zeng Qingru has already betrayed her own code of conduct.

So let Wei Long do the negotiation.

Is this not enough?
It's big enough!
"This matter is endless! My Pantheon will not accept it!" Xie Dong said coldly.

Unable to accept such a result, the negotiation was not carried out, and only a stern warning was received.

There is no consultation, only a bottom line, he can't accept it!
Looking at the back of Xie Dong and the three of them leaving, Wang Jiadong said: "Elder Zeng, Mr. Wei, look, what should we do now? It seems that the attitude of this Pantheon is not very good."

Not only is it not very good, it is very bad, okay?

Wang Jiadong was also in pain, he couldn't say a word on this kind of matter.

There is no way to influence the decision of the two people in front of them.

"I'm not happy yet!" Zeng Qingru snorted coldly, and looked at Wang Jiadong, "Don't care about their attitude, this is my cave, the Southern Wilderness! After two days of rest, I'll go to investigate your mines, and then I'll have a look. come up with a charter."

Zeng Qingru left in displeasure, and went to rest in the mansion prepared by the Wang family.

"Young Master Wei?" Wang Jiadong looked at Wei Long, "Has this matter not been eased?"

"Easy, I'll listen to the elders." Wei Long also felt that Lingxu Dongtian was very magnanimous.

Zeng Qingru should have exchanged with Dongtian during the Baibaocheng auction.

The elder obviously wanted to take down Xie Dong's negotiating team, so it was good enough to just bicker and not fight.

But there is no need to tell Wang Jiadong about this matter.

Wei Long also knew what the other party was worried about, and said: "When the mine income is evaluated, I will come up with my own regulations in Lingxu Cave, which are enough to protect the Wang family. You can rest assured about this."

Ekou City is around Giant Crocodile Mountain.

Perhaps because of the extraordinary nature of the Xiayu mine itself, the city is full of grass, luxuriant vegetation, and green shadows. Wei Long temporarily lives in the Wang family's courtyard.

Precisely because he can't control the fate of his family, Wang Jiadong is more cautious in daily trivial matters.

His family has worked in Ekou City for hundreds of years, and all kinds of small details must make Wei Long comfortable.

Wei Long took out a round-mouthed jade bottle, which was naturally a true god's blood presented by Elder Zeng Qingru.

The quality of this drop of divine blood far exceeds the divine blood contained in those descendants and sons of gods.

This is a precious treasure refined from the energy source of the upper god. It has a blue and silver luster, and it smells strange.

It seems that a full moon rises in the room, illuminating the surrounding area.

"This mineral contention incident is over here, it's time to refine and absorb it." Wei Long raised his head and poured the jade bottle of divine blood into his mouth.

After getting the blood of the true god, Wei Long couldn't wait because he took Wang Duoduo on the road and didn't have much time to deal with it.

The entrance of the blood of the true god is different from the blood Wei Long absorbed before.

It contains surging vitality energy, and the divine blood of the upper god of the Silver Horned Protoss is compatible with its original divine power.

Explosive power permeated Wei Long's body.

Wei Long's forehead was hot, and it seemed that something was about to burst out of the air.

He dared not be careless.

Although adding a little bit of talent imperceptibly changed his body a little bit, it seemed that he had formed a special physique that could absorb all kinds of nutrients that were beneficial to his growth.

But Wei Long remained vigilant.

'Ziji Bahuang' is constantly suppressing and killing, and a perfect and flawless pill cloud overflows the whole body, constantly scouring the original divine power that is as real as it is.

Erase the attribute factors with special distortion in the blood of the true god.

Only the most basic transformation factors and boundless body energy are kept.

This is why Wei Long likes divine blood more than desolate animal meat.

Divine blood is a very pure energy body. Although some original energy may cause distortion, as long as the original attribute is suppressed, only a large amount of energy can be absorbed.

Divine blood includes two benefits of energy and transformation factor, which cannot be compared with desolate animal meat.

And in Wei Long's mind, under the training mode of the Pantheon, the combat power should be one level lower than that of human monks.

The main reason, in Wei Long's opinion, is that the power is not obtained properly.

It's hard to achieve perfection.
Only a few people who are born with the chosen source of divine blood can give full play to their strength.

Moreover, Wei Long thought more deeply.

Are the factors in the divine blood that want to change the fundamentals of the human race really only harmful?
If the physique changes again after breaking through the realm of gods and demons, for example, the light factor of the light protoss can grow wings, but does it represent a source of light?

If it can be used, it is a very impressive and terrifying force.

That drop of divine blood has three uses.

Of course this is just an assumption.

The bones of Wei Long's whole body crackled, like thunder, and the bone inscriptions in the blood were constantly ups and downs, circulating erratically, attaching to viscera, forging bones, and metamorphosis occurred continuously, and with the nutrient infusion of the blood of the true god.

Wei Long's whole person has also become gratifyingly rich again.

Bone Inscriptions: Vigorous Bone Inscriptions [Advanced]

After Dali Bone Wen was promoted to a high level, Wei Long's strength increased again by [-]%.

How strong is the specific strength, Wei Long can't estimate.

But he could feel the door more clearly, as if he could push it open with just one hand.

"I haven't comprehended the 'Linglong True Meaning' to open the door to the realm of gods and demons?"

Wei Long didn't know how to describe his own changes, "Then after I break through, what is it, the Hercules demon body?"

Wei Long quickly shook his head, the bone inscription Dali is just an ordinary bone inscription, he hasn't reached the limit yet.

This is a breakthrough, what if the thunder calamity cannot pass?
Wei Long felt it for a while, and counting the six snakes and seven snakes, the thirteen horns and the body energy obtained from this drop of the blood of the true god, it is not enough to upgrade the "Shengxu Jing" from "First Glance" to "Entering the Hall".

Even though the level of the "Black Territory Broken Star Sutra" has been improved and the energy required has been reduced because of the same origin of the exercises, it is still a lot worse.

At the residence of the Pantheon, Xie Dong, Tian Yi, and Yun Wu gathered together with gloomy faces.

Xie Dong asked: "What do you think should be done?"

Yun Wu couldn't talk anymore, and the negotiated settlement he advocated didn't seem to work anymore.

Tian Yihan said in a cold voice: "We should do what I said and let them feel the pain! Zeng Qingru and Wei Long have great opinions on us, how dare they insult God! We will not be able to explain this kind of result to the temple even if we go back!"

"What can you do?"

"Go directly!"

Tian Yidao: "Zeng Qingru and Wei Long are just two people. As long as Zeng Qingru is held back by the High God, Wei Long, the new true biography, we two can quickly win!"

"No!" Yun Wu was startled by Tian Yi's daring thoughts, and said, "Wei Long is not an ordinary person, the power of the human race is different from our temple, and they place more emphasis on inheritance. If you kill Wei Long, it is likely to trigger strong revenge. "

"This is not good."

Xie Dong was also taken aback by Tianyi's strategy, "Zeng Qingru has already transformed into the Six Gods and Demons, and is stuck in the late stage of the Gods and Demons Realm. I am only in the early stage of the True God. If we do something, we will not be able to escape in the end."

Xie Dong's own family knows their own family affairs. The upper gods of the Pantheon are stronger than the ancestors of the ordinary family gods and demons, but they are much worse than the elders of gods and demons who have been screened and carefully cultivated in the cave.

Not to mention that Zeng Qingru was a little higher than him, even if he was in the same realm, he would not dare to do it directly.

Otherwise, he would not have just punched the ground if he was warned and teased in the face.

I really dare not!

"Lord High God, listen to me."

There was a vicious look in Tian's eyes, "My lord only needs to hold Zeng Qingru for a while, and Yun Wu and I will join hands to quickly take down Wei Long. We don't want to kill Wei Long, we just need to use Wei Long to force Zeng Qingru to dare not make a move, and kill him directly." We have left the Wang family, so let us set the record straight!"

"We dare not bear the price of killing each other. Can Lingxu Cave Heaven afford the price of tearing our face apart?"

Tian Yidao: "If they dare to kill Mingba, we will kill the whole Wang family, and we will earn our money back!"

"What do you think?" After hearing this, Xie Dong pondered for a moment, thinking it was feasible, and asked Yun Wu's opinion.

Yun Wu didn't like Tian Xing's indiscretion, but at the moment he had to admit that this method made some sense, "This method is feasible."

The three of Xie Dong did what they said, they were going to hit Zeng Qingru and Wei Long by surprise.

The figures of the three disappeared directly in the hall, heading straight for the Wang family compound.

Zeng Qingru and Wei Long live very close together, and their breath has not restrained, Xie Dong went straight to Zeng Qingru who lived in front, Tianyi and Yunwu followed behind.

Xie Dong was born in the Scorpio Protoss clan, and his strength is mostly in poisonous attacks, and the red scorpion tail on his back has the function of breaking spells and stabbing.

His whole body was shining with divine light, and his strength was unparalleled.

It's just that before reaching Zeng Qingru's house, he saw Wei Long soaring into the sky in some earlier houses.

Xie Dong reacted so quickly. Seeing that Wei Long had the audacity to intercept him, he was just surprised for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

If Wei Long could be captured directly, then naturally there would be no need to deal with the powerful Zeng Qingru, reducing the chance of danger.

Xie Dong laughed loudly, secretly thinking that God will help me, the tail of the scorpion behind him did not move, but the crimson divine light lit up all over his body, shining towards Wei Long.

He didn't use Xiewei because he was afraid of killing Wei Long directly and self-defeating, but Xie Dong had also experienced a lot of battles, so he wouldn't be able to withdraw his strength, but it was useless to use his trump card.

Facing Wei Long, who is just a newly promoted Jindan, he already thinks highly of him.

(End of this chapter)

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