Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 102 "How Lonely Is Invincible"

Chapter 102 "How Lonely Is Invincible" (please subscribe)

Wei Long's blocking of Xie Dong was completely subconscious. Sensing the possible threat, his body had already moved sideways.

the next moment.

The breath of Xie Dong and his party and a series of information were reflected in Wei Long's consciousness.

Xie Dong?Pantheon?Jumping over the wall in a hurry?Can't do it?
Thoughts were beating fast, Wei Long didn't expect that Pantheon would dare to detonate the conflict with Lingxu Cave, and even dare to do it.

Subconsciously, Wei Long regretted it.

This is the aftereffect of Dali Guwen's promotion to a high level just now!
Obviously, I have warned myself thousands of times not to float, but I have already been familiar with the enemy's interception and attack and various tactics, and I did it subconsciously.

Xie Dong is in the realm of the upper god, but he is equivalent to a strong man in the realm of gods and demons.

Even though the cultivation path of the Pantheon is simpler than that of the monks and their combat power is a little weaker, but they can become the upper gods and achieve the position of true gods, and they have experienced the baptism of thunder.

In fact, at this level, where there will be weak people, they are only weaker than those of the same level.

Wei Long thought of a lot in an instant.

However, at the same time, the alchemy cloud in his whole body was already boiling, and endless terrifying power was born in the palace of self-defense. The magic of "Purple Extreme and Eight Desolation" permeated his whole body, and the "one-yuan heavy water" that could no longer be described by weight alone continued to gather. The fire also coincided with it, and the power of the "Book of Black Iron" from the Palace of Fate burst forth, followed by the ultimate solid glyphs shining brightly.

This attack is almost a subconscious stress response.

It has nothing to do with Wei Long's own wishes.

When Wei Long saw Xie Dong, he couldn't even accept it.

Then Huh? !

What did Wei Long see?
With Wei Long's keen sense of battle, he found that Xie Dong was only attacking with divine power, and the scorpion tail behind him, as well as the possible means of suppressing the bottom of the box, were useless!


Wei Long is just a golden pill.

It's just a newly promoted Golden Core cultivator. It's only been a few years since he became a true disciple, and he's shown his face for more than ten years!
"Can I kill him, can I break the defense, this is the upper god, how much blood is in it!" Wei Long transformed countless thoughts in his mind.

He has done leapfrog challenges, and his tactical system is suitable for facing stronger enemies.

In martial arts in the world, the only thing that is not broken is speed, and it is only strength.

As long as the defense can be broken, not to mention gods and demons, even gods and demon kings will kill them!
The wheel of life kills the golden core!Golden core can't kill gods and demons? !
Moreover, Zeng Qingru was in the courtyard behind him, which gave Wei Long the courage to let go.

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

Whether there are dates or not, there are three poles!

Willing to cut himself to pieces and dare to pull the emperor off his horse!
"My Bone Wen Dali is already at an advanced level. Even if I haven't comprehended Linglong's true meaning, and I haven't survived the God Demon Thunder Tribulation, but whether I can fight or not, I will fight first!"

All of these, how many random thoughts, were just born by Wei Long in an instant.

In an instant.

Wei Long didn't have time to use the wind and thunder drum or Shen Yuan's sword from the Great Elder, but he used all the energy he originally wanted to cast on the 'Blue Pattern Armor' on the 'Delusion Breaking Technique'.

All I saw was a red glow.

The practice mode of the Pantheon is different from that of a monk. It is to set a specific tone first, and then move forward.

Under the light of red divine power, the core of its divine body is looming, and the 'Delusion Breaking Technique' is indeed capable of piercing through illusion.

Wei Long let go of his defense, and the vigorous bones in his blood suddenly rose.

Countless miraculous powers condensed in one punch.

'Extreme purple and eight barren'!
'One Yuan Heavy Water'!
'Black Hellfire'!
'Bone Inscriptions of Great Strength'!
'The Book of Black Iron'!
'Delusion Breaking Technique'!
Wei Long once again implemented his tactical system, and his heart was as firm as one. If intercepting Xie Dong was a subconscious act, but after confirming Xie Dong, he still dared to increase the size layer by layer, withdrawing all defenses, and only all attacks , pouring in an instant.

Pursue maximum damage!
Wei Long said a lot of fallacies, but at critical moments, his mind was never calm.

The hot blood in his chest has never cooled down!
Bright sword!

Dare to shine the sword!


Determined and brave, he never lost!

The house where Wei Long was located turned into dust and exploded.

The book of black iron is as mysterious as earth-shaking. With the injection of one-element heavy water and black hellfire, the combination of water and fire makes it heavier.

Even under the conditions of Extreme Purple and Desolation, all damages are doubled.

And the powerful bone inscription, as the power of direct access to the law, has once again increased its strength.

Wei Long's aura is like a god and a demon, and his eyes are shining. He saw the core of the body and the core of the power of the upper god of the Scorpio protoss in front of him.

Just for a moment.

And Wei Long saw it, and the fist had already passed.

The body's reaction has already surpassed Wei Long's thoughts. It's not that he lost control of his body, but that it takes time for the thoughts to pass.

And Wei Long saves time, although it is only an instant, but in this level of battle, everything can be decided!
When Wei Long's fist arrived, it was the moment when his thoughts arose, and the thoughts were transferred to his hands, and the intermediate consumption of controlling the supernatural was gone.

Wei Long once again had a clear understanding in his heart.

'Linglong Zhenyi', the so-called state of mind of controlling the god and demon body, is like this.

It feels like punching.

The inside and outside of the body are integrated into one, no matter how powerful the force is, but his heart is as majestic and inviolable as a mountain.

"not good!"

Wei Long's earth-shattering blow made Xie Dong, who was holding the mentality of "I am a big realm bigger than him, I can deal with it calmly", immediately changed his color.

He finally wanted to re-condense his divine power and mobilize the scorpion tail behind him.

Wei Long was not what he thought, the kind of rookie who was newly promoted to Jindan, but a tiger hiding his minions.

After all, Xie Dong has a bigger realm than Wei Long. When he thought about it, he had already achieved it, but Wei Long's fist also arrived.

That indescribable punch forcefully pressed against the 'Book of Black Iron' and shattered Xie Dong's divine protection.

Like cutting butter with a knife, the endless divine power tried to destroy this sudden force, but the 'Book of Black Iron' was unreasonable.

Xie Dong is so powerful!

As expected of a high god, it only takes one breath to destroy the solid glyph of the 'Black Iron Book', and also destroy the fist hidden behind the book.

But is he still alive?

In the battle of life and death, what is fought is an instant!
It doesn't matter whether it's a golden core, a god-devil, or a god-devil king!
It has already broken the defense and cut into the core of the body, no matter how high it is!
I am more muscular than him, I can box and I can kung fu, but if I stab or shoot, I will be cold when I should be cold!
Xie Dong's mentality is to control Wei Long.

And Wei Long's mentality is to destroy the enemy in the shortest time!
The pursuits of the two were different from the beginning, and their emphasis on the use of their own abilities was naturally also different.

The two fought, and it happened in an instant.

The battle, before it all started, has ended.

In the eyes of the outside world, Xie Dong shot with confidence and great power.

Wei Long met the attack cautiously, and the book of black iron was close to the front of the fist, which was incomparable to Xie Dong.

But that fist blasted into Xie Dong's endless divine light at the moment of the fight, shattering his core of power.

In terms of body, the torso in the middle of Xie Dong, the energy body that had already completed the transformation of the divine body, exploded directly!
"Good! What a punch!" Xie Dong muttered to himself with his head bowed.

Divine power radiated from his torso like fireworks, trying to reconnect his lower body and head, but the domineering and terrifying power of 'Zi Ji Ba Huang' tore everything apart.

It only takes a moment for Xie Dong to restore the vitality of the above gods.


Xie Dong understood that he would not have another moment.

The enemy in front of you is good at finding opportunities, so he will not let them go.

"From the very beginning, I shouldn't have listened to the advice of the two lowly sons of God, Yun Wu and Tian Yi. I should have made the worst plan a long time ago. Either take the most severe measures and destroy the Wang family before the Lingxu Cave comes, or Just bow your head and admit your mistake, and then slowly figure it out."

Before Xie Dong died, he finally came to his senses.

Whether it's people or power, the first thing you pursue in doing things is righteousness!

Righteousness does not necessarily refer to justice, or morality, but since a certain choice has been made, it must be carried out.

Do not hesitate!

However, he adopted Yun Wu's point of view, negotiated for Mingba's return, and wanted to make Lingxu Dongtian let go of the protection of the Wang family. Later, Lingxu Dongtian went as expected, did not negotiate, and only sternly warned that Mingba was dead.

Just let it go.

Once the strategy is set, don't hesitate, at least you can't adjust it so urgently.

The results of it?He listened to Tianyi's opinion again, and wanted to capture Wei Long, and go to seek some face for the Pantheon!
Does the Pantheon need this face?


It's just that Xie Dong needs face, or it's the wishful thinking of those two poor gods.

The power of the Pantheon was never spoken, but a fact revealed in the interconnected sub-temples of the Shengwu Dynasty.

Xie Dong could even think of it.

This was their sudden attack, and they didn't even think about what to do to Wei Long, they just forced Lingxu Cave to back down.

However, from the outside world's point of view, this is Pantheon's brazen attack on Lingxu Cave.

The Pantheon is different from other forces, and has always been suspected by other forces, and the Shengwu Dynasty also imposed a lot of restrictions on it.

For example, the Lingxu Cave Sky is very powerful for the Nanhuang Branch Hall, but it is actually a small force compared to the Pantheon Hall.

However, Lingxu Cave Heaven represents the orthodoxy of the human race!

It is a part of Dayan Dynasty and Dongtian jointly ruling the world!

Brazenly attacking the Lingxu Cave, not only will he die in the end, but the situation of the Southern Wilderness Branch Hall will be even worse in the end, and if someone with a heart pushes forward, the expansion plan of the Pantheon Hall will also be hindered.

Xie Dong is not a fool, he figured out many levels before he died.

From Mingba to plunder Wang Duoduo and lead to Liyulou, the best way to deal with it is to imprison Mingba and withdraw from the mine dispute, rather than allowing the situation to spread.

Lingxu Dongtian had already given the best option, but he failed to empathize.

The two ends of the snake and mouse are Xie Dong's hatred for him before he died.

In contrast, Wei Long, who was about to kill himself in front of him, was a little scary.

Talented and determined, it can be said that in the next thousand years, the Dayan Dynasty, no, even the Shengwu Dynasty will have its place.

"It's really good and enviable."

Xie Dong looked at Wei Long who was a bit fat but still handsome, and suddenly smiled strangely.

The trembling scorpion tail hung down weakly, and he gave up struggling.

Not only that, use the last remaining control power to purify the inner core of divine power.

"You will join us." Xie Dong smiled strangely.

He couldn't even speak, but his eyes were real and urgent.

He was defeated and aggrieved.

This is a battle of life and death, he shouldn't get close to Wei Long.

When Wei Long intercepted him around him, he should keep a distance and suppress with a large realm, instead of fighting close to him.

That's all for close combat, let alone capture, he was careless.

But in the end he also realized.

Wei Long can have such strength, it should be because he has eaten the blood of the gods, and there are a lot of them, so that he can condense the bone inscriptions in advance.

He could smell the bone inscriptions.

That being the case, he was going to die, so he might as well leave another hole for Wei Long.

Xie Dong purified his own divine blood and turned it into a drop of dazzling gem-like crystallization of divine power, far surpassing the blood of the true god that Wei Long had seen before.

Because this is the divine power that Xie Dong is willing to condense, or the sublimation of his own divine power before death.

If the divine power of a high-ranking god like him is sublimated, it is difficult for secret techniques to get rid of all the residual divine power inside.

After Wei Long refines it, he will find that his fundamentals will change and become a Scorpio protoss. When it's done, it's too late to wake up!
Just like him at this moment!
Wei Long shattered Xie Dong's core of power with one punch, and was still on guard against his counterattack, when he saw Xie Dong's whole body suddenly glow, and he disappeared without a trace.

Only a deep red jewel-like core of divine power remained.

"What's going on here? I haven't refined it yet, how did I become a core of divine power?"

Wei Long couldn't imagine Xie Dong's psychological changes. He knew he was going to die, and then wanted to dig a hole for him.

After killing a high god with one punch, Wei Long felt that his mood was going to fly.

He put the core of divine power in the storage bag, opened the book of black iron with his hands, and wrote casually, "I am too strong, haha, I can only say too strong, high god, one punch Hit it! Haha! How lonely it is to be invincible!"

(End of this chapter)

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