Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 16 Golden Fire of Fate

Chapter 16 Golden Fire of Fate
'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' was improved by the elders of Dongtian. Although it is not an authentic practice method, it is enough to cultivate to the realm of life wheel.

Because it originated from the wild beast treasure technique, it is even more powerful in combat.

Wei Long's body was filled with a wild aura, which quickly enveloped the inside and outside of his thatched hut. A hazy phantom loomed in it. A trace of mist condensed in the phantom, and there seemed to be the sound of chains faintly. Countless events are brewing in it.

There seems to be a sense in the dark.

On the boundless land, there are countless volcanoes erupting, and the big lake is like a sea. It is a vast world that cannot be imagined from a human perspective.

It was an indescribably huge desolate beast covered in black flames that could not be seen clearly. It seemed to be three hundred feet in size. The mountains were like mounds in front of it.

It is indescribable, standing there, the center of the world is only it, and it can only be it.

Under the black fire, countless chains danced in it, guarding everything, and even the space seemed to be able to suppress it, which was extremely terrifying.

Prison beast!

Wei Long touched a phantom of the prison beast in the true meaning, which can enlighten him.

This is the mystery of boxing itself, but looking at it again, he can't see through the black fire, and he can't even remember the world there, only the artistic conception in it.

"Prison beasts are at least remnants, and it's not even ruled out that they are pure-blooded desolate beasts." Wei Long slowly opened his eyes, and a look of surprise flashed by.

The phantom of the prison beast seems to be a ray of insight left by the creator of the boxing technique. Wei Long felt it naturally when he promoted the "Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" to the state of "Perfect".

This realm is no less than that of the creator of boxing. If you want to make progress, you need to inject your own understanding into the "Bahuang Town Prison Boxing".

And at that time, this boxing method is exclusive to Wei Long's own boxing method.

Introducing the old and bringing forth the new is easier said than done!
Wei Long came back to his senses, at this moment he has returned to his original appearance, he looks like a person in a painting, surrounded by divine light, his eyes are like shining stars, clear and gorgeous, yet profound and boundless.

"It seems that his appearance has improved further than before." Wei Long touched his side face, from a little round to a little thinner, the effect was immediate.

With a movement in Wei Long's heart, a vast phantom appeared through his body, and the unknown vast world manifested from him, and a group of black phantoms loomed in it.

In an instant, it seemed that Wei Long had a great terror in him.

Snakes, rats, and insects rushed out of the three-foot radius covered by the shadow of true meaning. It is hard to imagine that there are so many small things living in thatched huts.

They were not afraid of Wei Long's coercion before, but at this moment, they could only flee in embarrassment.

There were even many little black mice who were not very smart, and they were frightened to death under that overwhelming aura!

"Falsehood of the true meaning! This is the virtualization of the true meaning!"

Seeing this, Wei Long was also shocked, his heart moved, the phantom of the true meaning shrouded within three feet shrank to within one foot, and those snakes, rats and insects that were still fleeing were instantly struck by lightning.

Under the atmosphere of the Bahuang town and prison that has become a phenomenon, he was directly suppressed to death!

This is the true meaning of 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist'!

When it is reflected in reality, there is a miracle, it is no longer an ordinary boxing method, but can attack through the air.

Wei Long can be slightly suppressed within three feet. If Wei Long intends to play an offensive role, it can be concentrated to within one foot, which directly has a kind of mental deterrence.

If the creature in it is weak and unable to resist, it will die directly, even if it resists, it can stop its movements.

"That day when Wei Shengjun killed the saber-toothed tiger, he used the phantom of true meaning, which prevented the tiger from displaying its supernatural strength, so he was killed." Wei Long immediately flashed the battle scene of Wei Shengjun beheading the saber-toothed tiger in his mind.

And at this moment, of course, he is not comparable to Wei Shengjun's shadow of true meaning that covers a radius of several tens of feet.

It takes a certain amount of energy to support the phantom of the true meaning, and it is directly linked to the strength of the caster. Wei Long can only guarantee that the phantom's attack is lethal within one foot.

No matter how far away, there are some shortcomings.

"But no matter what, the 'Eight Desolation Suppressing Prison Fist' has cultivated a phantom of true meaning, which also means that I have a certain long-range means."

Wei Long knew very well in his heart that after his true intentions were emptied, the siege by practitioners like Qianxue and Shenxi would be meaningless to him. This surpassed most of the people in the village today, and even Wei Daqing could defeat him in one fell swoop.

Even though Wei Daqing had already ignited his fire, his background was too poor, he had no special means, and he would be suppressed by Wei Long's sincerity if he got close.

In other words.

Wei Long is the second strongest person in the village at the moment, and he is only at the Wheel of Fate realm. Wei Shengjun, whose cultivation base far surpasses Wei Long's, can surely win against him.

After thinking for a while, the phantom of true meaning around Wei Long shrank little by little, leaving only a faint light covering the face of his fist, like a layer of armor.

Wei Long went out the door and lightly slammed his hand on the ground.

With a bang, the earth sank directly, revealing a deep pit.

For this punch, Wei Long only used [-]% of his strength. If he used [-]% of his strength, this punch would be enough to smash any boulder, even Wei Long dared to fight against that flying bear.

This is the most lethal way of expressing the prison boxing of Bahuang Town. You must know that this is the boxing technique practiced by the Iron Army of the Dayan Dynasty, and it is the most fierce and unparalleled.

In the hands of a powerful practitioner, it can even smash mountains with one punch!
If such a fist fell on the desolate beast, it would not be able to eat the meat at all, and would be directly blasted into scum.

It can only be described in four words, so terrifying!
"The 'Eight Desolation Town Prison Fist' has gone a step further, and Shen Xi can also further train accordingly."

With a movement of the dark golden Shenxi on Wei Long's body, the power of Shenxi, which was originally invisible, faintly changed after being refined by the phantom of true meaning.

of course.

Wei Long has done enough before, such progress is only a trace, but Wei Long is not in a hurry.

Since he can improve, even if it is only a little bit, he will wait.

Two days passed in a flash.

Wei Long kept a low profile and dawdled in the second reserve team.

It's just that some kind of abnormality really happened in the depths of the wilderness. There were loud noises from time to time, and Wei Shengjun's contacts and exchanges with the other three villages became more frequent.

Some said it was a mountain treasure that caused turmoil in the depths of the wilderness, others said it was a powerful pure-blooded wild beast crossing the border, and some said it was a wild beast that died of old age and immediately slaughtered a weak wild beast so that it could die peacefully
In short, there are many speculations, but there is no doubt that some kind of change has taken place in the depths of the wilderness, and for people living on the edge of the wilderness, any accident within the control range is bad news.

Even if it ultimately leads to good results, the unexpected itself means risk.

There was even a proposal to relocate!

Under such a change, Wei Long's sense of existence is even lower, and everyone is worried about their own safety and thinking about their own concerns.

Only a few people care about Wei Long's thinning, but he has become fat and thin several times.

And even if it is mellow, it still does not lose its appearance. This is thinner again, and it has regained its peak appearance, which has aroused the wailing of many young people.

Already so outstanding, yet so handsome, such a person deserves to be envied!
Back home, Wei Long sat cross-legged on the straw mat, breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes gradually became firm.

He's at his peak now.

'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' has reached the [Superb] level, and it is difficult to improve in a short period of time.

Moreover, Shen Xi was complete and refined to the point where she couldn't go any further. The rich dark golden color of Shen Xi seemed to be iron juice that was about to cool down.

If you really want to temper it again, I'm afraid it will really cool and harden.

In that case, it's hard to say whether it can still ignite the fire of life.

"That's it." Wei Long's eyes gradually cleared up, and Shen Xi, who was too sticky to move, turned into rolling Shen Xi under his strong push.

All his blood, bones, and internal organs seemed to be stained with a touch of gold.

This is the effect of continuous strengthening, melting one body of Shen Xi is just the beginning at this moment!
Shen Xi was spinning rapidly, getting faster and faster.

Countless body essences were mobilized at this moment, approaching the limit of his body little by little, Wei Long seemed to be in the depths of the sea, being squeezed infinitely, and the rich Shen Xi slowly condensed, constantly squeezing towards his lower abdomen.

The terrifying Shen Xi who was originally condensed to perfection was compressed and then compressed.

Shen Xi spread all over her body, the radiant Shen Xi like a golden glow kept shrinking, only condensing in her lower abdomen.

Just like a few firewood, just wait for a little spark!
The three steps of moving blood, Shenxi, and Minghuo, one after the other, are the foundation for stepping into the door of cultivation.The more solid you walk, the more benefits you get.

And Wei Long's original cultivation method of adding points is fundamentally different from ordinary people, and he can not be greedy for too much and repeatedly polish it. The so-called threshold can be broken in front of him in one step!

The human body itself is a huge treasure, implying the wonderful movement of the sky, and where the fire of life lies, it is on the golden section line of the human body.

That point is at the navel, which is the closest connection between the human body and the mother body, and it is also the beginning of all mysteries, and it is also where the life wheel is located.

But if you want to open up the life wheel, you must first ignite the fire of life!

At the time of the breakthrough at this moment, Wei Long's solid accumulation gave him the greatest confidence.

It is self-confidence and normal heart.

He was able to do things with ease, and Shen Xi gradually condensed until it became the size of a child's fist, a rich energy body that could no longer be compressed, at the point of the golden section line of the human body, moving according to his will.


The essence of the human body was like a thunderbolt, and with a slight movement, it was concentrated to the extreme, so that the mighty Shen Xi who was a little bulging at his navel suddenly brightened.

Hula, in Wei Long's perception, there seemed to be endless hotness circulating around his navel.

The rich Shenxi turned into the most abundant fuel, and the moment a spark appeared, it formed a prairie fire and turned into a ball of golden flames, powerful and magnificent, and even more in line with the beauty of the human body. The root of the dragon, the organ that seems to be born out of many, has an indescribable beauty.

"Fate fire, the root of the extraordinary!"

From Wei Longfu to Consonance, he felt something in his heart. Although Qi, Blood and Shenxi were paving the way, only when he reached the step of Minghuo, did he half step into the door of cultivation.

Some people have already exhausted their potential at this point, but like Wei Long, they are just beginning, one hit and two breaks, this is a great idea, he said softly and slowly: "The essence of melting one body is vast, and one ray of good fortune is towering! Only for cultivation The beginning!"

(End of this chapter)

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