Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 17 Heisha and Chixia

Chapter 17 Heisha and Chixia

Golden life fire!

Jin Yan!

It's not transparent, it's not blood red, it's golden!

"Wei Daqing said that Fate Fire is divided into three levels, transparent, blood red, and golden, and gold is the color in legends. Even Wei Shengjun is just slightly dark red Fate Fire!"

Wei Long smiled lightly.

Qianxue and Shenxi are also accumulating, and these two levels can be polished after they are completed, but what happens when the fire of life is ignited, it will be like that later, because this is the fire of the essence of the human body.

Jin Yan symbolizes immortality and transcendence. What Wei Long can do in the future is to strengthen Jin Yan as much as possible in order to completely open up the wheel of life.

"Faintly, I can already perceive where the life wheel is." Wei Long stepped into the third step, and all the previous doubts were resolved.

This is the case in practice, if there is a teacher who can explain the confusion in advance, even if there is no one, after reaching a certain level, you will naturally know it backwards.

Igniting the fire of life is like mastering the code of good fortune, which is clearly visible for the future path.

"The place where the fire of life is ignited is like the singularity of the human body, leaving a little bit of the essence of the human body. When the fire of life is fully developed, it will be able to complete it in one go, open up the wheel of life, and completely control the path of its own creation!"

Wei Long caressed the position of his lower abdomen, and he could feel a group of exuberant flames beating in it, just like the human relationship reproduces, he is also gestating his own opportunity for good fortune.

After moving blood and Shen Xi through, the door of cultivation was finally clearly visible, as if it was right in front of it, and it would fall down as soon as it was pushed!
"Although moving blood and Shenxi are also paving the way for cultivation, only when you reach the realm of life and fire can you say that you have finally touched the threshold for the mighty power to belong to yourself!"

Wei Long could clearly feel that the exuberant body essence he had accumulated was constantly being tempered by the fire of life, and even the phantom of the true meaning of the 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' that had reached the state of [Superbity] seemed to show signs of qualitative change.

Actually it is.

When Wei Long's 'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' level was raised to the level of [Superb], the phantom of his true intentions was revealed, which meant that he was not afraid of gang fights at low levels.But boxing is still the way of fighting, the "skill" in cultivation, and the way of "use".

And cultivation is the root, the "law" and the path to good fortune!

Just like the fire of life tempers the body, it will forge the body that has reached its limit again, and the body will also feed back the fire of life to make it more vigorous. The same is true for the level and cultivation level of the 'Eight Desolation Suppressing Prison Fist'.

The two promote each other, complement each other, and work together on Wei Long himself.

Minghuo Jinyan is as dazzling as the morning glow, shining endless light from the lower abdomen, surrounding it, like a blacksmith, tempering his blood, his bones, feeding back his viscera, tempering flesh, muscles, bones, and spleen.

Everything is changing dramatically.

Constantly exploring the limits of the human body, squeezing the endless potential of the self, the remaining impurities in the body are quickly fumigated out of the body, and then evaporate completely. Wei Long's body becomes like steel, and he can blast thousands of catties with a random punch. Possesses powerful power.

The terrifying physique that had been condensed to perfection was tempered again.

Even the blood was compressed and then compressed again, becoming as thick as iron juice, with golden streamers flickering faintly, which is a symbol of a physique comparable to that of a desolate beast, very terrifying!
Wei Long's heart moved, and his current strength was displayed in a more intuitive way:

Life Fire Value: 30
Cultivation method: Boxing branch "Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Perfect]

Wei Long's Shenxi is too strong, just after igniting the fire of life, he almost entered the middle stage of the fire of life, this is the terrible thing about the accumulation of strength!
Insufficient accumulation consumes all of Shen Xi, and finally ignites the fire of life. At the beginning, there is only a little flame, and it is just a bad flame.

Qi and blood are fire guides, and Shen Xi is charcoal.

The energy and blood were not trained enough, and Shen Xi was not vigorous enough, so the fire of life that was ignited was naturally poor.

"The remaining body energy can be used." Wei Long's heart moved, and the remaining body energy after upgrading the 'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' was quickly digested.

Minghuo grew rapidly, but this time he lost weight completely.

Brilliant Fire of Life rose directly from 30 points to 39 points, crossing the threshold from the early to mid-term.

But the backfeeding of breaking through the life fire is not over yet, Wei Long's body has undergone some amazing qualitative changes, his heart is pounding, and the gushing blood is much stronger than before, like a powerful engine, constantly strengthening his body everywhere .

The changes in the blood affect the whole body, and the organs in all parts of the body are also gradually strengthening.

This requires a process. Wei Long, who has already lost weight and looks a little thin, looks like re-forged fine steel. The texture is very terrifying. It seems to be thin, but it contains almost endless strength.

"However, the difficulty of upgrading in the future is also increasing. The previous level of upgrading 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' only consumed half of the body's energy, and the remaining half was only increased by 9 points. It can be seen that Jin Yan's level of improvement is very difficult. .”

Wei Long stayed in Shenxi for more than half a month, accumulating a large amount of physical energy, and was able to ignite the golden fire of life.

Lifefire of such quality will naturally consume a lot when it grows in the future.

Difficulties are difficult, but Wei Long believes that with his own efforts, he can practice steadily, and with the help of some talents, he can take it step by step.

Wei Long exhaled lightly, and with a single step, he came to an open place.

The sudden increase in strength caused Wei Long to tremble slightly every time he stepped down, and above his finger, a golden halo as thin as a hair wrapped around his fingertip.

With a flick of the hand, the golden filament ring unfolded and rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, like an ordinary streamer passing through the night, and then disappeared under the night.

Nothing seems to happen.


In an instant, the giant tree and boulder pierced by the golden filaments were broken inch by inch, as if they had been cut by unknown sharp objects, and there was a trace of golden fire flashing on the cross section, and then instantly turned into a big fire, ignited Collapsed giant log.

Wei Long's figure disappeared in a flash, he strode [-] meters abruptly, and hit the ground directly, the phantom of true meaning that originally covered three feet can now extend to ten feet.

Those fierce flames were extinguished in an instant as soon as they gained momentum.

"The energy release temperature of Fate Fire is around [-] degrees, and this compressed energy itself has cutting properties."

Wei Long experimented with the attack method of Minghuo. Of course, such an experiment is very prodigal, and it will directly consume the stock of Minghuo.

The sliver of life fire just now was used up, and it was used up directly, and it could only be cultivated again.

"It will take a long time to digest the essence of the human body condensed by the life fire and then replenish it."

Wei Long thought for a moment, if he used all the fire of life in one blow, the power would be extremely terrifying, even a strong man in the wheel of life would hardly be able to resist, because his fire of life was Jin Yan, which condensed a huge amount of life energy.

Of course, the consequences would be very serious, directly falling below the realm.

Wei Long secretly said: "Jin Yan's level is the transition to the life wheel. As long as the potential is still there, most of them pay attention to only getting in and out, and constantly replenishing to reach the level of opening up the life wheel as soon as possible. You can let go of your hands and feet."

"Compared to using life fire directly, there is another way that is more commonly used."

Direct squandering of life fire can only be used as a hole card.

With a movement in Wei Long's heart, another ray of life split out, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into surging Shen Xi covering Wei Long's body, and then a little of Shen Xi turned into terrifying energy and blood, and Wei Long's whole body turned into a dark golden blood energy. The beam of light is more than ten feet high.

Qi and blood refine Shenxi, Shenxi ignites life fire, and vice versa can also be transformed.

And the consumption is very small.

Wei Long's heart skipped a beat again.

The phantom of the true meaning of 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' covers three feet around, which can guarantee the maximum range of strong suppression. If it spreads to ten feet, the pressure will be reduced a lot, and the transformed blood will quickly fill up. The prison beast black in the phantom Shadow is extremely scary.

Wei Long nodded in satisfaction, and in an instant, the phantom of his true intention dissipated, his blood energy turned into Shen Xi, and Shen Xi condensed into a trace of life fire, which returned to his lower abdomen. This was the normal attack method.

"I don't know how my current strength compares to Wei Shengjun's?" Wei Long had a question in his heart, but then he shook his head and laughed.

Why compare yourself with others?

To practice is to like to practice, nothing more.

If the success or failure of cultivation is judged purely by combat power, then except for the strongest one, everyone is a loser.

"Adding points allows me to walk steadily step by step. Based on my accumulation, although there is a gap, the gap is small and limited."

Wei Long still assessed the gap between the two. Although there was a big gap between them, they might not be incapable of fighting.
After testing the newly added strength, Wei Long returned to the house and sat down cross-legged.

After igniting the fire of life, you can start trying to absorb the energy of the world.

There are two original forces in the world, Heisha and Chixia. Chixia is rare and precious, very thin and difficult to obtain, while Heisha is abundant and harmful, permeating the world.

According to Wei Long's knowledge, Heisha and Chixia are like the two forces of yin and yang, or they can also be called clear and turbid qi, which are the original forces of heaven and earth.

Heisha is turbid air, which contains the power to make people crazy, but it spreads all over the world, and Chixia is hidden in Heisha.Chixia is equivalent to Qingqi, which can be absorbed directly and is beneficial to the body.

But if the fire of life is not ignited, the harmful energy in Heisha cannot be removed and refined, and it is very likely to cause people to go crazy and out of control.

The desolate beasts are naturally able to absorb Heisha, and they are not afraid of being impregnated with crazy energy, which can be transformed into powerful true blood and precious bones.

Therefore, when a human cultivator first started, he had to rely on the blood of wild beasts, or precious medicines and great pills to practice.

When one's self is constantly strengthened, it is tempered like fine steel, and its vitality is amazingly strong. Whether it is Heisha or Chixia, after being refined by the fire of life, all of them are turned into food for people's cultivation.

However, there are also some details that Wei Long ignored.

Not only is the efficiency of life fires of poor quality low, but Heisha can't refine it endlessly. Once it has accumulated to a certain level, it cannot be cultivated. This is called the exhaustion of potential.

If you want to practice, you need a special method to purify the black spirit in your body. If you practice forcibly, you may become a monster.

And the stronger the fire of life, the higher the level, the more thorough the refining, and the less black evil will be accumulated.

Just as some people are troubled by endorsing, some people are born with a photographic memory and can do it in one step; some people can't turn around in the steps of solving mathematical problems and can't think hard, but some people understand it for granted.

This is probably the strong one!

Wei Long ignited Jin Yan, without this trouble, Heisha can completely refine it, and he is not afraid of residue accumulation, so he simply ignored it.

Wei Long meditated quietly.

Feel the outside world with the fire of life, there are streaks of black energy matter filling the sky and the earth, those black energy matter is very violent, obviously Heisha.

And there are still a small number of golden light spots in the black evil, ups and downs in the black evil, and then some are slowly transformed, this is the original power of heaven and earth, one ebbs and another, and the cycle goes back and forth!
 Thanks for the reward from the book friend Paradise Candy, please ask for votes, tomorrow will be Monday, please vote more for a good start.

(End of this chapter)

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