Chapter 22

Weizhuang Village was in ruins under the attack of the horned dragon cub, and this cub was of extraordinary origin, if its parents found it, it would not be comparable to the cubs in the wheel of life.

It must be extremely powerful.

To say the least, they were the remnants of adult desolate beasts like the Golden Tree and the Black-haired Demon Ape that appeared outside Julu City in the Border Pass, and their strength was terrifying and unreasonable.

In addition, after Wei Long killed the horned dragon cub, he found trampling scars caused by unknown desolate beasts on its chest and abdomen.

Obviously, some kind of turmoil occurred in the depths of the wilderness, and this horned dragon cub was also hunted down.

There are many troubles behind it.

No matter which one it was, Wei Long didn't want to face it, so he took over the decision-making power of the village without hesitation, and decided to move the whole village far away.

Wei Long would rather face the danger on the way to relocate the whole village than fight against the troubles caused by the horned dragon cub.

Although the chances of the latter happening are not high, there is no need for him to gamble.

Moreover, there was constant turmoil in the depths of the wilderness, and in his opinion, the advantages of moving in advance outweighed the disadvantages.

Of course, the pharmacists, blacksmiths, and other high-level officials in the village may not have no opinion, but the hunting brigade suffered heavy losses, most of them were seriously injured, and Wei Shengjun was still unconscious. It is close to dissipating, and the fire of life is also exhausted.

The rest of the village's upper floors.

It is true that pharmacists and blacksmiths are professionals, but they are a little afraid of Wei Long's radical actions.

What's more, their professional abilities are precious in the originally stable Weizhuang Village, but they may not be as effective as powerful fighters in a dangerous environment.

In this case, no one will challenge Wei Long's decision.

"I would love to save the village, but only under my control."

Wei Long is rough and direct.

He will not engage in unnecessary emotional battles, because that is meaningless.

But he never hesitated when it came to making decisions about his own destiny.

Whether it's the village or the village chief, Wei Long still has a sense of gratitude deep in his heart. Otherwise, seeing the village being attacked, he wouldn't be filled with anger and brazenly kill the horned dragon cub.

At that time, the horned dragon cub already wanted to surrender.

Of course, Wei Long couldn't have killed the opponent just because he wanted to taste the taste of the so-called remnants.

You must know that the value of a living remnant cub far exceeds that of a dead one.

Fortunately, although there were some opinions, the village was still relocated as scheduled, and no one questioned whether Wei Long was qualified to act as the village head's decision-maker.

The life in the village is relatively primitive, and those ordinary villagers think relatively simple. Wei Long rescued them like a god, and killed the horned dragon cub that the village chief couldn't kill, so he is naturally trustworthy.

The Great Wilderness is the world of wild beasts.

Even human beings are somewhat tainted with animal nature.

The most important thing is to obey and respect the strong.

As for those high-level people who still have a lot of thoughts even in the primitive barren village, they can only play with flower guns.

Wei Long's will is unshakable.

He's not a teenager who knows nothing, and even if he was thought to be before, there isn't anymore.

Therefore, the road to relocation is unstoppable.

It's just that it's far more difficult than I thought along the way.

After having a full meal at noon and setting off, by the time Jin Wuxi fell into the hazy sky, he had only traveled a few tens of miles, because most of them were women and children, and the hunting brigade had lost all combat power, so the speed was not too slow.

"We must stop. The wilderness at night is very dangerous. We have to set up camp in advance, and we must also investigate the surrounding situation, sprinkle special medicinal powder, and beware of the invasion of wild beasts." The pharmacist came to Wei Long's cart.

"You do it." Wei Long is still very satisfied with the pharmacist, mutual respect can avoid many bad things from happening.

The team soon stopped on a gentle slope.

Most of the soldiers in the hunting brigade were seriously injured and unable to act for a short period of time. The second reserve team began to act according to different groups.

Wei Wenbao led people to ignite the medicine bag made of real blood desolate animal feces to fume away snakes, rats and mosquitoes, and then sprinkle the desolate animal medicine powder made of more powerful desolate animal feces;
Wei Heitie led people to quickly check the distribution of wild beasts nearby. If there were powerful wild beasts to report in time, Wei Daqing, who had already had the initial power of action, would deal with them. If not, continue to report to Wei Long;
And Wei Tianhu also led people to clean up the mixed-blood wild beasts nearby, and used them for dinner. It is impossible to sit and eat the mountain, and the children of the wilderness who have a sense of crisis would not do this.

in the animal world.

Pups deprived of their parents or in an unstable environment will mature relatively quickly.

And in the human world, it's similar, children from poor families are already in charge of the family.

Wei Long saw all this in his eyes.

Now that the village is facing a catastrophe, although the undercurrent is surging, the overall interests are still consistent, and different interest groups are still maintaining restraint.

Everyone has a job to do, even the kids are gathering hay to keep out the cold at night.

Similarly, Wei Long also has his own mission.

Three days passed.

The relocation team set off at sunrise and had to find a place to stop in the evening. They encountered several crises along the way, but basically Wei Daqing could solve them.

One of the second hunting team died in battle, and some of the seriously injured in the brigade woke up one after another, but two of them didn't make it through and died.The village chief is still in a coma. He has exhausted his powers and is almost exhausted. It is impossible to wake up in a short time.

And when Wei Long set off, he was devouring the blood of the horned dragon cubs.

"The flesh and blood of the horned dragon cub melts in the mouth, and you can feel the energy exploding in its mouth. Every muscle fiber contains terrifying energy."

Wei Long swallowed all the flesh and blood of the horned dragon cubs in a short time, smashing and digesting even the bones.

With the improvement of strength, with his current physical fitness, even Heitie can try to digest it.

It just doesn't make much sense.

The terrifying breath rose, Wei Long's whole body boiled with energy and blood, Shen Xi spread all over his body, and the life fire in his lower abdomen was burning, turning into a fist-sized fireball, extremely vigorous.

In the past three days, he hardly paid attention to anything, and tried his best to add points, consuming a lot of physical energy to improve his own strength.

Remarkable results have been achieved:

Life Fire Value: 89
Kung Fu: boxing branch "Wei·Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Superb]

The life fire value has increased from 50 points to 89 points. It can be said that every point of increase requires a lot of effort compared to the previous point, and the energy consumed can be called a huge amount.

"39% of the flesh and blood of the horned dragon cubs only increased by 4 points, and the remaining 5% ​​increased by [-] or [-] points at most."

Wei Long recovered from his practice, looked up and saw that everything was round, and his whole body became a bit round.

Although the demeanor is not diminished, there is an inexplicable sense of joy.

"It's already in the late stage of Fatefire. It's meaningless to increase it by a few points. The remaining energy is still used for emergency."

After patting his swollen belly, Wei Long stood up, and the alpaca that was dragging the cart fell to his knees directly under the pressure.

His knees were bleeding.

"With my current digestion ability and my level of cultivation, it is best to take the flesh and blood of wild beasts of the same level. Taking horned dragon cubs is a bit wasteful, and it is too difficult to digest."

Wei Long took control of his uncontrollable body due to the soaring strength, so that the kneeling alpaca stood up tremblingly, but his knees were already bleeding.

Wei Long shook his head and jumped off the cart, looked at the sky, and unconsciously walked nearly a hundred miles.

The night is dark.

Looking up, the surrounding mountains and forests were pitch-black, accompanied by terrifying cries from time to time, which added a bit of horror to the already bleak night.

As if feeling a certain kind of attention, Wei Long looked forward to the left, just in time to see Wei Tianhu looking over.

The latter is still guarding Wei Shengjun's side. Even if he is on mission these days, there are always people around Wei Shengjun.

After looking at Wei Long for a while, Wei Tianhu consciously avoided his eyes, and it took only three or two days. This young man has grown up a lot, and his eyes are less spirited and more serious.

Wei Long casually glanced at the temporary camp, and nodded unconsciously. It's not bad, at least he couldn't do it.

A drum-like sound originating from the heart came from somewhere, as if it was in a very far away place, and also seemed to be deep in his heart, like thunder.

Boom! !

It woke up the people on duty in the middle of the night, but it was not only them who were awakened, but everyone.

There was a scream, and then someone scolded it to stop.

The screams are not because they are not strong enough, they have endured enough disasters, if they are not strong enough, then the requirement of being strong is too much.

It was the weird voice that made them flustered and magnified their already uneasy fear to the extreme.

The source of the sound soon appeared.

It was a one-legged beast, which looked a bit weird. It didn't have the pressure from the bloodline level of the horned dragon cub, but compared to the horned dragon, which was just a cub, this desolate beast was already an adult.

There is a pure-blooded desolate beast with its own celestial phenomena, its shape is like a cow, its body is pale and hornless, and it has one foot. When it enters and exits the water, there will be wind and rain. Its light is like the sun and moon, and its sound is like thunder. Its name is Kui.

This is not Kui Niu, nor is it a direct descendant of Kui Niu, but its ancestors seem to contain the blood of Kui Niu.

It can be called a Kui beast.

It's not as exaggerated as Kui Niu's strength, but it can shake people to death with a sound like thunder, and shake the mountains and forests with one foot, which is terrifying.

The Kui beast came chasing after the breath of the horned dragon cub.

When Wei Long ate the last bite of the horned dragon's flesh, it lost its source of breath, and this Kui beast went berserk.

It is more than ten feet long, and it looks like a giant deer on its one foot, but it has no horns on its head.

Cries sounded.

This is a desolate beast that is even better than the horned dragon cub. Not the most tenacious warrior can't resist the loud noise that sounds like it sounds from the bottom of his heart. It is a sound that almost destroys people's will.

This is the magical power of this Kui beast.

Compared with the black heavy water of the horned dragon cub, this adult Kui beast may be lacking in intelligence and potential, but its supernatural power has already formed, that is, its combat power is stronger.

There are adults and children who cry, even if they know they should calm down at this moment, they can't calm down.

How did Dahuang treat his people harshly!
"Organize people to evacuate!" Wei Long's eyes became serious a little bit, and he turned his head and gave instructions, asking Pharmacist and the others to lead people to evacuate.

Already had the experience of a collapse, this time the organization was faster, and there was order in the chaos.

After Wei Long's words fell, he waved his sleeves and stood up. His figure was like a mountain in the eyes of everyone, and he took off like a cannonball.

Beside him, the alpaca, which was restless when the Kui beast arrived, was directly blasted into blood mist by the aroused earth and rocks, and it was relieved.

Wei Long's whole body was shrouded in divine light, and in an instant, he propped up the true meaning of the transformed 'Eight Desolation Suppressing Prison Fist', which had grown to sixteen black chains surrounding his whole body.

Since the road is difficult, then smash all obstacles!
Mountains block mountains, rivers block water!This Kui beast is nothing more than a waste that even a horned dragon cub can't kill, since it's here to die, just kill it!
(End of this chapter)

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