Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 23 New Talent

Chapter 23 New Talent
The earth was roaring and trembling, and in the mountains and old forests, the usually mighty wild beasts fled in panic at this moment like driven chickens.

I saw the one-legged deer-shaped Kui beast, and a figure covered in dark golden light, covering sixteen huge black chains, constantly bombarding and colliding.

The desolate beast that panicked and reckless involved the aftermath of the battle between the two, was either frightened to death, shocked to death, trampled into flesh, or shot through with black chains.

One man and one beast kept going, and the terrifying fighting breath spread for more than a dozen miles, causing waves of turmoil.

"He's become stronger again!" Wei Tianhu stayed at the end as a member of the broken army, looking at the figure that was so powerful that he was almost unmatched on the mountain in the distance.

He got it.

There is a gap between people.

The blacksmith beckoned him to leave quickly, "Let's go! We will only delay you if we stay here."

If Wei Tianhu had heard the word "holding back" before, he would definitely have felt uncomfortable, but now he accepted it calmly, he was no different from those desolate beasts fleeing in panic.

Wei Tianhu looked up at the sky and leaned back slightly, "Is this the strong and the genius?"

Then he ran away quickly.

Seeing the villagers evacuating in an orderly manner, Wei Long distanced himself from Kui Beast.

Repeated tricks.

A huge black chain cage was formed under his control, and the cage that appeared at this moment was stronger than the cage that imprisoned the horned dragon before.

Before, it was only made of eight black chains intertwined with each other, which inevitably had some shortcomings, but now that Wei Long's strength has greatly increased in the late stage of the fire of life, this time the cage is even stronger.

Kui Beast swooped towards Wei Long with one leg, and changed direction in the air. The deer-shaped body spun like a gyroscope, and the one leg was like a mad cow poking its hooves.

Came directly trampled!

"Wei Bahuang Town Prison Fist Prison Kill!"

Wei Long gave a soft shout, and the black chain iron cage directly caught the hooved Kui beast in the air. The huge impact directly made Wei Long vomit blood, but luckily he managed to control it in the end.

The Kui beast landed with a bang and was bound and trapped.

Wei Long had almost figured out the strength of this Kui beast. Its strength was roughly equivalent to three Wei Shengjuns and two horned dragon cubs. The reason why it didn't use realm to measure it was because even at the same realm, there were differences in strength and weakness.

What makes the Kui beast really powerful is its supernatural power. Wei Long called it "Thunder" supernatural power, which seems to be a powerful ability born with it, which originated from a trace of Kui Niu's blood in its body.

This Kui beast should have a certain degree of good fortune. It developed the blood of the ancestor Kui Niu. It can make a loud noise like thunder, and has a terrifyingly powerful penetrating power, directly penetrating and shaking Wei Long's viscera.

Vicious and terrifying.

Fortunately, a mountain is stronger than a mountain.

"Compared to stupid wild beasts, human wisdom is stronger." Wei Long looked at the Kui beast trapped in the black iron cage, still struggling.

Wei Long swallowed the blood in his mouth, smacked his lips, his eyes flashed, and the iron cage suddenly shrank!

Kui Beast struggled violently, and there was a thunderous sound from its mouth. The sound was more terrifying than the sound made by trampling on one foot, but seeing that the true blood on its body was consumed, it should pay a considerable price.

When the roar came out, Wei Long's body trembled, and he felt great pain in his blood, muscles, bones, and internal organs, as if he was being hit continuously with a small hammer.

He swallowed a mouthful of blood again, and the killing intent in his eyes became stronger.

"Stupid desolate beast! Shrink me again! I just want to see if you die or not!"

The black iron cage shrunk again. At this moment, Kui's animal skin and flesh had burst open, and golden blood spilled faintly. It let out another roar, roar!
The voice was more miserable than before, Wei Long trembled again, swallowed a mouthful of blood for the third time, and the energy stored in his body melted again to replenish the life fire he had spent.

He retracted the iron chain again, and it would be difficult to eliminate the great hatred in his heart without killing Kui Beast!

The one-legged Kui Beast was hit hard first, Ho Ho!

As if being touched by Ni Lin, the huge thunderous sound far surpassed the previous one resounded through the heavens and the earth. The supernatural power was indescribable. Wei Long only felt that his body seemed to be torn apart, and golden blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He looked like ice, and swallowed coldly, as if there were pieces of internal organs hidden in it, "Damn, ruthless!"

Looking at the Kui beast in the black prison, Wei Long retracted the sixteen chains in an instant. The chains supported the ground and fled in a blink of an eye.

The Kui beast roared in situ, but did not chase after it.

"I have no need to gamble with this desolate beast. After a while, I will kill it like a chicken, so there is no need to take any risks." After Wei Long withdrew, he was still monitoring Kui's subsequent actions.

The beast was quite sensible, he didn't make any progress, but retreated obediently.

Having lost the aura of the horned dragon cub, and facing a powerful enemy, it made a wise choice.

"Since you are so sensible, why not forgive you this time!" Wei Long smiled freely in the night.

He is a broad-minded person, and Kui Beast knows how to retreat in spite of difficulties, so it doesn't matter if he lets him go.

The chains were nailed to the ground, and Wei Long was blowing the night wind coldly.

After Kui Beast left, he waited anxiously for a long time, until it was confirmed that Kui Beast had left completely, and his severely injured viscera recovered for a short time.

Wei Long regained his ability to move, so he went to chase the fleeing village brigade in a bit of a panic.

"It's careless! It's inflated! We still have to stick to a wave of tactics and pour out all the attack methods in a short time. If you can't kill him, just slip away and don't love to fight!"

A large group of people couldn't move quickly, and after the noise of the battle disappeared, Wei Long hadn't returned yet, so the blacksmith took the initiative to lead people to cut off the rear.

Wei Long rushed back and first met a blacksmith on the way.

"The Kui beast?" Seeing that Wei Long was safe and sound, the blacksmith breathed a sigh of relief.

"Already escaped with serious injuries."

Wei Long smiled lightly, a wisp of blood involuntarily overflowed from the corner of his mouth, which he quietly wiped away.

"Let's go quickly, so as not to cause any trouble." Wei Long left after speaking.

The blacksmith silently led others to follow, and Wei Long didn't say anything, so he didn't have to ask, anyway, it's fine if he wins, the more he pays, the more respect Wei Long deserves.

Amid bursts of cheers weeping with joy, Wei Long returned, greeted the group, and explained a few words. He sat alone in the carriage to heal his injuries, feeling the injuries all over his body.

Wei Long frowned. This time, his heavy injury seemed to have opened up a new talent.

as follows:

Life Fire Value: 89
Kung Fu: boxing branch "Wei·Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Superb]

Status: Extremely traumatized
"That dog!" Wei Long's teeth itch at the thought of Kui Beast.

That guy's attack method is too insidious, the method that can both disturb the mind and attack through sound waves is really obscene!

Wei Long also discovered his own shortcomings.

Although he insisted on practicing hard, worked hard, and had extraordinary talents, he did not have a complete inheritance after all, nor did he receive systematic cultivation education.

He has advanced "Eight Desolation Prison Fist" to the [Supernatural] level, which can be said to be extremely strong.

But that's all.

If there was a way to resist the sound waves, he would be able to eat Kui's beast meat right now.

"Extremely badly injured." Wei Long was injured for the first time, and suffered such a heavy injury.

When interacting with the Kui beast, the 'thunder' miraculousness is still within the tolerance range, but it is only a [slight injury]; after pulling away from the distance, it becomes a [slight injury] when it is trampled by its one-legged impact; shrinking the black cage Kui beast is the first When it roared for the first time, it was aggravated to [moderate injury]; for the second time, Kui Beast used its miraculous roar desperately, and directly [heavy damage]; for the last time, Kui Beast released all its hole cards, and it was directly shocked to [extreme damage].

At that time Wei Long had already fallen into a very dangerous state.

"It's not without gains, at least it shows that my exclusive talent is far more than the so-called bonus points."

Wei Long came to a cart of food in stock and devoured it quickly.

Just as he imagined, when the whole cart of food in stock was devoured, he added points three times in a row to restore his state from [extremely severely injured] to [slightly injured].

It is different from improving strength.

Relatively less energy is required to recover from an injury, and the further you go, the less energy you need as the injury becomes lighter.

This cart of food was prepared by Wei Long for the pharmacist. It was made of meat made by powerful beasts like Earth Dragon.

The pharmacist breathed a sigh of relief seeing Wei Long finish eating so much food.

Since Wei Long's return, he found that Wei Long seemed to have been greatly traumatized. If something happened to Wei Long, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After a day or so, Wei Long waited for the injury to recover naturally, took out the animal skin notebook, thought for a while and wrote down, "The Kui beast should also be close to exhaustion, but its methods are extremely obscene, and I deeply hate it!"

Wei Long didn't write down the battle process, leaving such a "big" space for Kui Beast is already his extra value.

In fact, Kui Beast is not qualified to leave traces in his notes at all!

"Huh, Kui Niu's blood?" A voice came from the clouds.

I saw a dog's head with a ring on its head, with wings on its back, a dog-shaped figure poking down from the clouds.

A figure surrounded by raging fire just wanted to say something, only to see the Kui beast that was still looking for food on the ground with one hand that day was grabbed by a big hand, and it couldn't even scream.

In a blink of an eye.

The huge body was ravaged and turned into a drop of amazing blue blood, and there were faint flashes of thunder.

"Although I only have a trace of Kui Niu's blood, I think it can improve my sound attack a little bit. Bark!" Tian laughed.

Seeing that Kui Beast was dead, Yun Wu could only persuade him, "Our mission is still the most important thing."

"Mission?" Tianyi was in a good mood, but when he heard the word 'mission', his face changed slightly, "In the past three days, we have searched almost all the cities in the south, and we can only confirm that he seems to have entered the wilderness, and there is no sound at all. How can we get there? try to find?"

"That person was ordered by the main hall, and the news of the Supreme Dragon God's attention came out. I think it is extraordinary."

Yun Wu also knew that it was hard to find, "As long as we can determine the general location, we can't offend people like those who are waiting for the attention of the main hall, no matter how harmless the information is written."

"Then ask the criminals in the nearby deserted villages."

Tianyi nodded unconsciously, "Huh? I'm lucky today. There is one over there. It seems to be criminals who escaped at night. There are quite a few criminals. Maybe there is something to gain."

"It's up to me this time!" Yun Wu had been on guard for a long time, and grabbed Tian Yi, "The time has not come yet, no matter how dirty and lowly those sinners' blood of original sin is, you are not allowed to act recklessly! "

"What do those criminals care about, as long as they don't massacre the city, who can control the affairs of our Pantheon?" Tian Yi disagreed.

"Break the rules set by the high gods, you can do it yourself, but don't drag me."

Hearing these words, Tianyi seemed to have thought of something terrible, and shook his head in fear.

Seeing that he was afraid, Yun Wu took a step forward to reveal his figure, and flew towards the criminals who were traveling at night. He also hated this lowly and weak creature very much, but just like this, the more he wanted to show him as a god The tolerance a person should have.

(End of this chapter)

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