Chapter 25

Originally, Zeng Qingru had just thought badly about those two freaks, but with his powerful strength of the six transformations of gods and demons, he was like the high god those guys said, showing only a trace of killing intent, enough to make them run away.

It's just that Zeng Qingru didn't expect that he could see the golden fire of life on the edge of the wilderness, a young man from a deserted village.

This really surprised him very, very much.

Even within a generation of aristocratic families, there are only a few people who can ignite the golden flame of life, let alone within the Great Wilderness.

The resources here are scarce and the dangers abound. It is not a good place for cultivation at all.

If it is said that the cultivation of aristocratic families in a big city is a normal mode, it is a difficult mode to practice in an ordinary family in a city.The golden fire of life cultivated in the wilderness is the hell mode.

Like a practitioner who came out of hell, Wei Long ignited the golden fire of life and gave birth to Jin Yan.

Zeng Qingru gave birth to a heart of love for talents.

He had seen Tianyi and Yunwu stop Wei Long early on, and also saw Wei Long send away the fleeing villagers first.

It can be said.

Whether it's talent or temperament, this young man is fine, and he answered the questions of the two freaks of the Pantheon without leaking, cautiously fooling around, and acting quite in line with his appetite.

Zeng Qingru Yifan pondered and looked at it, which only made Wei Long feel horrified.

The sudden appearance of the old man scared away the two weirdos, and under his gaze, Wei Long felt that he had no secret at all.

If the strength of the two weirdos before was unfathomable, Wei Long felt that the old man in front of him was irresistible.

There is a feeling of facing a mountain in front of him, and he is as small as an ant.

"I am Zeng Qingru, the Elder of the Lingxu Cave."

Zeng Qingru showed a smile, "The two guys just now came from an evil force called Pantheon. If I hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid you would have been murdered without knowing it!"

"Junior Wei Long, thank you for saving your life." What else could Wei Long say, so he had to thank you.

At least the old man in front of him didn't look malicious.

As for Lingxu Dongtian, Wei Long didn't know, he only heard Wei Shengjun mention the mountains, seas and caves when explaining the "Bahuangzhen Prison Fist", and he thought it was an extremely powerful force.
"Is this the end?" Zeng Qingru waited for a while, only to find that Wei Long had nothing to say.

A verbal thank you for your life-saving grace?
Not even polite.

or people? !

Although Wei Long could feel the hypocrisy of the two weirdos before, he didn't notice the so-called murderous intentions, but the old man in front of him seemed to be trying to repay his kindness.

Can't figure out this character.

A strange strong man suddenly appeared, and Wei Long didn't know how to face it, he just wanted to leave.

Wei Long said: "Senior, those two people really look down on me. But, just as saber-toothed tigers don't care about little hares, they don't care about me as a child. I have important things to do, and I need to escort the village to relocate. Dayan Dynasty The Township Department has already filed a record."

The pharmacist and the others were able to warn Wei Long not to go out of line with the change of the Department of Desolation, and it happened that Wei Long followed suit.

Since Lingxu Cave Heaven is a cave force within the territory of Yan Kingdom, it naturally has to abide by certain rules.

"Yeah." Zeng Qingru didn't expect Wei Long's eyesight to be so amazing, those two freaks really had no intention of harming anyone.

Zeng Qingru's old face almost turned red, but luckily he was thick-skinned, so he changed the subject calmly, "The so-called calculus person they asked should be someone close to you? If I'm not here, let him really ask what you want, what can you do?" Well done, don’t the juniors have a heart of gratitude?”

"I really don't know anyone who is good at calculation." Wei Long called Qu.

"Then I'll call those two freaks back." Saying that, Zeng Qingru was about to leave.

"Senior!" Wei Long knew this man's ability to come and go without a trace, so he hurriedly stopped him.

It really caught him.

It seemed that this guy was lying to him, seeing Zeng Qingru's half-smile, Wei Long hurriedly begged for mercy, "Senior, you don't really want to deal with those two weirdos, do you?"

Wei Long discovered that Zeng Qingru didn't like those two people, which was evident from the definition of Pantheon, the power behind them, as an evil force.

"Senior, just say whatever you want." Wei Long said bluntly, "Your junior will definitely do what you can."

"Do you really think I need you to do something? So that you know, kid, that I cherish your talent. Being able to ignite a golden flame of life in a corner of a barren village shows that there is good fortune, so I want to accept you into the paradise to practice. "Zeng Qingru's face was a little tense.

Some things still need to be clarified.

How could he really care about the so-called kindness of a young man in a deserted village, he just had nothing to do to make fun of it.

He took out the arrogance of Elder Dongtian, "Since I think you don't want to, let's leave this matter alone, and save me from becoming a villain out of thin air."


The seven disciples who were one step behind also followed, and Wei Long cupped his hands and said, "Thank you so much for your understanding, elder, so I can escort the villagers to the relocation place."

After saying that, Wei Long strode away.

Looking at the seven late disciples from the corner of his eye, his pupils shrank involuntarily.Each of these seven people is terrifying in strength.

Quicken his pace and leave, Wei Long doesn't understand whether it is Pantheon Temple or Lingxu Cave. Although those two weirdos don't seem like good people, but from the name of Pantheon Temple, they should be very powerful forces.

Those two people may be a minority in this faction, and the Elder Zeng Qingru in front of him is a good person, but that doesn't mean that Lingxu Cave is a good person.

Perhaps this elder happened to be one of the few good people in this cave force.

Wei Long knows his family affairs.

He is hardworking, self-disciplined, coupled with the icing on the cake and a little bit of talent, he is a genius everywhere.

With everything unknown, he didn't want to rashly join an unknown force.

With his talent, it's okay not to join other forces, but it may take a little longer to practice.

Other people's points may be many years, or even wasted years.

But Wei Long is very talented, his one point is really only one point.

Therefore, Wei Long has no urgent need to join any forces. What he needs more now is to resettle Weizhuang Village, and then go to understand this different world.

After that, make a decision.

He has always believed that direction is more important than effort itself.


Wei Long left as if he was fleeing, which greatly exceeded Zeng Qingru's expectations, and made him freeze in place.

Wei Long can be said to have left a deep impression on this elder.

According to what Zeng Qingru thought, this kid should be begging him to go back to Lingxu Cave to practice at this moment, why?
This is not right!
"Elder, although the deserted village is under the control of the Department of Desolation, we can't ignore it when we see it." Zhang Zixin is the head of the seven, and his vision and strength are all first-class.

He could hear the exchange between the two from a distance, and said: "I think that junior brother is only concerned about his own village, and he will be in the same sect in the future. Please allow us to help him, elder."

"I don't know whether to accept him or not!" Zeng Qingru said angrily.

"He doesn't know what he missed, so why should the elder be as knowledgeable as he is. When we tell him the benefits of Dongtian Paradise, I'm afraid he will cry and beg the elder." Shen Jie persuaded with a light smile.

Everyone can see that Zeng Qingru only needs one step.


This elder really loves talent.

"Forget it! Forget it! Anyway, we're almost reaching the cave! Because of the old Suanni's interference, the experience in the depths of the wilderness was interrupted, and it just happened to make up for it here. It's also a good time to see the hardships of the barren village." Zeng Qingru said, "by It looks like you are going to make trouble.

The seven disciples looked at each other.

Some are funny, some are surprised, and some are curious at the same time.

They were really surprised that this elder valued that young man from a deserted village named Wei Long so much!

To tell the truth, the seven of them also lit the golden fire of life. They really wanted to see what was so extraordinary about Wei Long!
"The matter has been resolved! Let's find a place to camp." Wei Long caught up with the team and noticed that many villagers were exhausted, especially the children. They had suffered too much during this period. "After camping, rest for a day and recover. "

But Wei Long's expression froze for a moment.

Seeing seven figures appearing in the distance, Zhang Zixin said: "Everyone, we are the disciples of Lingxu Dongtian, Zhang Zixin, Cui Wenhai, Yan Wei, Su Fan, Xia Yonglan, Su Qian, Shen Jie. Let’s hurry up and sharpen our cultivation process.”

The seven introduced themselves, all of them were extraordinary, and they didn't make people feel uncomfortable at all.

Zhang Zixin was the head of the four male disciples, followed by Cui Wenhai, Yan Wei, and Su Fan.

The women are led by Xia Yonglan, Su Qian, and Shen Jie.

Among them, Su Qian and Su Fan are siblings.

The pharmacist and the blacksmith looked at Wei Long.

"So, welcome everyone." Wei Long thought about it, the village is very tired, and the children also need someone to take care of them. With these seven people, no one will die during the journey.

Moreover, these seven people are powerful and can be considered worthy of use.

No need to be white.

So he asked: "Do you have any medical skills? A few days ago, our village was attacked by horned dragon cubs. Now many people have been severely injured and have not recovered."

"Let me be healthy." Xia Yonglan said.

Wei Long nodded. He didn't value these people's medical skills, but thought they should have precious medicine.

He said to the pharmacist, "Take this Miss Xia to visit the village head first."

By the time we found a suitable place to stay, the sky was already bright.

Many people were exhausted after running all night, Xia Yonglan was still treating them, there were too many wounded, and the remaining six people were in charge of security.

Contrary to Wei Long's expectations, these disciples of Lingxu Cave Heaven didn't have much airs.

So Wei Long asked again: "Everyone, we were attacked by Kui beasts last night. Most of the hunting team is exhausted. How about we hunt together?"

"Okay!" Zhang Zixin and others were also very interested in Wei Long, first the horned dragon cub, and then the Kui beast. It seems that the young man in front of him is not very simple.

"When you come, can you see the Kui beast?"

"It should have been killed by those two Pantheon people." Zhang Zixin replied.

"It's cheaper for that bastard!" Wei Long gritted his teeth, it was really a pity that he didn't die in his hands.

But looking at the seven tool men around him, Wei Long couldn't help but smile.

He was worried about how to improve his strength before, but now it seems that he doesn't need to worry at all.

In the vast wild forest, lay the corpses of three huge wild beasts.

Earth Dragon, Two-headed Fiery Rhinoceros, Mutated Saber-toothed Tiger-Biao.
Killed three terrifying desolate beasts in a row, each of which had condensed all the true blood, it was very terrifying, and now all of them are dead.

While out hunting, Wei Long saw the horror of these six people.

Zhang Zixin usually didn't make any moves, mostly Cui Wenhai, who was silent, and Yan Wei, who was strict and strict, took the shots. Su Qian and Su Fan were in charge of the battle. The two had a perfect understanding and often annoyed the wild beasts.

While Shen Jie has amazing agility and is in charge of long-distance containment, Zhang Zixin is the one who knows everything, and often he doesn't need to make a move at all.

Wei Long tried to contain the earth dragon once with the chain of transformation and true meaning, but found that he couldn't integrate into their combat system, so he gave up.

These people are not only strong, but also decisive in dealing with them. They don't procrastinate at all, and don't even use special skills. They can easily kill a powerful wild beast with only their own quality.

And everyone's strength alone is terrible.

Wei Long was secretly shocked by the strength of these people, but he didn't want these people to be so shocked when they saw Wei Long's true intention take form.

"My darling."

Zeng Qingru, who was observing from above the clouds, couldn't help being surprised. He had already cast a high glance at Wei Long, but he didn't expect this young man to have realized the transformation of reality and reality.

It makes sense to think about it.

If it wasn't for such an advanced level of 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist', how could it ignite the golden flame of life?
"It's almost enough to kill two more."

Wei Long touched Biao, muttered to himself, looked at the six people, his eyes were shining, such a useful tool man, where can I find it?
Biao is a mutant species of saber-toothed tiger. It has two wings and can fly. It is very scary. Wei Long couldn't help but taste the taste of Biao's flesh and blood. It was a taste he had never tasted before. Desolate beast meat!

(End of this chapter)

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