Chapter 26
Then he killed a spotted leopard insect, a strange desolate beast with the head of a leopard and a body like a silkworm chrysalis, and it was equally powerful.

Then there was a Jiaohu with a Jiao head and a tiger body. This desolate beast was much stronger than the Kui beast, but with the cooperation of Zhang Zixin and the other seven, they killed it without any effort.


Earth dragon, two-headed fire rhinoceros, biao, spotted leopard, jiaohu, plus a total of five powerful wild beasts.

All the overlords in the nearby barren mountains and forests suffered disaster.

Back to station.

Wei Long asked the pharmacist to make a 'Five Beasts True Blood Bathing Soup' for the dolls, cook the dolls to strengthen their bodies, and distribute the rest.

Observation found that Zhang Zixin's seven people only ate less than ten catties of desolate animal meat, Wei Long asked: "Do you need blood food for cultivation?"

"We practice outside the cave, mainly refining the black spirit of heaven and earth, assisting Xiayu, and then taking precious medicine. The energy of blood food is mixed and violent, and the efficiency of absorption and utilization is not high."

Zhang Zixin continued: "Of course, the premise is that you have enough skills to complement your own cultivation, and enough golden life fire to completely refine Heisha. Otherwise, you must swallow the elixir to get rid of Heisha on time. After this experience, return to the cave. , it has been improved and optimized by the seniors of the sect, there are very few black evil spirits, and the red clouds are all over the sky, so it is more effective to practice."

Between Zhang Zixin's words, he was talking to Wei Long about the benefits of Dongtian disciples.

Cultivation methods, resources, environment, as well as companions who practice, and teachers who can ask for advice.

These Wei Long just listened to, in fact all his thoughts were put on the remaining five desolate beasts.

If Zhang Zixin and others don't eat it, the villagers will eat at most half a desolate beast if they add one piece, and no amount will be able to refine it.

Wei Long asked Zhang Zixin and the others if they didn't want to eat, so he asked the blacksmith to pack the materials from those wild beasts and give them to them as a token of friendship.

After that, Wei Long was not polite.

All the remaining desolate beast meat was swallowed into his stomach.

Among these five, the weakest earth dragon also condenses the blood of the whole body, while the strongest Jiaohu is even more terrifying. It can surpass the two Kui beasts, and the blood energy contained in it can be called massive.
In an instant.

Wei Long inflated like a balloon.

"At this moment, there are outsiders present, so we need to cover up." Wei Long could feel the horrified eyes Zhang Zixin and others looked at him after he had swallowed all the wild beasts.

And there is an elder behind the seven people. Although that person has no bad intentions, he has to guard against it.

Wei Long stood up and went to the forest.

Pretend to practice, in fact add some.

For a moment, the mountains and forests rumbled, and I saw a huge phantom covering a radius of [-] feet, and every foot of space was filled with the dark golden light of Shenxi, as if entering a vast land, and the huge black prison beast figure was in front of him. Standing behind him, sixteen iron chains dance wildly.

"It's almost there!" Wei Long felt that the movement was enough, so he held his breath and focused, and softly shouted, "Break! Break! Break!"

In the eyes of outsiders, Wei Long's operation was as fierce as a tiger, his mouth burst into thunder, and his life suddenly flourished. All the blood and food he swallowed were continuously refined, and the speed was far beyond imagination.

But in Wei Long's own opinion, it's nothing more than mediocre.

It's just +1+1 between thoughts.

In a blink of an eye.

"Give me endless blood food, and I will be able to climb any peak of cultivation with my hard work!" Wei Long felt happy!
There is still a steady stream of blood food being refined in the body, and what was consumed before was only [-]% of it.

It's just that, it has pushed Wei Long's strength a big step forward:

Life fire value: 100 (full)

Kung Fu: boxing branch "Wei·Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Superb]

Wei Long's qi and blood were rolling, Shen Xi was boiling, and the fire of life was thundering like thunder, as if he had inexhaustible energy. The fire of life in the lower abdomen of his body was as bright as golden flames and contained endless mysteries, dancing happily.

This is the root of his creation.

It is also the biggest reliance to open up the life wheel. At this moment, every move of your hand and every blow has a force of ten thousand catties, which is already the limit of stepping into the life wheel state.

The limit of the limit.

Ordinary people weigh only a few thousand catties, but Wei Long weighs ten thousand catties, and one fist can make the earth tremble. What's even more frightening is that this strength is based on a strong body.

It is conceivable how terrible his blood, muscles, bones, and viscera have become!

"Such a terrifying speed of breaking through the realm, no wonder the elders value this young man so much!" Zhang Zixin was shocked when he saw Wei Long's aura gradually becoming full.

Cui Wenhai, who doesn't like to talk, said straight to the point: "The real scary thing is his ability to swallow blood and transform it efficiently. This should be the reason why this young man was born in a barren village and can ignite Jin Yan."

The seven looked at Wei Long standing in the forest, with complicated eyes.

If one could quickly improve one's strength by refining blood food, who would think of ways to buy more expensive pills?
"This kid is really terrifying!"

Everyone is amazed!

Wei Long taught them a good lesson!
Secretly thinking about whether they should eat more and try, but unfortunately they are all born in a family of food, and they used precious medicine and true blood when laying the foundation, and they have never eaten and drank like this.

I want to make up, it's too late!
And those villagers who fled all the way, and there were constant turmoil, saw that Wei Long's strength was even better, and they were only sincerely happy.

With the blessing of the strong, and without the blessing of the strong, the difference in encounters in the wilderness is too great!
"Not good!" Zeng Qingru, who was sitting cross-legged in the clouds, looked at Wei Long below, surprised and delighted.

His aptitude can be cultivated, and his temperament is also extraordinary. He has already listened to the discussions of the villagers and listened to many words in his ears. What this young man has done all the way is very appetizing to him.

"As for the vigilance in this child's heart, it's easy to say. After all, he lost his position since he was a child. Since he met me, he can't let his qualifications go to waste."

Once Zeng Qingru fled his figure, he came to Wei Long.

Only [-]% of the massive energy in Wei Long's body was left, and he was determined to use it to open up the realm of life.

Wei Long felt that what he had accumulated had arrived at a suitable time.

But Zeng Qingru said: "Wait a while to open up the life wheel."

Those words entered his ears quietly like a breeze, it would not disturb his mind, but quietly made him stop what he was doing inadvertently, the fire of life returned to stability, and the true form of the boxing behind him also dissipated.

Surprised, Wei Long opened his eyes, looking at Zeng Qingru who suddenly appeared again, he couldn't make up his mind.

I was still thinking about whether this old boy had been paying special attention to him all the time, whether he was going to be raised up like in some literary works, and then he would take away his house or other nasty things, but Zeng Qingru was not regarded as a good person.

As the saying goes, looking at people's feelings with an open eye, in the eyes of thoughtful people, seeing others is also thoughtful. It's just that sometimes, you can't try to figure out people, let alone try to figure out people maliciously, and you often find yourself in trouble.

This is why Wei Long thinks he is extremely talented and hardworking, and he takes himself very seriously.

It's just that he never jumped out to think about it.

I don’t know how many years older than him, a strong man who is more than two big realms above him, he can do whatever he wants to do. Once such a strong man loses self-restraint in his heart, he really thinks that the so-called Great Yan Dynasty Suppresses Desolation Can you hold it down?

At this moment, Wei Long, just like Wei Tianhu before, took himself too seriously, thinking that everyone wanted to plot something against him.

Before, he had vowed to do some self-reflection on "Not Mediocre". When the real thing came to an end, Wei Long himself was a little too mediocre.

Zeng Qingru stopped Wei Long's momentum of breakthrough and lost the idea of ​​playing a psychological game with this young man, so he persuaded him kindly: "Your 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' has reached the level of transformation, and you can change from virtual to real. It can be said that you are talented. Jia, it is not difficult to open up the life wheel from this, and it is not difficult for you to accumulate, and you are following the ordinary and righteous path, not using secret methods to forcibly open it up, losing your original good fortune and consuming your potential."

"But you have to know that the 'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' is originally a killing technique. Even if you make subsequent changes, it is more for the purpose of making the frontier army of the Dayan Dynasty kill the enemy more. You use it to refine Qi and blood, Condensing Shen Xi and igniting the fire of life are nothing, you can do it."

Zeng Qingru changed the topic, and her tone became extremely serious, "But if you use the nonsensical cultivation method of 'Bahuang Suppressing Prison Fist' to open up the life wheel and break open the door of your cultivation, think about it yourself, The boxing technique evolved from the precious bones of prison beasts, do you have the right way?"

"Please enlighten me, senior." Wei Long heard Zeng Qingru say this. He is not a stubborn person, and his words are reasonable.

Wei Long is very clear about the details of "Wei Bahuang Town Prison Fist". Even if he didn't understand it before, he understands it all when he enters the [Supernatural] level.

There are shortcomings in this boxing technique.

Modifications are nondescript.

It is not the method of cultivation, the method of supplementing the foundation, nor the method of pure fighting.

Before the Fate Wheel Realm, it was called Almighty, but after the Fate Wheel Realm, it was called No Distinctive.

For example, in the country with excessive gun battles in the previous life, some college basketball players can be three or four, can play two positions, and are very versatile. Fourth, athletes who are not well-known in college but have cultivated a position have great potential.

The energy in Wei Long's whole body has surged now, and his heart can't help but flutter. He wanted to open up the life wheel first, even if he made a mistake in the way ahead, at worst, he would start all over again.

Anyway, he is hardworking, coupled with a little talent to help, he can push through the difficulties for others.

But if you can go the right way, why bother to take a detour?
"I have nothing to teach you." Zeng Qingru shook her head lightly and sighed, "Unless."

"Unless what?"

"In two months, my Lingxu Cave Heaven's annual apprenticeship day. As the cave elder, I naturally have the right to give you some special treatment, such as recruiting you specially, and passing on the cultivation method to you in advance." Zeng Qingru said: "However, the name must be right and sound. Only under the gate of my cave in Lingxu can the righteous Dharma be taught."

"But I don't know about Lingxu Cave?" Wei Long went back unexpectedly.

"The Dayan Dynasty is a subsidiary country under the Shengwu Dynasty, and my Lingxu Cave Heaven is the first-class cave heaven and blessed place of the Dayan Dynasty. Only the Five Elements Cave Heaven, the Shuiyue Cave Heaven, the Zixia Cave Heaven, and the Jixia Cave Heaven can be compared with it. There are five caves, the Sword Cave and the Mountain Sea Cave.”

Zeng Qingru was also helpless, if she didn't cherish Wei Long's talent, she really wanted to slap the kid in front of her to death.

But I also knew that it would be impossible not to dispel his thoughts, "You can't find a better training place than the Lingxu Cave in a million miles around. And you are in a deserted village. , it is very possible to send you to the border, and maybe you can become a talent in the end, but the greater possibility is death. Especially today's wilderness is not stable."

"My philosophy of teaching apprentices in Lingxu Cave is to teach students in accordance with their aptitude."

Zhang Zixin came over at some time, took the elder's words, and joined the torrent of sales, "Junior brother, look at us, we are practicing in the depths of the wilderness, and we are escorted by the elders of the gods and demons. We can practice step by step. And I have told you before in the cave, It is a rare place where the red clouds are overflowing and the black evil is rare."


Wei Long was moved.

An elder from the realm of gods and demons, and seven senior brothers with such talents persuaded him that even if the Lingxu Cave is not very good, at least the eight people in front of him are very reliable.

"I need to wait until the village is at the relocation site"

"Okay, we will escort you."

"Don't worry. The village hunting team is seriously injured, at least we have to wait for them to settle down."

"We are not in a hurry. Just treat it as a trial, and we will help you build the village."


Zeng Qingru couldn't help but look at the seven disciples with admiration, they handled them in a logical manner, and he didn't need to say some things.

He turned his eyes to Wei Long.

Wei Long also looked at Zeng Qingru, and then at the seven future brothers and sisters beside him, sighing secretly, at this point, if he refuses again, it really can't be justified.

And the energy accumulated all over the body also needs to be vented. Joining the Lingxu Cave and getting authentic cultivation methods may not be the best, but it must be the best choice among millions of miles.

And the attitude of these people is worthy of his talent.

Wei Long thought for a moment, and he didn't hesitate anymore. He could only say that the Lingxu Cave was lucky enough to be able to recruit him, and said, "So I will join the Lingxu Cave!"

(End of this chapter)

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