Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 29 Miraculous! "Ultimate Power"

Chapter 29 Miraculous! "Ultimate Power"

The 'Fate of Fortune Towering Spirit Yin Life Wheel Method' is the most advanced method of opening the life wheel recorded in the "Huayue Hunyuan Ruins Classic". According to one's own talent and disposition, one finds the door of one's own good fortune, condenses the original magic, and forms a unique own life wheel.

This is how to step into the wheel of life.

After adding points three times, "Hua Yue Hun Yuan Ruo Jing" was upgraded to the level of [Breakthrough].

And this exercise, which is excerpted from the Life Wheel Chapter of the Lingxu Cave Cultivation Collection, is still unfathomable.

Wei Long didn't have the sense of shackles after "Bahuang Town Prison Fist" reached the level of "Supernatural", which also means that the person who created this exercise back then had reached an indescribably terrifying state.

Although it is impossible to deduce this exercise to the extreme, there is no doubt that Wei Long is not inferior to practitioners who have been immersed in this exercise for decades, and even surpassed it.

And he has already familiarized himself with the "Fatalizing Towering Spirit and Leading the Wheel of Life" included in it.

"Make one last confirmation." Wei Long remained cautious.

Be steady!
He has practiced so far, and a large part of it is because of hard work and caution that he can go so smoothly.

Life Fire Value: 100
Cultivation method: "Huayue Hunyuanxu Jing" [Superb]

Boxing branch: "Wei·Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Superb]

Status: Heavy

"The Fire of Fate is complete, and the "Hua Yue Hun Yuan Ruo Jing" has comprehended the true meaning of it, and can transform the virtual into the real, truly enlightened, and opened up the wonder of good fortune."

Wei Long made the final confirmation, "Most of the energy stored in the recent period has been consumed, but it is still sufficient. There is a large amount of energy reserves, and it can even be postponed to restart."

Wei Long slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were like torches, and the shadow of Lingxu descended around him, and three abyss-like vortexes appeared, constantly absorbing the power of black evil in the world, violently entering the lower abdomen, and the strong fire of life continued. Purification continuously nourishes the fire of life that is already consummated.

The power of Peng Bai's life fire swept his whole body.

Every inch of blood, muscle, bone, and viscera was dyed golden at this moment, all the accumulation, all the precipitation, all everything, all at this moment, turned into the most powerful accumulation!

"This is? Hmm!" Zeng Qingru seemed to sense something and looked towards the ground.

I saw three phantoms of the Heisha Abyss shrouded in a hut, "It's amazing talent, it has advanced the "Hua Yue Hun Yuan Ruo Jing" to such a point in a short period of time! No wonder the food is so delicious. Many, maybe this is his own cultivation method!"

The movement from Wei Long's side not only shocked Zeng Qingru, but also Zhang Zixin and his group of seven, as well as the villagers who were rebuilding their homes.

Looking at the berserk vortex that was about to devour all the black evil spirits and red clouds in the world, Zhang Zixin was also horrified, "The talent of this junior is really amazing!"

In just a few days, Wei Long's attainments in the "Hua Yue Hun Yuan Ruo Jing" are not weaker than them!
And they are all at least in the middle stage of the life cycle, and even Zhang Zixin is already in the late stage of the life cycle!
And Wei Long caught up with him in a short period of time, at least in the major of martial arts, with an unimaginably amazing talent!

The manifested image of the true meaning of Lingxu lasted for six days, attracting almost everyone in the village.

Feng Haiyang and Qi Meng from the Department of Desolation; Wei Shengjun and his son Wei Tianhu who have recovered their ability to move; and most of the members of the second reserve team.

Because one more day is the four-village coming-of-age ceremony!
"Master Zhang, I wonder if Wei Long can catch up in the end?" Wei Shengjun has recovered well in a few days, but he is only half of his strength when he was at the peak. Seeing that the coming-of-age ceremony is about to start, he can't delay it, so he has no choice but to come Please see Zhang Zixin.

Zhang Zixin pondered for a while, the so-called coming-of-age ceremony, even the merger of the villages is not as important as the practice of his own junior brother in his opinion, "You go ahead, the challenge of the village chiefs of the three villages will only start after the coming-of-age ceremony. At the last moment, I will wake up my junior brother."

Wei Shengjun had no choice but to agree, and left with Wei Tianhu and his party, who had complicated eyes.

Feng Haiyang and Qi Meng from the Department of Desolation also left.

Many villagers followed, and soon the village fell into silence, only a few villagers with limited mobility stayed behind.

The coming-of-age ceremony, which is uncertain in three to five years, is a grand event in the nearby villages, and as the four villages are all relocated hundreds of miles from the edge of the wilderness to the new land boundary, there are many problems that need to be negotiated and resolved.

of course.

Because of the attack of the horned dragon cubs, Weizhuang Village's comprehensive strength, which was originally at the top of the four villages, has been at the bottom, much weaker than No. 2 from the bottom.

Whether they can survive the coming-of-age ceremony and the subsequent challenges is the key to whether Weizhuang Village can recover in three to five years.

Even if it survives, the next few years will not be easy, but at least there will be no risk of being annexed and disappearing.

Time passed slowly.

Wei Long's whole body roared like thunder, as if there were thousands of waves rising around him, and countless wonderful forces were continuously superimposed, and the tide rose again before the tide subsided, and then slowly pushed to the highest peak, looking for that wave. A towering opportunity for good fortune.

Qianxue, Shenxi, and Minghuo are only the first three steps of cultivation, and they are the three steps to enter the door of cultivation. Now Wei Long's steps are very high and stable. Push open the door of your own creation!

The golden fire of life seemed to be immortal, covering Wei Long's whole body bit by bit, and the amazing heat roasted all the impurities in his body clean!

The skin is like a drum!

Blood like thunder! !

The bone collapsed like a string! ! !

Wei Long felt his mouth was dry, the sound of rumbling blood was like thousands of horses galloping, and the radiant power of Shenxi danced around wildly, the golden light was gorgeous, the roar was like thunder, and the waves were turbulent.

"Is this really opening up the life wheel? Why did I hear the sound of drums and thunder, like a group of demons dancing?" Su Fan stared at the thatched cottage with wide eyes, as if he was looking at some monster.

"The accumulation is too thick. It's really hard to imagine how he cultivated. It's really amazing." Zeng Qingru came down from the cloud in person, and he was quite surprised at the moment. Only those who have been conceived and raised in the precious medicine since childhood have such visions."

If ordinary people develop the life wheel, all they need to build is a small boat that can carry itself, but what Wei Long is building is a big keel boat.

It may be because there is not much difference between the levels and realms, and even in small rivers and small lakes, small boats are faster and more carefree, but the further you go to the end, the more powerful the role of the keel boat can be.

It can gallop on the vast sea, not afraid of strong winds and waves, but the reality of the sea of ​​suffering is infinitely astonishingly large, only the most powerful foundation can build tall buildings that cannot fall down!

Wei Long squeezed all his potential.

Qi and blood reached the extreme.

Shen Xi has reached the extreme.

The fire of life reached the extreme.

The level of cultivation skills cannot be improved in a short period of time, and the body has also undergone a lot of tempering. Wei Long has done everything he can, and has done his best to do it well.

So, actually, that's enough!

With a movement in Wei Long's heart, he felt that his heart was like still water, which could be described as normal, so he gathered Jin Yan's life fire into one point, with the spirit of being immovable and unbreakable, determined to wrap endless energy, blood, Shenxi, and life fire, unify everything in one body, and search for that one A wisp of inspiration hit the past!
boom! !

boom! ! !
It really was a thunderbolt and a stormy sea!At the point where the singularities of the human body intersect, the fire of life breaks through the darkness, and bursts of thunder burst out in the endless void of the body, interweaving with all the energy accumulated in the body and all the pure spirit.

In an instant.

The thatched cottage seemed to have been impacted by an invisible force and turned into dust. Where Wei Long sat, there was a brilliant golden light everywhere, blazing hot and dazzling.

This strange scene lasted for several hours, Wei Long was silent, just silently running the mysterious exercises recorded in the "Hua Yue Hun Yuan Ruo Jing".

Ka Ka Ka!
It sounded like a chicken shattering from his lower abdomen.

And in Wei Long's perception, it's like the heavens and the earth are just opening, creatures are conceived, and endless mysteries are revealed one by one, thunder and fire are intertwined, feng shui is in harmony, the first beginning, the supernatural and miraculous are born at this moment, that ray of brilliance , has never been so clearly visible at this moment, being gently held by him, it is like grasping one's own roots.


Wei Long felt something in his heart, and just for a moment, a tiny round wheel the size of a grain of yellow rice slowly emerged from his lower abdomen.

As soon as Shi Shi appeared, the life fire danced and fell into it suddenly, just like forging steel. Under the hammer of Jin Yan's life fire, the small life wheel shone like a grain of gold sand, the whole body was golden, as if Immortal golden light.

"The golden life wheel has been completed. If I consume all my life fire, I can barely condense a life mark." Wei Long is determined, so he has entered the life wheel state.

At this level, there will be supernatural powers, and before the power of life mark is completely consumed, life fire will always remain in a perfect state, it can be said that the whole body has undergone a qualitative change!
On the golden life wheel, a phantom as thin as a cicada's wings appeared, as if the trace of fate was transformed at this moment. With the continuous refining of the fire of life, it slowly turned into a solid body and merged with the life wheel, forming a mysterious curve. Let the life wheel have an extra layer of change, which fits on the small life wheel.

Then the life wheel visible to the naked eye expanded a circle, and the space inside was wider, and the fire of life cheered and danced in it.

Wei Long knew that it was a life mark.

Each life mark is the refinement of its own accumulation, which is a purer essence than life fire, but it also needs the continuous forging of life fire, and will eventually feed back itself.

Life mark value: 10
Cultivation method: "Huayue Hunyuanxu Jing" [Superb]

Boxing branch: "Wei·Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Superb]

Status: Heavy

"The wheel of life forms its own space, which can be used to warm up and load precious soldiers."

Wei Long stepped into the Fate Wheel Realm at this moment, and his solid accumulation directly allowed him to condense the first Fate Mark, and slowly realized many wonderful things in his heart.

At the same time, Wei Long didn't stop, and used up all the accumulated energy to add points.

It's just that Wei Long returned to his former appearance in a blink of an eye, sitting there, resplendent like a god-man.

The original life mark value of 10 didn't stop until 23 o'clock, which shows how Wei Long used the seven brothers and sisters frantically during this period of time, and how much energy he had accumulated.

"In this way, each life mark will increase the strength by [-] jin." Wei Long shook his hands like a sledgehammer with astonishing strength.

Deep in Wei Long's heart, he naturally realized a mystery. It was the miraculous ability formed by casting the life wheel with the "San San" or "Nine Extremes of Power". Called "Ultimate Power".

Wei Long's mind was full of thoughts, and even the condensed magic was simple.

Simple doesn't mean weak.

It seems to confirm some kind of Wei Long's thoughts in the dark. The effect of "Ultimate Power" is very simple, and it can increase the power by nine times. In this way, Wei Long's 27 catties of power, under the magnification of "Ultimate Power", is equal to [-] jin of strength.

The only thing Wei Long had to worry about was that he couldn't stand the backlash of his own strength.

The afterglow of the westerly wind, the setting sun on Cangshan Mountain, and the red clouds flying away.Presumably the coming-of-age ceremony is coming to an end, and some things need to be settled!Wei Long shook his robe lightly, looked at the mountains in the distance, and felt his heart was full of enthusiasm, he couldn't help but said: "Looking for the spirit and breaking the machine to participate in the good fortune, the sky is high and the earth is wide, let me do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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