Chapter 30

The sky and the earth are vast.

Haohao Tangtang, a group of people from Weizhuang Village, went to the agreed meeting place.

The shadows of the trees caressed, and the red clouds, like vines clinging to the wall, slowly coiled over from the horizon, followed the shadows of the trees, and reflected on the faces of the mostly confused and complicated villagers.

The originally good life was destroyed overnight by the horned dragon cubs, and they escaped all the way and finally found a place to recuperate, but the adults from the Zhenhuang Division set about merging their villages.

Where is the future?
Even though the people of the Great Wilderness have experienced many hardships, they still have complicated emotions on the way to the coming-of-age ceremony.

Damu Village, Huangshi Village, and Qinghe Village, three villages have also been relocated. Because of the constant turmoil in the depths of the Great Wilderness, the distance between the four villages is not too far and they can look after each other.

Sometimes you can meet them when you go hunting in the mountains.

It's just that the first hunting team in Weizhuang Village was almost wiped out, and even if they survived, they were mostly seriously injured and could not recover their full combat power.

In the eyes of the other three villages, Weizhuang Village has long been regarded as the best way to supplement their own new blood and relocate their losses.

Weizhuang Village was isolated.

But Wei Shengjun could better understand the seriousness of it, and with a bit of sadness in his eyes, he looked towards Feng Haiyang and Qi Meng in front of him.

The Department of Desolation has actually abandoned Weizhuang Village.

If Wei Long hadn't joined Lingxu Cave, there wouldn't even be a cutscene.

"But Weizhuang Village cannot be removed from my hands!" Wei Shengjun could feel the gradually surging power in his body, and before leaving, the Dongtian elder gave him a pill.

After Wei Shengjun took it, he knew that this elixir could not only restore his injuries, but also heal the hidden wounds on his body.

And the appearance of this elixir all shows that the crisis in Weizhuang Village is just a small experience arranged by Wei Long for his valued disciple.

It doesn't matter if you fail, Wei Shengjun can return to his peak state, even if the first-line hunting team suffers heavy losses, as long as he exists as the strongest, he can slowly recover.

This is what the strong mean to the Great Wilderness.

And if it succeeds, this rescue crisis will accumulate confidence for Wei Long.

"That kid is also lucky." Wei Shengjun knew that this was the style of Da Zongmen.

They will use one incident after another to train their disciples, rather than directly put them on the test of the crisis.

Gradually increase the pressure as the strength increases.

And in the initial experience, they will never lose, they will naturally stand on the winning side, and they will slowly let go when their character matures and their strength improves.

But when Wei Shengjun thought of that person, he didn't find anything strange anymore.

"Tianhu, you have to try your best to win the competition of the younger generation, and your strength is far beyond them!" Zhang Zixin has also mentored Wei Tianhu recently, and the latter has improved a lot.

Wei Tianhu has grown a prickly beard on his chin, he has matured a lot, time may not make people mature, but experience will.

"I will protect the glory of the village. Anyone who wants to erase the existence of our village will have to pay the price of blood!"

The coming-of-age ceremony was originally just a stage for each village to show off its younger generation, and it should have been joyful, but this time it was different.

After the relocation, the four villages were very close to each other. Weizhuang Village was run over by the other three villages, and the mountain farm used for hunting was even invaded. Some people were even seriously injured by the soldiers of Damu Village!
It can be said that this coming-of-age ceremony is destined to carry too much meaning.

If they can win, it will naturally show the potential of the younger generation of Weizhuang Village to the Department of Desolation, and maybe even persuade the other party to keep Weizhuang Village.

"Wei Shengjun, you're not dead yet!"

The place where the Fourth Village Adult Ceremony was held was under an unnamed barren mountain. A tall, green man with an extremely ugly appearance was the head of Damu Village, Mu Dawei. According to legend, he was once contaminated with the rare wood essence. blood.

He saw that Wei Shengjun couldn't stop laughing, "Since you have no strength, why don't you give in? Are you going to let all your villagers die?"

Wei Shengjun came to the high platform coldly. Seeing that there was no seat for himself, the blacksmith behind cut down a tree and made a stump for him to avoid embarrassment.

"Didn't you hear that there is a genius in this village, don't you want us to challenge him! Hahaha! Let me see where is that person!"

Huang Bao, the head of Huangshi Village, teased in a teasing tone. His yellow teeth were the most manic. There were even rumors that he had hammered his subordinates to death.

Huang Bao cupped his hands towards Feng Haiyang who was sitting at the top, "My lord, I don't know where that boy is, let my uncle tell him to be a man!"

"Okay, don't say a few words." He Hai, the village head of Qinghe Village, smoothed things over with a smile.

Among the three village chiefs, he is handsome, but He Hai is the most vicious. He persuaded Wei Shengjun, "Did you ever think about it, with the current situation of your Weizhuang Village, you will eventually be ruined. Instead of going there It's time to die, so it's better to preserve your strength, so that when we arrive in our village, it doesn't mean that we have no way out."

"If you want me in Weizhuang Village, then take it with your strength."

Wei Shengjun waited for them to finish speaking, and then he grinned at the three of them, "I joined the army at the age of 17, and I have never been afraid of death until now! Are you three afraid?"

The expressions of the other three changed.

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and Wei Shengjun is so murderous. If it really comes to an end, whoever is hugged to death will be wronged!

Because Wei Shengjun joined the army in his early years, his abilities are quite satisfactory, he has no advantages or disadvantages, and he is strong in battle, but he will be weaker if he fights alone.

Among the three Mu Dawei, the strongest one is Mu Dawei, who has condensed five life marks and has a mid-stage life wheel cultivation. The miraculous "green wood attack" is the most difficult to resist in the wild forest;
And Huang Bao is famous for his "loess and dust", and has the magical ability to turn soil into dust to form dust storms;

As for He Hai's defense is the first among the three, and his 'Water Clearing Curtain', even Mu Dawei, the strongest, dare not break through unless he gets close.

"Let's watch the competition of the juniors first." Qi Meng looked at the group of people who were preparing on the barren hill, and the somewhat dignified atmosphere quietly disappeared.

In He Hai's eyes, the two masters of the desolation department still advocated the annexation of Weizhuang Village to restore the strength of the other three villages. "The more talented the younger generation is, the more they need to provide them with a growth environment that shelters them from wind and rain."

The coming-of-age ceremony this time is not much different from the previous ones. The younger generations of each village will fight in the selected hunting grounds.

Only by killing a desolate beast that condensed true blood can be considered qualified, and the stronger the desolate beast killed, the higher the final ranking will naturally be.

And in it, you can team up with each other and attack each other.

Intentional killing is not allowed in the coming-of-age ceremony, but every time someone dies, they are beaten to death by accident, or buried in the mouth of wild beasts.

The hunting grounds were temporarily selected, and we could only ensure that there were no desolate beasts that far exceeded their strength, but sometimes the patrolling team couldn't save them.

The rescue team in Weizhuang Village was led by Wei Daqing, a total of four people, and it was the last remaining team of the former first-line brigade.

There is even a group that used to be just a logistics group, but now it has also entered the combat group.

Because there is a shortage of people!

All the prey harvested during the coming-of-age ceremony will be eaten at the foot of the mountain.

Every coming-of-age ceremony in the past was a carnival in the nearby villages, but this time the soldiers from the other three villages looked at the women in Weizhuang Village with wolf-like eyes, wishing they could swallow them all.

Around Wei Tianhu gathered Wei Heitie, Wei Wenbao and his group, and they had already developed a tacit understanding in the second hunting team.

And after a series of changes, they have not grown up in strength, and they are no worse than the first-line teams in many aspects.

Weizhuang Village was isolated, but there is a saying that the mourning soldiers must win. The eight of them completely widened the gap with the younger generation in other villages.

Soon they hunted a large number of prey, and their efficiency ranked first among the three villages.

"Now that we have far surpassed them, I'm afraid they will attack us directly."

After Wei Tianhu killed a fire rhinoceros, he showed no expression on his face. He calmly analyzed, "They can't beat the wild beasts, but they will come to beat us. But at the beginning, it was difficult for the three villages to unite. What we have to do Just spot one and give them a hard one, don't hold back, beat them to death! Let no one of them dare to bully us again."

"Is this not too good?" Someone hesitated.

Wei Tianhu calmly said: "They want to merge the villages, what do you think? First of all, our mothers will be insulted and ruined by them, those uncles who survived will be driven into the wilderness, only women and children will survive! And we Will carry out the most dangerous missions again and again, and even fight wild beasts alone! Until all the men in Weizhuang Village die!"

Wei Tianhu swept their faces calmly, "So, if you don't want those parents who protected us to be driven away, our mothers to be raped and humiliated, and we don't want us to be teased and killed in the end! Then hold your knives !Because now we can fight!"

After a while, a group of young people from Qinghe Village appeared.

They also gathered together, before they rushed over, Wei Tianhu and his party rushed over like tigers and wolves.

Fighting against the wilderness is fighting against wild beasts and humans!
Sometimes people are scarier than wild beasts!
"Stop!" The miserable cry attracted the rescue team from Qinghe Village. They shouted and even wanted to join, but Wei Daqing also brought people over.

Wei Tianhu quickly led the people away from the battlefield.

Of the ten young people from Qinghe Village, five were lying on the ground, two were breathless, and the rest were missing arms and legs.

And in Weizhuang Village, Wei Wenbao had a broken hand, a teenager had a broken leg, and Wei Tianhu's left cheek was cut!
Small teams from Damu Village and Huangshi Village also came.

Wei Tianhu stared at them coldly with tiger-like eyes, and lightly licked the blood that was flowing from the corner of his mouth, which was the result of stabbing a knife into a young man's eye socket.

The people in the two teams unconsciously took two steps back, looking at the young man, they felt chills in their hearts!

Wei Tianhu touched the blood on the knife, ignored those idiots, looked at the friends around him bandaging each other's wounds, and looked into the distance, "My task is completed, can you come in the end! Is the village really Are they gone! I can’t answer these, and I don’t have the ability to answer them again!”

"What a vicious boy!"

The corners of He Hai's eyes twitched, and he roared angrily at Feng Haiyang, "Your Excellency, please make the decision. That kid obviously has murderous intentions, so we must not go around him!"

"Between life and death, I, Weizhuang Village, have never been afraid!" Wei Tianhu pulled out his long knife, "Come on! Make a decision today! The two adults don't need to watch, just attack together. Since you want to destroy my Weizhuang Village, Why do you need a reason!"

"Everyone! Follow the rules!"

Feng Haiyang flicked his fingers lightly, glanced at the latter indifferently, put Wei Tianhu's knife back into its sheath, and turned to look into the distance.

In a large mountain, it seems that some ominous creature is approaching, causing the mountain forest to tremble, and countless wild beasts screaming and fleeing, even some of them are extremely powerful and strange wild beasts. At this moment, they are all afraid, afraid of the invisible The Great Horror!
 It’s about to be recommended, please vote for your favorites, it’s up to you if you can have a good year (ω)hiahiahia

(End of this chapter)

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