Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 48 The Wall of Steel

Chapter 48 The Wall of Steel (Please recommend for collection)
The three teams are all the most outstanding disciples of Lingxu Dongtian in the past 40 to [-] years, especially the captain like Wei Long, who is the reserve for true disciples.

Although this training mission is dangerous, personal growth will be huge after completion.

Zhang Zixin's analysis also wanted to plan for Wei Long to see if he could win the position of true biography.

Zhang Zixin and the others still have self-knowledge. They may be considered outstanding among the disciples who entered the room, but there is still a certain gap if they want to be ranked as true disciples.

If you can't be listed in the true biography, you might as well join a team of true biography disciples.

Practice is a personal matter, but the farther you go, the less likely you are to be alone.

Both legal couples' wealth and land should be considered.

How one person can handle everything is why Zhang Zixin and the others quickly moved closer to Wei Long.

It is true that Wei Long had a good relationship with the seven of them before, but he was willing to be the younger brother of the junior.This long-term benefit in the future is the top priority.

People can't be too realistic, but they can't ignore reality.

"Is it true? If there are too many fights, I don't want to work hard, I just want to practice quietly." Wei Long said.

Zhang Zixin shook his head, "Junior brother, this is not a question of whether you are willing or not, but your excellence cannot be concealed, and you must come to this point."

"Is there?"

Wei Long sighed.

He knew that he was excellent, but maybe it was because he regarded excellence as a habit, so he didn't care, but at the moment Zhang Zixin broke it a little bit, it was true.

He just wanted to keep a low profile, but his strength didn't allow it!This is the boring and boring life of the strong!


With the help of Zhang Zixin's seven people, Wei Long's body energy quickly replenished, but this energy is far from enough to go one step further from the "Huayue Hunyuanxu Jing".

As for the new talent that can add some 'Black Iron Book', because it needs to find special energy supplements, it has been put aside for the time being.

Regardless of whether Wei Long wants to compete for the position of true biography, this time the border experience task itself must be done.


There are some dangers in it, so it is necessary to replenish energy reserves in advance. Wei Longqiang is strong, but he won't waste it.

He wants to be steady.

If you are steady, you may not make money, but you must not lose money.

Julu City is hundreds of feet high, connected to the endless steel wall, which is made of black iron by the strong, and infused with supernatural power, it is the strongest against wild beasts from unknown lands A line of defense is also the Great Wall that protects the territory of the human race.

On the boundless and vast land, the steel Great Wall that traverses the sky and the earth is like a giant dragon dominating the vast land.

The indescribable majesty and grandeur, the countless battles that cannot be described.

It took Wei Long and his party eight people a month to finally see Julu City at the end of their field of vision.

He had once witnessed the igniting of the Azure Beacon in Julu City, and even seen the Golden Tree and the Black-haired Demon Ape crossing the border. However, looking at it now, Wei Long was still shocked by the city at the end of the world, not to mention the vast road at the end of the world. black Great Wall.

Although the 'Steel Wall' is not high, in Wei Long's view, it is very difficult to stop the powerful wild beasts that are several feet high.

But that doesn't detract from its greatness.

"Is this where the frontier is located? Suppress the unknown, resist the invasion of wild beasts, and protect the homeland behind."

Wei Long muttered to himself, somewhat understanding what Zeng Qingru said about the responsibilities of practitioners.

Facing the nearly endless black evil spirits, practitioners pursue their own detachment from the sea of ​​suffering.

As a member of the human race, they are born with a sacred mission in the face of an unknown land that is much larger than the territory of the human race, and wild beasts that are more suitable for the origin of the world.

Because if the Paradise of Paradise is used as a holy place for human cultivators, those desolate beasts who use the power of black evil as their source power, this Paradise of Paradise belongs to their Paradise of Paradise.

The human race's paradise is so small compared to the infinite vastness of the world.

Only a corner.

Compared with [-]% of the practitioners of this human race, Wei Long was extremely lucky to be able to worship in the cave of Lingxu and enjoy the benefits of the blessed land.

His unique cultivation path of "adding some resource flow" is relatively less dependent on the environment, but the meaning of Dongtian Paradise itself is not just the sky full of red clouds.

There is also the magical artifact, and the thousands of years of inheritance contained in it.

Not only Wei Long, Zhang Zixin and the others were also staring blankly at the big city at the end of the world. With their eyesight, they could see through hundreds of miles.

They have been to the depths of the wilderness, and they understand the uniqueness of the wild beasts.

The uncannyly crafted city of steel stands on a pristine land, stamping the mark of human civilization on this world, just like those deserted villages scattered on the edge of the wilderness.

They are all sparks.

The fire of human civilization stands tenaciously in the heaven and earth in a willful way.

"I can not make it."

In a deserted forest, two people were wearing black chain mail.

There were dark red bloodstains all over the steel armor, all of which had dried up, including their own and those of wild beasts.

"Chuanyun, you must bring the news back! The beast let us enter the wall from outside the Great Wall, but he will never let us return to Julu City!"

One of the men's skirt armor was shattered, and blood spilled from his chest, "After I die, you should take the news out, the brothers of our former expedition team from the Fangyuan camp can't die in vain! Beast Gate Shadow! This news is too important!"

"Captain, I will do my best to survive." Gu Chuanyun's eyes were red.

One last glance at the captain, he rushed towards the giant city at the end of the world without saying a word.

The seriously injured captain silently wiped the long knife in his hand.

He is holding the prepared military weapon of the Great Yan Frontier Army, which is a middle-grade treasure soldier of the corporal level, and he has drunk and killed the blood of many desolate beasts.

He stepped on the land of the Dayan Dynasty and wiped his knife quietly, just like every battle for more than 20 years.

He has no distractions.

A terrifying desolate beast with a length of nearly three feet and a shoulder height of more than one foot, covered with dark golden scales, came step by step.

This is the heir of a desolate beast, named Gold Devourer.

This kind of desolate beast is not a remnant species, it is better than a remnant species, it feeds on gold and iron, and every piece of scale armor on its body is like a treasure soldier, invulnerable to swords and guns, and its defense is strong.

And on top of the gold-eating beast, sits cross-legged a woman with fluttering black hair. She is heroic and has a charm that ordinary women cannot match. The vicissitudes of life that can only be condensed in the wild land surround her.

She looked at the man in front of her who was standing still, and said indifferently, "Kill him!"

The captain's red life wheel is as gorgeous as a river of blood.

The eight red water chestnut-like life marks were all shattered in an instant, blood oozed from the corners of his eyes, burning his life, and the long knife enveloped the sky like a blood moon, killing the woman.


The gold-devouring beast trampled and charged past, only a cloud of blood mist exploded, and then sprinkled on its shiny dark golden scales, leaving only a light white trace.


A streak of dizziness flashed across the gold-devouring beast's scale armor, and evaporated together with the blood on its body. It was smooth as before, and strode away to the distant sky, leaving only a puddle of minced meat in place.

"This is the end of the game." The woman above the Gold Devourer murmured to herself, "The time is not yet ripe, kill the last witness, and we will continue to lurk."

"The game of cat and mouse is over, it's really boring."

The woman is an excellent existence among the disciples of the Holy Beast Sect, named Shangguan Suya, "Three hundred miles away from Julu City is the limit, and if you play again, it will be easy to get rid of it."

It's hard to find a fun, but it's a pity that she can't continue.

"What sound?" Wei Long's astonishing hearing seemed to hear a scream.

He looked at Zhang Zixin. The latter listened carefully, but found nothing and just shook his head.

The same goes for the other six.

Wei Long frowned slightly, looked at the distant sky, stood still, and after a while he pointed to the southwest direction, "There!"

Gu Chuanyun, who was running away, heard the captain's screams behind him. The disciple of the Holy Beast Sect was too terrifying. He could control the gold-devouring beast, so he didn't need to do it himself. He was the only one among the ten members of the expedition team who died.

"Come on!"

Gu Chuanyun ran desperately to Julu City, and saw a group of eight figures running towards him from a distance.

As a member of the ex-exploration team, careful observation has already been solidified through practice, but at a glance, it seems that these people seem to be disciples of Lingxu Cave, and they don't care why these disciples are not accompanied by teachers.

He reminded loudly, "Don't come here! We have encountered the disciples of the Holy Beast Sect! There are their shadows behind the mad old Suanni! Go away!"

Naturally, Wei Long and the others rushed over.

Hearing about the Holy Beast Sect, both Wei Long and Zhang Zixin's expressions changed.

The Holy Beast Gate is a mysterious organization, and it is also an extremely powerful force.

The Holy Beast Sect worships powerful pure-blooded wild beasts. Their highest pursuit is to let the unknowable land completely occupy the Shengwu Dynasty, and the wild beasts multiply in it to the greatest extent.

They follow the most powerful pure-blood wild beasts.

Pure-blooded wild beasts already have wisdom not weaker than human beings. The Sacred Beast Sect is loyal to them and can obtain a unique wild beast inheritance. They have powerful beast control skills, and because of the relationship between wild beast inheritance, they are extremely powerful.

The Holy Beast Sect has existed for an unknown number of years, and it is not known how many pure-blooded wild beasts they are loyal to, or how powerful the pure-blooded wild beasts are behind them.

But it's definitely a ferocious organization.

Every time it happens, nothing good happens.

"Heal him." Wei Long said to Xia Yonglan.

Wei Long didn't listen to Gu Chuanyun's words and left, because he couldn't escape because of the Holy Beast Sect.

Julu City will be the key to mission experience, and also the key to Nanhuang's defense against desolate beasts, so there is no room for loss.

What's more, the Holy Beast Sect has already appeared, so he needs to find out how strong this force is.
"I'm Wei Long, a disciple of the Lingxu Cave."

Wei Long stopped Gu Chuanyun and looked at the dark golden shadow in the distance, "With your current injuries, you can't escape that man's pursuit. There is still a glimmer of hope in the battle. When you are completely exhausted, you won't even have a chance."

Gu Chuanyun also knew that it would be difficult to escape Shangguan Suya's pursuit.

Most of the people in the former exploration team were killed by him during the chase, but when he realized it was too late, he had to go all the way to the dark.

"I am Gu Chuanyun, a member of the former expedition team of the Fangyuan Camp in Julu City. The pure-blooded desolate beast old Suanni riots wantonly in the depths of the wilderness. Because of his ferocious flames, his whereabouts are erratic, like ghosts and ghosts. , Our task is to observe the reaction of the desolate beast, record it, and find the law of action of the old 狻猊."

 Everyone vote a lot, it's really cold, this issue is too strong, ah, I'm dead!
(End of this chapter)

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