Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 49 1 The True Essence of Wave Flow

Chapter 49 The True Essence of One Wave Flow (Please recommend for collection)

Xia Yonglan healed Gu Chuanyun, first cleaning up the blood on the armor, she is a professional in this area, while Zhang Zixin called the remaining six people to prepare for the battle.

The dark golden shadow in the distance is very fast. Facing the legendary Holy Beast Gate, it is better to be cautious.

The gold-devouring beast galloped past, and the barren forest and vegetation along the way were impacted by the invisible golden sharp breath, and fell down one after another with a bang.

This desolate beast is very fast, with a body full of beauty and explosive power, moving forward at an extremely fast speed.

This speed far exceeded the speed of Wei Long and others, and it was also much faster than Gu Chuanyun, who was seriously injured.

If you focus on catching up, you will be able to catch up in an hour and a half.

This is also the reason why Wei Long judged that Gu Chuanyun was panicked.

Hunting is not only a game of realm and strength, but also a game of spirit. Sophisticated hunters often use some means to drive away their prey and make them exhausted.

Leave a chance to escape, but slowly tighten the net in your hand until the prey plunges into the trap.



Both the mind and the body will be exhausted, and then it will be effortless to finish the prey.

"Holy Beast Gate?"

Wei Long was dressed in a blue robe without any wind, and just from Gu Chuanyun's self-report, and under his wisdom analysis, he felt that this force had a primitive atmosphere.

Chasing and meeting, this is an eternal theme, and it is also a manifestation of the freedom of all things among wild beasts.

The winner kills all, and the loser dies.

The Holy Beast Gate has a kind of animal nature.

Shangguan Suya, who sat cross-legged on the gold-devouring beast, looked at the group of people who suddenly appeared with great interest. According to the information given by the door, these people should be a force named Lingxu Cave.

Relevant information quickly emerged in her mind, "Interesting, interesting!"

Through the magical connection with the gold-devouring beast, Shangguan Suya felt the incomparably good-looking young man standing in front of everyone.

Not only was his appearance extraordinary, but his inner deterrent power also made the gold-eating beasts below him respond.

There seems to be an instinct of awe in the face of a natural enemy, as if the man in front of him. His hands were stained with the blood of an unknown number of wild beasts.

It seems to be quiet and quiet, but there is a kind of tyranny inside that makes the wild beasts terrified.

The gold-eating beast only wants to destroy the man in front of it. It can't tell the source of the desire to destroy in its heart, but destroying the man in front of it seems very important.

This man is dangerous!
Shangguan Suya slapped the Gold-devouring Beast, and a strange power emerged in her hand, producing a special kind of fluctuation, which instantly calmed the Gold-devouring Beast that had almost gone berserk.

The galloping gold-eating beast stopped abruptly about a hundred meters away from Wei Long.

The violent impact set off a gust of wind, and there was a breath of metal in it.

Only then did Wei Long see the gold-eating beast clearly. It was a pangolin-like creature with dense scales. It was a gorgeous dark gold armor that was enough to suffocate.

It has a terrifying aura and has a strong bloodline inheritance.

Among the desolate beasts that Wei Long had seen, only the horned dragon cub had a higher blood pressure than it.

But the horned dragon cub was just a cub, while the gold-eating beast in front of him was already an adult.

The surging power of the true blood is real. Judging from the power on his body, it faintly exceeds the perfection of the life wheel, and it should be the beginning of condensing the bones.

The Gold Devourer was already so powerful, but it still couldn't hide the aura of the figure sitting on it, it was a wild and wild aura.

Wei Long was very familiar with this kind of breath, it was the breath of the Great Wilderness.

Vast and mysterious.

This woman is more tyrannical and terrifying than the gold devouring beast!
"You stay away later, this person is very strong."

Wei Long quickly weighed the comparison of the combat power of the two sides. The Gold Devourer is already very strong, but the mysterious woman on it will only be stronger.

Consider some legends about the Holy Beast Gate.

They can control beasts, and they have a means to connect humans and beasts closely, as if they were one.


Wei Long claimed that his strength should be stronger than this man and beast, but considering the aftermath of the battle and the woman walking around in front of him, it is very likely that he has hidden his strength.

After all, it is a mysterious organization like the Holy Beast Gate, who knows what they have done to the wild beast, what they have done with the wild beast, and what kind of cards they have.

Maybe the woman in front of her may have already stepped into the golden core realm.

In short.

This level of combat has already surpassed the strength of Zhang Zixin and others.

Of course, Wei Long's deeper consideration was that he would feel sorry if the seven of them were damaged, since they were friends for ten years after all.

He also couldn't explain to Zhang Baichuan that the elders also had guard duties, and Ji Tianfeng would investigate if someone died.

In life, the most important thing is to be stable.

"Farther, further away."

Wei Long told Zhang Zixin and others to stay away, and then he looked at Shangguan Suya with a light smile, trying to persuade her to leave, "Miss, can you tell me the layout of the Holy Beast Gate in the Southern Wilderness of the Dayan Dynasty?"

"My name is Shangguan Suya." Shangguan Suya was unmoved when he heard Wei Long's question.

This person who is good-looking but still can't figure out the situation, damn it!
Shangguan Suya hated variables. She drove the prey around the steel wall, and then watched the prey work hard to spread the news to Julu City.

She laid out step by step.

When the former exploration team was able to see Julu City, when they saw hope, and when the task was about to be completed, she began to collect the net.

Gu Chuanyun is the last and most important step in hunting, and it is also the step with the greatest sense of gain.

Julu City is a giant border city of the Dayan Dynasty.

As a disciple of the Holy Beast Sect, she watched the prey collapse and self-destruct, and killed it at the position closest to Julu City. She was also in danger if she was so close to Julu City.

Danger can stimulate her potential, and tension can excite her.

This is a hunting trip that tests judgment, and if it is completed, Shangguan Suya's state of mind will take a big step forward, and her cultivation will also overcome the bottleneck and touch the golden core opportunity.

This is her way of hunting.

The appearance of the eight members of Wei Long ruined the last step of the pre-hunting expedition team, and the most troublesome accident occurred, making Shangguan Suya full of killing intent.

Before the time came, the Holy Beast Gate could not be exposed.

"You are all going to die! Everyone is going to die!"

Shangguan Suya smiled wildly, his cruel color was as thick as ink, his long hair was windless and automatic, and his savage breath rose,

"You are already my prey!"

"That man is so scary!" Xia Yonglan looked at Shangguan Suya who was full of aura from a distance, and was directly stimulated into a cold sweat.

Zhang Zixin's eyes are also very solemn, "The power of the Holy Beast Sect is all over the world, so we must not underestimate it. Although the younger brother is talented, I am afraid that he will underestimate the other party. We must always be ready to support."

Wei Long looked at Shangguan Suya like a beast. Although his extremely beautiful face looked cruel, he still looked good, but the strong killing intent made him uncomfortable.

Shangguan Suya's killing gave her a feeling of being addicted to it.

It is not she who masters the power, but the power masters her.

"If all the holy beast gates are like this, then I don't need to worry."

A truly terrifying enemy is not someone who talks about cruelty. Such a person is just a pervert, the second most terrifying, not the most terrifying.

Wei Long has great talent, but he has never been proud.

And self-reflection all the time, hard work is his motto, because only in this way can he master his strength and live up to his talent.

Rather than letting talent master him.

"You are so ugly!"

Wei Long stood up, and "Spirit and Rhinoceros" brought him to the front of Shangguan Suya in one step. The life wheel suddenly lit up, and endless miracles bloomed here. One hundred drops of heavy water weighing one hundred thousand catties wrapped Wei Long's fist , continuously flowing.

This is a small secret technique developed by Wei Long himself. It has a single function and is only used to pour out the power of counter-shock.

The [-] jin of one-yuan heavy water, plus the [-] jin of terrifying power contained in him, and then the "ultimate power" magnified it nine times, the power that can only be described as brutal, was punched by Wei Long Down.

This is the first time that Wei Long has fully fired after the consummation of the life wheel!

"court death!"

Shangguan Suya was a little surprised to see Wei Long's speed, but Wei Long chose to fight her hand-to-hand, which made her sneer.

This person is probably stupid!
If he dared to come to her Beast Master and interact with her, he might not understand the horror of the Holy Beast Gate at all.


Shangguan Suya's whole body was shrouded in supernatural powers, advancing instead of retreating, the gold-devouring beast roared, and countless shadows of dark gold blessed her body faintly.

This is a secret technique of the Holy Beast Sect. Using the blood of the beast master to exercise the muscles and bones and form a mysterious induction, it can bless the master with the magic of the beast master.

The gold-eating beast likes to eat gold and iron, and its whole body is as solid as a rock. In addition, the holy beast sect has a special body forging method.

She is in better shape than ever!

Shangguan Suya punched Wei Long in the face.

His complexion suddenly changed.

In an instant, I don't understand!fear!Horror!remorse!Countless complex emotions condensed in her wild eyes.

His fist and arm turned into a cloud of blood mist, and the strong dark golden blood burst out directly with the secret method, and he couldn't resist at all.

Wei Long only felt that he had encountered some obstacles, and then he raised his fist and directly smashed the head of the person in front of him.

In the face of absolute power, all blessings are just clouds!

Before Shangguan Suya fell into darkness, she was full of unwillingness. She still had cards and secret techniques. At this moment, all of them were meaningless.

The gold-devouring beast under the two of them shook violently, and blood overflowed from its mouth and nose. It was covered in dark gold armor and its defensive power was terrifying, but under the aftermath of the battle between the two, all of its lungs and lungs were shattered.

Wei Long also took a step back, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

Adding one yuan of heavy water to one's own strength, through the miraculous magnification of the "ultimate power", even if there is flowing heavy water on the face of the fist to dissolve the shock, it is still quite terrifying.

Wei Long was injured by his own counter-shock force, but it was not a big problem.

He looked at the beautiful figure that had slipped from the body of the gold-devouring beast, and shook his head annoyed, "I wanted to stay alive and ask some questions, but why didn't I use any force, so you died?"

 Thank you all for your votes.It's hard to recommend any more, it should be on the shelves this week or next week, and we'll see the results then.

(End of this chapter)

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