Chapter 537
Proving the Dao Taishi symbolizes the original change. Infinity produces poles, poles produce Taiji, Yin and Yang, five elements, material foundations and illusory foundations interact, occupying infinite possibilities.

Destiny proves!

"How did the first holy son manage to put the aura of destiny into reincarnation?"

After the enlightenment, the sea of ​​origin was like a flat surface in Wei Long's eyes.

A strange perception appears.

The river of time is at your fingertips, and you can gallop up and down arbitrarily.

In this way, Wei Long deeply realized how inconceivable everything the first holy son has done.

The First Son turned the originally definite past into a possibility of infinite change.

Wei Long saw the upstream of the long river of time, with countless branches splitting every moment.

Each branch leads to different branches.

Among the branches, countless waves collided, which happened in different time and space and different timelines in the past.

Originally, the past was fixed, but now the past is changing rapidly.

The vagaries of the past, the externalized manifestation is the fierce and turbulent upstream of the long river.

As a result, the current point in time, that is, now, appears extremely sinister.

Countless possibilities interweave.

However, the biggest impact is not the present, but the future.

The future is changing rapidly every moment.

More turbulent, more unpredictable.

Wei Long saw the destruction of the end, but also saw the peace of the end
At this time, Wei Long easily obtained the original true biography, and realized that he is the true spirit of destiny.

His perspective at this time is the perspective of the emperor, and the awakened true spirit of destiny is attached.

Mandate of Heaven is a concept that symbolizes infinite possibilities.

A little true spirit, coupled with the cultivation base of the great emperor, will have almighty and brutal strength.

Wei Long's talent has been fully awakened.

Under such a perspective, the future in Wei Long's eyes is still unpredictable and impossible to grasp.

That is to say, the emperor cannot be detached from the matter, nor can the emperor occupy all the past and future.

Even Wei Long at this time has no way of guessing how the first holy son led such a situation.

Wei Long stretched out his hand and pressed down slightly.

The terrifying space storm in the Green Wind Field turned into calm in an instant.

Wei Long completely walked out of the quagmire and eliminated the influence of the demon lord.

"The power behind the unknown turned out to be the despair of the original divine master."

Wei Long never thought that the ancestor of the demon race was just a corpse cut out by the original god master.

It is part of the perfect self-renunciation of the primordial god-lord.

The Primordial Divine Lord is the oldest emperor in this world, and he was once extremely great.

The first to testify, and opened the way for all spirits.

Summarizing the nine true teachings of the physical body, the soul, and the Tao and fruit into Tao, it opened up the way for countless beings.

Wei Long is in the Mandate of Heaven, and now he understands more clearly that the original God Lord should also touch the Mandate of Heaven, or a part of it.

The Three Great Divine Treasures are part of the Mandate of Heaven.

On top of the three major divine treasures, there is also the fourth divine treasure, which is the Divine Destiny Treasury.

It's just that the Destiny Shenzang has surpassed the level of the original sea, and is a higher-dimensional power.

What all the great emperors have obtained is only the imprint of destiny, which is only a part of destiny.

To obtain the destiny, one must go beyond the sea of ​​origin.

And if you want to transcend the sea of ​​origin, you must first obtain the destiny.

This path does not work.

Even Wei Long at this time is just the reincarnation of the true spirit of destiny.

The essence is only the true spirit of destiny, not destiny itself, but only a part of destiny.

If Wei Long wants to become the Mandate of Heaven, he needs to sublimate himself and surpass the sea of ​​origin.

If you really become the destiny itself, you will have omnipotent power.

When the original god lord preached, he saw the destiny.

The initial research led to three great treasures.

This is a great person, he is not afraid of the latecomers becoming the great emperor, and he passed on this way to let more people become enlightened.

However, the more he researched, the original divine master understood the vastness of the destiny, and all he got was the incomplete destiny.

You can never escape from the sea of ​​origin.

The sea of ​​origin is also a cage.

The original god master began to despair.

Only by penetrating into the vastness can one understand one's own ignorance.

There is a specific concept of how deep the original god's despair is.

Relying on desperation, he beheaded another great emperor, an existence of the same level, that is, the ancestor of the demon race.

The ancestor of the demon race is the despair of the original god-lord, and it represents the dark side of the sea of ​​origin, the world.

An inescapable dark side.

Sometimes, it may be a kind of happiness to be a fish wandering freely in the lotus pond.If you really jump on the shore, you will see a different world and experience a different despair.

The Primordial God Lord was the first fish to jump out of the shore.

So unknown, Wei Long chose to fall into it voluntarily, like a toothbrush dropped into the toilet, even if it is the spirit of destiny, it will be polluted.

"Is destiny overbearing?"

At this time, Wei Long understood many doubts before.

If Wei Long is really who he thinks he is, he is just a planner who died suddenly in a game.

Soul wear is essentially a seizure.

Losing Wei Long, the original boy from the Great Desolation, inevitably creates incompatibility between body and soul.

This kind of incompatibility is very subtle, but at the end of the practice, the more perfect it is, this kind of incompatibility must be made up for or eliminated.

But Wei Long did not feel the gap between the soul and the body after he practiced the divine treasure of the physical body and the divine treasure of the soul.

Only then did Wei Long suddenly realize that he is the true spirit of destiny in essence.

It should be the handwriting of the First Holy Son, sending him into the reincarnation of the outermost sea of ​​origin.

The so-called memory is just a protection mechanism.

The same goes for adding talent.

The Destiny Spirit is by no means what the lower space can accommodate.

To some extent, Wei Long's talent has been suppressed, adding a little talent is the talent after the rapid suppression.

"Destiny, destiny."

Wei Long practiced the destiny technique of the Tianyan Sacred Sect, coupled with the cultivation of the Great Emperor Zhengdao, so he understands the destiny better.

Even if he is the true spirit of destiny, he still respects destiny.

The core inheritance of Tianyan Shengzong is to find the one who has escaped.This escaped one is the fate change of the world of this side, it is just a hidden fate.

Mandate of Heaven is a higher concept.

The reincarnation of a true spirit of destiny should not have a father and a mother, and no one can bear the weight of destiny.

Even the people around me are like this, no one can bear it.

"Yan Hao used his death to open the true biography of Da Luo for me, and An Han rescued me from the unknown because of my sinking forever."

There was a trace of sadness in Wei Long's eyes.

Wei Long taught Yan Hao the Five Elements, and passed on the Youji lineage to him. Finally, Yan Hao cut out the bones and activated the Five Elements Supreme Bone in advance.When Wei Long rescued An Han back then, he gave her a ray of flames to protect her body, and An Han used this to transform her fundamental aura and cast the Taiyin Seizing Soul Curse.

"The first holy son, are you the son?"

Wei Long even felt that the fortune teller in his memory was the First Holy Son, and it was his protection that made everything go smoothly.

Wei Long's eyes turned cold.

If the first holy son thinks that he can figure everything out and Wei Long will go on obediently, then he is obviously wrong.

"I want to reopen the deepest part of the sea of ​​origin, return to the legendary era, end all of this, re-interweave time and space, resurrect everyone, and return to the era when everyone is perfect."

Others can't do it, but Wei Long can.

He is the true spirit of destiny.

He is able to make the destiny truly come, and bring the original sea back to the ideal country. At that time, Yan Hao will be resurrected, and An Han will also be resurrected.

If Wei Long is in a good mood, maybe he can also resurrect the First Holy Son by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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