Chapter 538
"The number of destiny brand marks has not decreased, but there is still a great emperor?"

The original god is numb.

There will be three seals of destiny in one reincarnation era, that is, three places for great emperors.

In fact, every reincarnation, the number of great emperors is not too small.

Often there will be dozens of consecutive eras of reincarnation without the appearance of a great emperor.

As the oldest emperor, the original god-lord personally shaped the existence of the pattern of the sea of ​​origin. He is very clear that the current era of reincarnation is just a channel for the emperor to vent and relax.

Otherwise, you will not be able to get out of the way, and you will see all the way ahead. Without the addition of new members, it will never change, and sooner or later you will go crazy.

A mark of destiny was reduced before, but the new emperor did not appear in the world.

The original god master understood that someone was trying to break the situation.

Every emperor is the proud son of heaven, and they are all amazingly talented.

It is simply impossible for them to accept the fact that they have entered the Great Emperor, not only have they not truly transcended, but also have no way ahead.

Almost all newly promoted emperors will try.

Hopeful try.

And when they traced their own years back to countless epochs, and then occupied all future epochs.

They will understand and have to accept the fact that there is no way ahead.

At this time, the original god master would trigger the introduction that had been buried in their hearts long ago, and lead them to his own camp.

Then use the opening of the Eternal Immortal Road, the deepest part of the legendary sea of ​​origin to convince them.

Let them despair, but also with a glimmer of hope.

At the end of the eternal immortal road, one can touch the destiny, which contains the hope of detachment.

There are also some great emperors who remain unmoved and directly see through the paradox of existence.

If there really is a day when one can borrow the eternal immortal road and open the depths of the sea of ​​origin, then this possibility should be contained in the future.

And in the future that can be seen through at a glance, it is just a continuous cycle of time, and it is absolutely impossible to contain hope.

Some of these people chose self-termination.

Realizing that the sea of ​​origin is a prison, they often directly destroy their true souls, erasing everything in their existence as much as possible, and never resurrecting.

Some people chose to sleep, at the end of time, waiting for the last possibility.

The rest rose up to resist and wanted to destroy the sea of ​​origin.

This kind of destruction is different from the insistence of the original god.

The original god-lord wanted the sea of ​​origin to exist and continue to circulate.

Every time the era of reincarnation ends, countless civilizations will perish and countless souls will perish.

But when a new era begins, everything will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

The original god-lord regards himself as the defender of the original sea.

He saw through all the despair, and then decided to protect hope for everyone.

He is as great as ever.

He is a gardener, he regards the sea of ​​origin as a tree, and he prunes the branches humbly.

However, some great emperors insisted that the tree of the Sea of ​​Origin is already rotten, and the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, and it is better to uproot it. Let's finish it together.

The original gods hated these great emperors.

Will find a way to remove the diehards among these great emperors.

Under his maintenance, the Sea of ​​Origin has survived countless epochs and spawned countless brilliant civilizations.

should continue to exist.

However, the original divine master who has experienced countless reincarnations must admit that the destroyer this time is a little different.

"Other than me, who has seen the complete destiny?"

After the fall of the First Son, the Primordial Divine Lord was still unable to determine what happened.

But when the newly promoted emperor, that is, Wei Long, did not rely on the seal of destiny to prove the Tao.

The original divine master is compared before and after, and the broken analysis line is filled.

The great emperor who is currently proving the Tao has realized the detachment of the emperor without integrating into the mark of destiny. There is only one possibility, and he himself is a part of destiny.

Ordinary emperors cannot strip away the destiny.

If you want to draw down part of the destiny, only those who have seen the complete destiny can do it.

In the current Sea of ​​Origin, the Primordial Divine Lord has always believed that only he has seen the complete destiny.

No matter other great emperors, what they touch is only part of the destiny.

Seeing the complete destiny, the emperor will also go crazy.

The original divine master only came into contact with part of the destiny at first. After he passed down the three great gods and opened up the avenue, the feedback from the sea of ​​origin allowed him to see the conceptual destiny.

Then the Primordial God Lord despaired.

"The current sea of ​​origin has completely stabilized, and no one can open up a road like me."

The Sea of ​​Origin cannot make such a gift, then...
The original god master probably knew what happened.

Some people prove the way with the fruit of omniscience.

This is another way.

Obtained the Omniscient Destiny, and thus came into contact with the Complete Destiny.

Awareness of the deepest darkness.

After seeing the deepest darkness, the original god-lord chose to program and institutionalize the sea of ​​origin.

Since it is impossible to detach, then on the established path, exist a little longer.

And the other person who saw the complete destiny obviously made a different choice and chose to give it a go.

"A lot of things can be said."

The deep eyes of the original divine master gradually became dignified.

The disappeared emperor will be his greatest enemy.

Although the Destroyer has completely disappeared, as long as it is not the Great Emperor and has not come into contact with the existence of the Great Emperor, even his concept will not remain.Even the great emperor does not know of his existence, nor will he have any memory.But if it is really the existence of the omniscience fruit, there must have been a lot of backhands arranged.

"It's no wonder I didn't find any traces. It's also no wonder he can shrink the time to create such a chaotic situation."

The original god could not help but admire.

Admiration is admiration, the original God Lord does not allow anyone to subvert the sea of ​​origin.

You must lose the road, you can't take it!
That is irresponsible to the sea of ​​origin.

The original divine master glanced down.

The newly promoted emperor should be the son of the saboteur.

That is, a partial reincarnation of destiny.

"Using the reincarnation of the destiny to leverage the destiny, what a big hand."

The original god-lord seemed to have seen through the arrangement of the first holy son.

Returning part of the destiny to reincarnation and proving the way must be different from the ordinary emperor who proves the way.

However, even if they all know the existence of the fruit and prove the way, if they want to intercept part of the destiny and send it into reincarnation, they must pay a huge price.

The great emperor who existed and then disappeared without a trace fell like this without accident.

The original god-lord had never seen the first holy son before, so he didn't have all the concepts of the first holy son, but he got a glimpse of part of the destroyer's state of mind through reverse deduction.

The original god-lord has also faced the entire destiny.

Know what it feels like to be filled with endless despair.

From proving omniscience to realizing all the darkness in an instant, and then sacrificing oneself to pave the way for destiny
With such a resolute and firm attitude, the Primordial Divine Master not only had to say a word of admiration.

The original god master turned and left.

The five-color bird emperor is no longer the point.

Even the current focus is not to kill the emperor who was partly reincarnated by destiny, but to break the world, let the era sink, and restart the sea of ​​origin.

Entering a new cycle and restoring the random timeline, this is the winner.

The original god lord gave up the five-color sparrow emperor and threw it to the ancestor of the demon race.

At this time, Wei Long had already stood up, pierced through the void, and directly came to the depths of the endless river of time, to the place where the void was extremely deep.

Earth shakes.

Wei Long's blow, like a divine punishment, directly hit a taboo place.

There is a strong demonic energy there, containing the truth of the end of the demonic way.

This is the dojo of the ancestor of the demon race, the taboo land of the demon cave.

"Ha ha!"

The five-color sparrow emperor laughed, and the original god master turned and left. The original crisis was resolved in this way, and the newly promoted emperor directly hit the devil's lair, which was even more joyful.

(End of this chapter)

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