Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 541 The power of time in the final episode

Chapter 541 The power of time in the final episode

The sea of ​​origin in the middle layer has completely disappeared.

The creatures other than the Great Emperor no longer exist.

Countless realms and stars are all going to perish.

Countless civilized forces have all been reduced to ruins.

There are only seventeen great emperors left.

It was supposed to be nineteen, but the ancestor of the demon clan fell, and Yan Chen, who proved the Tao, was only shining for a moment.

The original god-lord was followed by six great emperors who firmly supported him.

These great emperors are decayed and ancient, but after being fully sublimated, they are like newborns.

There are also five great emperors who are independent from him and stand against each other, blocking his steps and preventing his actions.

The four were the original opponents, and there was also the newly joined Five-Color Bird Emperor.

The seventeen great emperors accounted for eleven of them, and the remaining five were neutral.

Even now, the situation is so fierce, they are still sleeping in the deepest part of the long river of time.

Maybe woke up early and just turned a blind eye to what was going on.

The original god master coldly carried out the established plan: "Close the eternal immortal road and restart reincarnation."

There were too many accidents in this reincarnation, the mysterious disappearance of the first holy son of the destroyer, the newly promoted emperor who was reincarnated by some destiny, and the existence that crashed into the end of the eternal immortal road just after proving the Tao, and died directly.

The eternal immortal road is the seed of hope shaped by the original god.

It is the repertoire of every reincarnation era.

There are lies in Wangu Xianlu, but it is not a scam.

In the depths of the sea of ​​origin, the legendary Utopia where everyone is like a dragon is a real one, and it really exists.

What it represents is the complete destiny that the original divine master once saw.

Destiny is a concept that completely transcends the level of the original sea, and is a higher-dimensional existence.

At the end of the Wangu Immortal Road, you can see part of the destiny itself, and you can also see infinite possibilities.

But only possible.

Even the Great Emperor cannot completely obtain the Mandate of Heaven.

Hastily trying to touch the destiny of a higher dimension will end up being assimilated.

However, the existence of the Wangu Immortal Road is a variable in the Sea of ​​Origin.

It itself represents the bridge between the destiny and the original sea, and contains the breath of a higher dimension.

This is also the biggest reason why the emperors tacitly sacrifice the outermost layer, the outermost sea of ​​origin, in every era of reincarnation.

The existence of the Wangu Immortal Road can ease the pressure on the Great Emperor from this world.

Let the emperor breathe out and feel his real existence.

And this time in the reincarnation, the original plan of the original god master was to get rid of a stubborn emperor and reduce the original four opponents to three.

That's why it was promoted to turn all the original sea of ​​outer layers into resources, and to open up the eternal immortal road to a greater extent.

Now that plan has collapsed.

The Primordial God mainly closed the Eternal Immortal Road, and then restarted the reincarnation, so that the timeline returned to normal, and the original sea returned to normal.

At most one era of reincarnation, the sea of ​​origin will flourish again.

When all spirits are revived, vitality will reappear.

"No one can risk the entire Sea of ​​Origin."

The Primordial Divine Lord does not allow anyone to use the Sea of ​​Origin selfishly.

Not to mention that someone is not allowed to be buried with the sea of ​​origin just because of the inevitable result of failure.


He is the oldest emperor in the sea of ​​origin, he opened the way of the emperor and opened the way for the latecomers.

The Sea of ​​Origin is the world he must protect.

He has seen the complete destiny, and he clearly understands that even the emperor cannot shake the destiny, and it is impossible to use everything!
What the emperor surpassed was only time, but not cause and effect!
Deep in the void.

Wei Long glanced at the Bahuang 360 Domain below, and there was no breath of life.

Eleven terrifying auras complement each other.

The six people headed by the original God Lord, and the other five people are resisting.

Wei Long raised his head, at the deepest part of the long river of time, there are also five auras, sealed in his own dojo.

These five great emperors seem to be silent until the end of their lives.

"I'm going to my own closed loop too."

Everything is repeating.

Just like this endless sea of ​​origin.

In each reincarnation, although there will be different civilizations rising, and some people will even testify to the Tao, the essence will not change.

All tragedies are repeated, all struggles are just another futility.

The detachment of the essence of practice no longer exists.

At this time, it is necessary to cut off the foundation of the practice itself, and let this world lose its mighty power.

A fish that never leaps from the pond never sees the shore nor longs for anything.

But this is tantamount to denying the meaning of practice itself and denying oneself.

Wei Long stood up.

Taking advantage of the fact that the original God Lord was being held back, he headed to the end of the Wangu Immortal Road.

The Wangu Immortal Road is a special space.

The deeper you go, the greater the pressure, which is the coercion of destiny.

Wei Long saw many creatures who were in fighting postures when they were about to die. These strong men of different races and ethnic groups died suddenly.

The disaster of annihilation unleashed by the original divine lord could not even be avoided here.

These strong people from different civilizations, what they pursue is to go to the end of the immortal road, feel the breath of destiny, increase the confidence of proving the Tao, and realize true detachment.

The end of the Wangu Immortal Road is like a quagmire, and it is difficult for anyone who is not a great emperor to walk an inch.

Wei Long closed his eyes.

Many memories came up.

He once saw almost the same battlefield in the chaos of time interweaving. He kept black blood, killing and fighting.

Wei Long continued to move forward.

Wei Long arrives at the final place where countless strong men fight desperately.

It was as if the coercion of destiny did not exist.

At the end of the Wangu Immortal Road, there is a sudden ravine.

It is not a gully that can be seen, but an invisible gully.

It's like a line that separates the sea of ​​origin and higher dimensions.

In this gully is the source of the long river of time.

Time has no meaning here.

Not only that, but you can also see different timelines in different time and space.

The sea of ​​origin repeats not only the current reincarnation, but also different timelines and different parallel spaces.

Wei Long stopped.

Ahead is destiny.

It only reveals a part, but it already contains everything imaginable.

The arrival of Wei Long at this time makes the conceptual destiny that exists in a higher dimension echo.

Wei Long tapped lightly on the center of his eyebrows, and a piece of extremely ancient jade slowly emerged.

It is the exquisite jade of fortune.

The first holy son, with the fruit of omniscience, paid all the price, and made the destiny of the mortal manifest.

Wei Long gently held the Linglong Jade in his hand.

This is his talent and his foundation.

A bit of spiritual light came out, and the originally untouchable destiny echoed more and more urgently.

Originally, time could no longer leave traces on Wei Long's body, but with the cutting out of the Linglong Jade, Wei Long aged rapidly.The Kowloon Taoist robe lost its power, and the companion Taoist robe that originally contained extreme power lost its due power and turned into an ordinary green shirt.

Wei Long saw his own reflection in the source of the long river of time flowing in the ravine.

At this moment, his cheeks are clear and handsome, his face is already extremely old and full of wrinkles, only those eyes are extremely bright.

"I'm a fortune teller."

"Stop your movements."

The Primordial God Lord came, looked at the old figure ahead, could no longer keep calm, and angrily said: "You are destroying the Sea of ​​Origin, destroying countless creatures!"

(End of this chapter)

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