Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 542 The Final Episode

Chapter 542 The Final Episode

The sea of ​​origin can maintain the vitality of the moment, and it can continue to circulate, and it is watered by the original god master with his painstaking efforts.

He, not allowed, Wei Long ruined all of this.

The original god master showed his murderous intent: "I opened up the avenue of this world. I paved the way for the emperor. You are using your own selfishness to bury all living beings."

The Primordial Divine Lord's eyes rested on the Linglong Jade in Wei Long's hand, and his heart was awe-inspiring.

"You are the biggest obstacle now."

Wei Long's voice was hoarse, and he said slowly: "The Sea of ​​Origin has already passed its peak, and every step we take now is a decline. The road ahead has been cut off, and no one can surpass the Sea of ​​Origin anymore."

"This is life!"

The Primordial Divine Master interrupted: "This is destiny, an indestructible destiny. You are part of the reincarnation of Destiny, and you should understand the vastness of Destiny better.

Our world has been reduced in dimension, and the sea of ​​origin has been stratified, and it is impossible to return to the Utopia. "

"Why don't you believe in me? Believe in the latecomers who walk on the path you pioneered. You have seen the vastness of destiny, and I can feel it too.

But I am part of destiny now.When I am sublimated, I will definitely be able to break out of this fateful cage. "Wei Long asked back.

"Why should I trust you?"

The Primordial God Lord said coldly: "You are just a descendant of me who paved the way. For countless years, have you ever understood what I have tried and experienced? I have tried everything you think, and it is impossible to succeed! Impossible!"

The original god master has seen the vast destiny.

He still remembers that scene.

He has great ambitions.

He has just opened up a way of detachment for Fang Tiandi, the three great treasures and the nine true biography, leading directly to the emperor, chasing his path.

The supreme merit, the heaven and the earth will feed back!
The original god master saw the destiny in this way.

Can't go beyond, can't look directly at.

A great existence far beyond what he could have imagined.

From that moment on, he understood, deeply understood, that all struggles were futile.

All efforts are futile.

From the beginning to the end of the practice, it is just going from one cage to another.

unbeatable!Absolutely invincible!
Wei Long already knew that the fundamental consciousness of the original god-lord had already been imprinted with a firm cognition of inevitable failure.

But I didn't expect that the original god master had lost his faith.

Lost the most basic belief in practice.

"What I can think of, the first holy son who has obtained the fruit of omniscience, should have seen it too." Wei Long thought in his heart.

Who would have thought that the great existence that once established the way for this world would become the biggest obstacle.

If the original god could be persuaded, the first holy son would not need to kill himself, and Wei Long would not be born.

Wei Long couldn't even imagine the state of mind of the first holy son who had attained the fruit of omniscience and proved the Tao.

The emperor is instead a cage, and the bigger obstacle is not the inability to obtain the destiny.

It's the original god lord, the oldest existence who stands in the forefront and has great power.

Wei Long replied to the original divine master: "I understand."

Not only did he understand the words of the original divine master, but he also understood too much.

Wei Long made a move.

Started a duel with the original god.

Wei Long is the reincarnation of the aura of destiny, he is invincible in this world.

The Primordial God Lord is very clear about this.

He is here to die.

Similarly, Wei Long also knew that the original God Lord was here to die.

At the end of the Wangu Immortal Road, the Great Dao screamed.

Primitive to primordial.

The supreme mighty force collided here.

Wei Long beheaded the original God Lord, and the golden emperor's blood scattered in the void. Every drop of blood was filled with the power to suppress the heavens, and in every drop of blood, there was a little black glow, destroying all resurrections.

"Enough is enough!"

Before the emperor spirit of the original god master died, he laughed.

His brand of destiny is no match for the manifestation of Wei Long, the incarnation of destiny.

Yet he was satisfied.

The Primordial God Lord told Wei Long: "You may not be able to understand what I have done, but you must know that I am for the long-term existence of the sea of ​​origin. Even if I sacrifice my life."


The spirit of the original god master died.

At this time, the Wangu Immortal Road suddenly shrank.

From the endless void to inexplicable, without giving Wei Long a chance to react, he was going to be trapped and killed here.

A vague consciousness fell.

An avatar fell from the ancient in the fairyland, and he looked at Wei Long: "The Eternal Immortal Road is closed, you have nowhere to go, you will only return to the destiny itself with the Eternal Immortal Road, and be assimilated a little bit."

From the beginning to the end, the original god master did not expose the ancients of the fairyland.

Let it sleep like the five neutral emperors.

The same is true for the reason why the original god-lord stopped Wei Long knowing that he would die.

The Eternal Immortal Road has been closed, and the incarnation of the ancient announced: "The realm will eventually reincarnate again, this is our destiny."

The cycle has restarted this time.

The Wangu Immortal Road has also been closed.

Wei Long will return to the destiny itself along with the Wangu Xianlu.

What matters is not Wei Long, but Wei Long's essence, manifested aura of destiny.

The aura of destiny must be killed.

The elders of the fairyland want to see Wei Long take the last step with his own eyes.

The original god-lord of the divine civilization, the ancestor of the demon civilization, and the ancient of the fairyland, the trinity.

However, most people would regard the original divine master as the leader, because he cut out the other two existences, and those two were just his evil corpses.

But look closely at the origin of the three.

The essence of the ancestor of the demon race is the inescapable desperation, while the elder of the fairyland is the obsessive desire of the original god master for detachment.

Trinity, in fact, the ancestor of the demon race is at the bottom, the original god is in the middle, and the one who is really above is the ancient of the fairyland.

He represents hope.

It's just that the hope he represents is utter despair.

Failure has been completely imprinted on his fundamental consciousness.

As hope, he repeats reincarnation firmly and without restriction.

The ancients of the fairyland are the core of the Trinity.

Wei Long could even perceive the fifteen great emperors outside the immortal road.

The ancients of the fairyland and five supporters, four sleeping neutrals, and five opponents.

The neutral sleeping emperor has also recovered, but he does nothing.

And five supporters stopped the opponents.

The body of the ancient man in the fairyland personally sits in charge, trying to block Wei Long on the eternal immortal road and make him disappear in the cracks of time and space.

Facing the elder of the Immortal Realm, who had the chance to win, Wei Long smiled instead, "You don't understand the rules yet. The important thing is not time, but cause and effect."

Wan Gu Xianlu disappeared, and Wei Long also disappeared.

At this time, the sea of ​​origin in the middle layer has turned into nothingness.

Seeing that Wei Long and Wan Gu Xianlu disappeared together, the ancients in the fairyland secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The Wangu Immortal Road was closed, the Reincarnation Era restarted, and the messy timeline began to be reorganized.

"Everything will be restored."

The elder of the Immortal Realm quietly looked at the five opponents, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

And this time.

Wei Long walked out of the long river of time.

The moment Wei Long walked out, the ancient man could hardly maintain his composure, "Impossible!"

not dead.

Wei Long is not dead.

Wei Long was dressed in a blue robe, with an old face, and he bowed to the fifteen emperors who survived in this world, and said solemnly: "I invite you to die!"

What matters is not time but origin.

When the first Holy Son proved the fruit of omniscience, he knew all possibilities clearly.

The death of the First Son is the key and the beginning.

When the first holy son had a feeling in his heart, he saw Wei Long who had transcended into the sea of ​​origin in the middle layer.He made up his mind to explore Mechanicus.From the quantum calculus of the Mechanicus Cult, I extended my own Tianyan Great Destiny Technique, found the escaped one, proved the Great Emperor, became the first Great Emperor in this reincarnation, and was also the first Heavenly Secret to prove the Great Emperor, breaking the fallen fate;

After proving the Tao, the first holy son realized everything in an instant.All possibilities are clarified in the deduction of omniscience.He who originally wanted to transcend his predetermined fate, but now that he had transcended, he calmly walked towards his own destiny.Sacrifice himself to the destiny in exchange for the reincarnation of the aura of destiny, thus Wei Long was born;

The First Son distorted the outer and outermost time, reshaped the void, and gave Wei Long time to grow.After some growth, Wei Long entered the middle layer of the sea of ​​origin.The first holy son who proved the Tao destroyed the lower space, and destroyed the timeline.At this time, the first holy son in the past timeline had just met Wei Long and caught up with the timeline of the middle sea of ​​origin.

The first holy son saw Wei Long again, thus forming a circle.

The first holy son and Wei Long cause and effect each other, which is a complete cycle.

Without the First Holy Son, there would be no Wei Long, and without Wei Long, the First Holy Son would not be pushed to make a decision.

The emperor can only transcend time, not cause and effect.

Unless all this is stopped before the First Son proclaims, but the First Son has already integrated into the Mandate of Heaven, so the source of Wei Long cannot be found.

And Wei Long himself is the reincarnation of the true spirit of destiny, the destiny itself.

He went through two more transcendences, and when he entered the middle layer of the original sea, he transcended his fate.

Wei Long is destiny itself.

Wei Long was objective again and transcended the destiny.

This is the second ring.

Karma is locked.

"I am God."

"The person who can kill me has not yet been born."

Closing Wei Long together with the Wangu Immortal Road will not kill him.

Wei Long did not urge the fifteen great emperors to make a decision.

In fact, at this point, their choice is not important.

Wei Long looked at the long river of time.

The long river of time is gradually recovering from the chaos, the past is clearly visible, and the future is chaotic.

Wei Long held out his hand.

There is a silhouette left in the past.

He was in the past again, picking up the origin of the cathode world to condense the virtual Dao fruit.

Not for healing, but for remembrance.

In the ripples of the long river of time, Wei Long also saw his past self, and told him the final answer, everything returns to ruins.

The meaning of the three pieces of information has all been revealed at this time.

A generation of holy emperors said, "Be careful of the demon master of the fairyland", he was talking about the trinity of the original god master, the ancestor of the demon race, and the ancient of the fairyland, so there is a demon master in the fairyland;

The fortune teller, that is, when he returned to the restoration of the cathode world, he said "all things return to the ruins", which heralds the final answer;

The words Yan Chen got from the ancient emperor, that is, his future self, "My emperor, the ancients have tried their best, and there is no way ahead." It is to correct Wei Long's route.

There is nothing at the end of the eternal immortal road, and everything must return to the ruins.

The Primordial Divine Lord asked Wei Long why he did something that was doomed to fail.

Thanks to everyone who walks this path.

The testimony of the first Son is despair.But after the despair of the first holy son, it gave birth to the greatest unwillingness and started a relay race.

The First Son is the key.When the all-knowing First Son decides to take the first step, the next step is half the battle.

Yan Hao inspires vitality to condense the supreme treasure bones of the five elements, An Han sinks into the unknown forever, and Yan Chen rushes into the depths of the sea of ​​origin, just to deliver a message that has already been delivered.

What happened, keeps happening, repeats.

In a closed loop, everyone walks on the node of fate and embarks on their own destiny.

These people embarked on their own destiny in order to break the last destiny.

Only by liberating the sea of ​​origin can one obtain true liberation, and only by detaching from the sea of ​​origin can one achieve true detachment.

They endured their fate, but left hope behind.

Wei Long withdrew his mind and started to do it.

Some of the fifteen great emperors accepted the final result and chose to annihilate themselves.Some people are still unwilling to accept such a result, and Wei Long will help them out.

Deal with the emperor.

Wei Long is the only one left in the entire Sea of ​​Origin.

(End of this chapter)

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