Hard work, I don't count

Chapter 6 The true meaning of boxing

Chapter 6 The true meaning of boxing (please recommend)

It was also the hunting team's rest day, and it was also going to the training ground. Wei Long also took a cold shower. The young man's blood was too high and he needed to suppress it.

However, compared to just coming to this world more than ten days ago, my mood has changed completely.

Those plants, trees, mountains and rocks seemed to come to life, and the singing of flowers, plants and insects became particularly interesting.

There are more and more people gathered in the practice field, and the wives and mothers bring their own children to urge them to practice, and they practice themselves. The wilderness is terrible. Although the women are not required to fight along with them, there is no harm in practicing.

"Everyone from the whole village is here."

Wei Long observed with ease, and found that almost all the people in the village had come, a total of 600 people and more than [-] households.

There are bachelors in ragged clothes, and there are also powerful warriors with two or three wives and a bunch of children. The strong can get more food, and the more food they can support, the more wives.

There are also members of some hunting teams who get together to discuss tactics. There is also a small group of retired villagers. In fact, hunting team fighters rarely quit. Generally speaking, those who quit are due to physical problems, internal injuries or disabilities. .

These people are generally experienced and serve as patrols to guard the village.

The village will provide for the soldiers who sacrificed for the village. Of course, the food distributed is not as much as before, and these people are more troublesome if they have a lot of wives.

However, they also formed a small group and sometimes hunted near the village. However, it was often impossible to hunt powerful wild beasts and use good enough blood to improve their cultivation base. It was a good thing to maintain their cultivation base without falling.

"There are no old people."

Wei Long observed very clearly that there were almost no old people on the training ground. It was not that those old people did not come to the training ground to rest at home, but that in the village, few people died of old age naturally.

Some died of illness, starved to death, and killed by wild beasts, but natural old age rarely died.

If you don't formally step into the door of cultivation, your lifespan will not be greatly increased. Each step of moving blood, Shenxi, and Minghuo will increase your lifespan by at most ten years.

Practitioners who ignite the fire of life can live to the age of one hundred and forty and fifty with good maintenance.

However, if you don't formally step into the realm of the wheel of life, after passing the prime of life, that is, after you are about 50 years old, your qi and blood will decline. Shenxi and Minghuo may be delayed a bit, but sooner or later they will become weaker and weaker.

"Live to 50 is longevity."

Wei Long couldn't help but feel heavy, "Many people become a burden when they get old, and for the sake of blood reproduction, sometimes they give priority to supporting newborns."

As for the results of the elderly, it is very realistic.

Wei Shengjun arrived soon, his whole body muscles like steel plates. He looked at the villagers under the high platform and found that the number of them was about the same. In the past ten days or so, everything went well for the hunting team and the village. There was one newborn baby, but no one died.

Wei Shengjun nodded in satisfaction. As usual, he first explained the common sense of cultivation.

Listening again this time, Wei Long heard a lot of different flavors, which was very rewarding.

The strength is different, the level is different, and the feelings are also different.

Instructing the children to practice, Wei Shengjun explained to them the horror of wild beasts.Finally, take the lead in fighting Bahuang Town Prison Fist.

This is why hunting team members also get up early on rest days, and many villagers gather.

Wei Shengjun is a strong man in the wheel of life, his understanding of the 'Eight Desolation Suppressing Prison Fist' surpasses all others, far beyond.

Wei Shengjun is usually very busy, leading hunting teams, handling a lot of village affairs, and he himself has to practice life, very busy, it is difficult for ordinary villagers to get in touch with him, and often only have this opportunity for more than ten days.

Wei Shengjun also knew what the villagers wanted to see, so he slowly made the opening gesture of the Bahuang Town Prison Fist, each punch was retracted and retracted freely, and the power of Shenxi moved with the punching, and the phantom of the wilderness enveloped his body.

It is the true meaning of boxing.

Wei Long held his breath and concentrated, at this moment, every punch of Wei Shengjun has the momentum of palming the world, it is very terrifying!
Wei Long secretly compared with himself, feeling that every move he made was a flaw.I want to correct it, but I feel like I can't do it.

Easier said than done, probably so.

"Bahuang has a vast and infinite meaning. If I can grasp the charm of Bahuang, maybe I can find out the true meaning of the 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist'." Wei Long not only saw the shape from Wei Shengjun's boxing at this moment, but also I can still see the truth.

True meaning is the essence of a martial art.

The boxing technique has the true meaning, and the kung fu also has the true meaning. If the true meaning can be displayed, it means that the martial arts has at least reached the level of proficiency and mastery.

'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' comprehends to a certain level, and can even directly transform the true meaning into form. At that time, it is not a phantom of the true meaning, but the real form of the real boxing technique.

True meaning turned into form, Wei Shengjun said it casually once, and the village chief's tone was very regretful at that time.

"The form of true meaning is too far away from me, and even manifesting the phantom of true meaning is out of my reach."

Wei Long came back to his senses and found that Wei Shengjun had finished punching, "Let's focus on advancing the 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' to the next level."

Wei Long, like many other villagers, was still unsatisfied, and it was a rare opportunity to see the village chief unreservedly show his true intentions in martial arts.

Wei Shengjun nodded unconsciously when he saw that many people had gained something.

It is worthwhile to be able to gain something. He has always insisted on teaching. Although the Department of Desolation of Dayan Dynasty Town stipulates that the village head is obliged to teach the villagers, but the actual implementation still depends on the village head's own sense of responsibility.

The Department of Desolation Township only inspects it once every five years, and it is already on the edge of the wilderness, far away from civilized cities, and some village chiefs who are broken cans don't care about punishment at all.

As long as the village is still there and not merged, they don't care.

"We're going to conduct a deal with Damu Village, Huangshi Village, and Qinghe Village this afternoon. Anyone who wants to participate can go along with us." Wei Shengjun announced a message after finishing the business.

Wei Long didn't get up until he saw that the village head had finished handling the matter. At this moment, Wei Shengjun was looking at him, and the two of them were taken aback at the same time.

Wei Long took the initiative to step forward and expressed his request: "Master Village Chief, I want to join the hunting team!"

"If you don't tell me, I still want to talk to you. Before the fortune teller leaves, tell me to take good care of you." Wei Shengjun smiled, his eyes were deep, and he whispered: "I will say hello and assign you to the Tianhu reserve combat team , let him take care of you."

"Thank you, Mr. Village Chief." Wei Long didn't expect that the fortune teller who raised him still had arrangements, so he could only thank him first.

The status of fortune-telling has always been very special. There are rumors that the village was not on the side of Mizusawa more than 20 years ago. It was the fortune-telling's intention to move, and then the village has grown step by step.

As for Wei Shengjun's arrangement for Wei Tianhu to take care of him, Wei Long doesn't think much of him given his current strength.

Seeing that Wei Shengjun was about to speak, Wei Long took the lead and said, "Master Village Chief, I successfully completed the blood transfusion yesterday, and I have some doubts and would like to ask you for advice."

Wei Long could guess that Wei Shengjun probably wanted to call Wei Tianhu to explain something, so he couldn't let Wei Shengjun make such an arrangement, otherwise he would owe favors for nothing.

Moreover, Wei Long had thought clearly before coming here that Wei Shengjun, as the village head appointed by the official of the Dayan Dynasty, had the duty to teach the villagers.

He has accumulated a lot of confusion, especially whether the inability to condense Shen Xi is related to the lack of level of the 'Eight Desolation Suppressing Prison Fist', and whether the Qi and blood can continue to be refined after the blood transfer is completed. These issues are related to the key to future cultivation. If it is not good, something will happen.

Even if you have a bit of talent, someone can ask, why do you have to work behind closed doors?

Wei Long also thought about it carefully. It is true that it is abnormal to add a little talent, but it is too arrogant to say that he is invincible.

In the information society he lived in in his previous life, some people who are sensitive to information or highly talented may not be unable to predict future information, but when it comes to implementation and consistency, how many people are truly successful.


Moaning Blood Consummation can't hide until the battle, instead of hiding it, it may cause some troubles. For example, Wei Shengjun obviously wants his son Wei Tianhu to take care of Wei Long at this moment.

But Wei Long is stronger than Wei Tianhu, and Wei Shengjun has arranged it, what does Wei Long say?Would it embarrass Wei Shengjun, the village head, if he revealed the truth, and it would be even more troublesome if he didn't reveal the truth.

The strength will always be revealed. When the time comes, let's not say that he owes a favor, but just say what does Wei Shengjun think?Don't say you have the strength, thanks to my good intentions, play me.

Moreover, Wei Tianhu would also be embarrassed. The person he took care of was better than him. Would he have a pimple in his heart? Offending the village chief and his son at once would turn a good thing into a bad thing.

Therefore, Wei Long didn't hide at all!
It's just that Wei Shengjun's reaction was beyond Wei Long's expectation. He was stunned for a moment, and looked straight at Wei Long: "What did you say?"

"Master Village Chief, I have reached Consummation, and I want to ask you about some cultivation matters." Wei Long could only repeat it, bowing his head and said, "I don't have any elders to ask, so I can only come to you. "

"You have completed the blood transfer." Wei Shengjun finally came to his senses, looking at Wei Long with complicated eyes, as if he had thought of something, and his heart was aroused.

"Show your strength, I'll take a good look at it." Wei Shengjun pondered for a moment, with a serious expression, and added: "This way I can give you advice."

"Okay." Wei Long didn't doubt that he was there, after all, he didn't have a strong sense of existence before.

With a slight movement of his footsteps, it is very simple to show the level of complete blood transfer, because the symbol of complete blood transfer is to refine and transform one body of qi and blood. Demonstrated his strong control.

The change in the high platform at this moment also attracted the attention of some other people.

Although the qi and blood on Wei Long's body quickly withdrew, most of the people were cultivated and could see clearly.Wei Shengjun was originally the focus of everyone, and Wei Long's revealing of his cultivation at this moment was equivalent to telling the whole village.

"Hiss! This is impossible!" An uncle gasped.

Thinking of being by his side for more than ten days, Wei Long was practicing boxing, Wei Long at that time was so different from now!

"Is this a genius?" the uncle thought.

"This kid is really scary!" The same goes for the people around the uncle.

"You don't understand!" The uncle shook his head at his friends, and said to himself, "If you knew his level ten days ago, you would be even more shocked."

"You understand again?" The friend rolled his eyes.

The uncle sneered and stopped talking.

Even if he said it, his friends around him might not believe it, and he didn't want to say it, it was too scary, it was a kind of protection for Wei Long, after all, he was Wei Bu's son, and a poor child.

Seeing that the uncle didn't speak, the man smiled: "The blood transfer is complete, which is even better than Wei Tianhu's child! The young people of today are number one! The young people of today are really amazing!"

The uncle shook his head and smiled, he didn't care too much, young people are the first, and I don't know who I learned from these problems of naming names indiscriminately!
Wei Tianhu has long been used to being the center of everyone's attention, but at this moment he feels that the eyes of everyone looking at him are a bit harsh.

He seemed to hear the tittering among the crowd. The source of all this was that in front of his father, that somewhat thin figure, whom he had never paid attention to, turned out to be——

"Consummation of blood transfer!" Wei Tianhu clenched his fingers tightly, he was only a hair away from consummation of blood transfer!
The gazes from the friends around him made him unbearable. He is the number one among the young people, and he will be the focus of the coming-of-age ceremony held by the four villages in the future, not like it is now.

In fact, not many people laughed at him.

Those people are not that boring, not many people even pay attention to him, everyone has their own concerns, even if it is a genius, so what, and their own matters are important?

It's just that Wei Tianhu feels uncomfortable!
Wei Shengjun walked down from the high platform, touched his chin, twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Wei Long who was standing calmly, and finally smiled lightly and shook his head, "Okay, just ask if you have any questions."

(End of this chapter)

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