Chapter 7
Village head Wei Shengjun took Wei Long to a quiet place and answered Wei Long's doubts.

'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' was originally a pure fighting method, a boxing method at the level of the wheel of life. After being improved by the elders of Shanhai Dongtian, one of the six caves of the Dayan Dynasty, it reduced the difficulty of cultivation and made it more powerful. Easy to learn.

You can practice even without foundation.

It can be used to temper qi and blood, which is equivalent to a good practice method.

But the essence of 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' is a treasure.

The treasure art originated from the treasure bone of the wild beast. The treasure bone is the original condensed matter of the remnants and pure-blooded wild beasts. The fighting talents of the wild beasts are all contained in the treasure bone. An earth-shattering power.

Closer to home.

The source of 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' is the precious bones of prison beasts, which is a method of fighting, and can be cultivated to the realm of life wheel at the highest level, but because it is a treasure of origin, it is not as smooth as the authentic cultivation method.

If the level of 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' is lower than that, it is impossible to proceed to the next step of cultivation.

'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' is not like the authentic kung fu, which can be improved gently. Its bottleneck is very tight and it is not easy to break through.

As for Wei Long's second question, can the Qi and blood continue to be further refined after the blood transfer is completed.

It can indeed be tempered.

It's just that most people are limited by their talents and resources, so it's difficult to refine them.

Correspondingly, the level of qi and blood directly affects the subsequent level of condensing Shenxi, and then affects the strength of igniting the fire of life, which is related to the foundation of the practitioner.

Seeing that Wei Long was deep in thought, Wei Shengjun obviously realized something, his eyes moved, and he took a simple knife from another big man who was walking, and when Wei Long recovered, Wei Tianhu handed him the simple knife, "Since you joined the hunting team , This is your future weapon."

Wei Long took Pu Dao subconsciously.

This is a bit similar to the style of a Tang knife, between a big knife and a single knife. The handle of the knife is made of hard century-old iron tree. The blade is nearly two meters long, and the wide blade is made of black iron. A fierce breath.

This is a simple knife, a weapon that only practitioners who join the hunting team are eligible to obtain!
Made of precious black iron metal, it has absorbed the blood of desolate beasts, giving it a hint of the extraordinary aura of treasure soldiers.

"Joining the hunting team means that you have become an adult. The coming-of-age ceremony will be held in three months. It will be held with the other three nearby villages. You must prepare well. With your strength, it will not be difficult to find a good wife. That way fortune-tellers can feel at ease! "

Wei Shengjun handed the simple knife to Wei Long, and said, "Wei Long, I watched you grow up, and you are a good boy with your own opinions."

Wei Long wanted to say something, but Wei Shengjun patted him on the shoulder and blocked what he wanted to say.

Stare into his eyes, "Although your strength is good, but you are inexperienced, join the hunting team and you will be on the same team as Tianhu. It is the so-called brother who fights, he is a few days older than you, I hope you can help each other like brothers No one in this village can do without it!"

"I didn't expect Wei Long to hide so deeply. He is already the one with the highest cultivation level in our lifetime. It will be a long time before I can achieve consummation." A very strong young man like a calf met the village chief Wei Shengjun and Wei Long whispered something in the corner of the training ground, a little envious.

"Heitie." The frail Wei Wenbao reminded Wei Heitie to stop talking, and pouted at Wei Tianhu.

Both Wei Wenbao and Wei Heitie are members of Wei Tianhu's small group, and they all know that Wei Tianhu has always been strong.

This time, Wei Long broke through the blood-moving consummation without making a sound, and overwhelmed the opponent, I'm afraid he couldn't bear it.

Wei Tianhu's face was a little livid, as if he felt the concern of his friends around him, he forced a smile: "Is the blood transfer successful, I will catch up!"

"Brother Hu is only a hair away, and the conversation and laughter will break." The others echoed and comforted him.

The corner of Wei Tianhu's mouth twitched, the so-called trace may sometimes be a natural moat.

His eyes gradually became firm: "I will take back the title of number one among young people with my own hands!"

Immediately there was a transaction among the four villages, and he knew that Damu village had hunted a golden cow with a trace of true blood a few days ago.

If it can be exchanged for a bullwhip, this is a great tonic. After taking it, he can break through the slightest barrier to the perfection of blood transfer.

And when the time comes, he will be able to challenge Wei Long upright and defend his title of number one young.

"I'm the son of the village chief, and I'm born with more resources than him, so there's no need to be in a hurry." Wei Tianhu analyzed in his heart, "Even if it's all consummation, my understanding of the 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' is far beyond his , there is no reason to lose."

Wei Long declined Wei Shengjun's invitation, and did not participate in the transactions between the four villages. He was impoverished and had no personal wealth at all.

Wei Shengjun was just being polite, and if Wei Long hadn't become a blockbuster when he successfully transferred his blood, he wouldn't even be polite.

This is the change brought about by strength, maybe Wei Long can ignore it, but his cultivation level is the No.1 of the younger generation in the village today!
"It seems that the village chief doesn't think much of my surge in strength."

When Wei Long returned home, the village chief didn't ask the one thing he was most worried about. He originally wanted to use the fortune teller who had already left without saying goodbye, but luckily the other party didn't ask.

"I'm only a step away from comprehending the 'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist'. This step needs inspiration, or epiphany,"

Wei Long planned the next training, "In this way, you don't need to insist on your own perception, and the level of 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' is improved, which can also speed up the training of qi and blood."

Wei Long had already worked very hard to comprehend the 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist', and also slowed down his pace.

A few days passed and it was time for a breakthrough.

With a heartbeat, the energy stored in his body was quickly consumed. Since the blood transfer was completed, Wei Long had stored a lot of energy in his body, which made him have a small belly.

With the consumption of body energy, Wei Long only felt that his mind was cleared up, and some original confusions were cleared up.

The true meaning of the 'Bahuang Town Prison Fist' seems to be right in front of your eyes.

The so-called Bahuang Suppressing Prison is a fierce and indomitable battlefield boxing method, which has the powerful and unknowable power to suppress the wild beasts, and also suppresses the wild beasts to a certain extent.

"Adding some talent seems to use some means to temporarily improve my perception ability." Wei Long made a note in his mind, and then slowly got up.

Whoa whoa whoa!
Wei Long practiced his boxing over and over again. The originally jerky boxing became more mellow now, with smooth movements and an aura of antiquity, inexplicably a bit intimidating to the strong.

Following this, the color of Qi and blood in the whole body became darker and darker.

At this moment, condensing Shenxi was at his fingertips, but Wei Long did not take this step, but polished the concentration of Qi and blood again.Now his Qi and blood concentration and physical fitness are at least three points stronger than when he first completed the blood transfer.

Wei Long calmly realized.

It was found that to upgrade the level of 'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist', the energy consumption of the body was only half, which was less than expected.

"It seems that self-enlightenment is useful. The more thorough the understanding, the less energy it takes to upgrade." Wei Long wrote these down.

Adding some talent is an extremely powerful talent, and better development and utilization means that he can go further.


Blood gas value: 100 (full)

Kung Fu: Boxing branch "Bahuangzhen Prison Boxing" [Entering the Hall and Entering the Room]

After the 'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' entered the hall, it has already surpassed the level of moving blood and reached the level of condensing Shenxi.

Wei Long used boxing techniques to dredge Qi and blood, constantly flushing his body, and the effect was twice the result with half the effort. The concentration of Qi and blood settled little by little, and a faint golden luster flashed by.

In the wild forest, the old trees are verdant, sometimes birds fly by, the mountains are overlapping, and a dark cloud covers the sun in the sky, but there are still golden rays of light penetrating and falling down.

A hunting team of dozens of people moved forward in an orderly manner, as if they were integrated with the wild forest, they were the people of the wild.

Wei Long was among them.

There was some deviation from Wei Long's original idea. Since Wei Shengjun became the village head, the hunting team has been divided into groups.

It is divided into the first-line brigade and the second-line reserve team. The first-line brigade is the hunting team elite, and the second-line reserve team is used to train newcomers. Whether it is the first-line brigade or the second-line reserve team, there are further detailed divisions, intelligence teams, combat teams, logistics teams, and trap teams. .
Compared with Wei Long's father's generation, the security of the hunting team has been greatly improved.

The original hunting team also had a division of labor, but it was not as clear and detailed as it is now. Everyone knows what to do. When danger comes, there is less hesitation and more safety.

Wei Long was assigned to a combat group under the second-tier reserve team, and was active outside the hunting grounds. The team leader was Wei Tianhu.

Whether it is the first-line brigade or the second-line reserve team, the combat team is the core, and Wei Shengjun is the leader of the first-line brigade's combat team.


In the future, Wei Tianhu will take over the position of Wei Shengjun's battle captain, and finally the hunting brigade captain, and then the village chief.

The entire second-line reserve team is in charge of Wei Daqing, the deputy captain of the first-line brigade. Wei Daqing has a very low sense of existence. Many people in the village have only heard his name, but few people know his existence.

Wei Long hadn't noticed this person before, and Wei Daqing seemed to be a transparent person.

But in fact, the majestic power of this vice-captain was quite terrifying. At least Shen Xi had successfully completed the second step, or even higher.

Three days passed in a flash.

The second-line reserve team is active on the outskirts of the hunting ground, which is basically full of wild beasts. In the past three days, Wei Long has adapted to the rhythm of the hunting team and felt the benefits of living in the hunting team. In just three days, he not only made up The energy consumed to upgrade the 'Bahuangzhen Prison Fist' has even increased.

The belly is rounded.

The six-pack abs that had been thinned out became one again, fast and round.

"very nice."

Wei Long patted his stomach, took the meat cut by an aunt, and walked home leisurely. Not only could he eat freely, but he could also bring it home. This is the prerogative of the hunting team.

Even if you make a contribution, such as beheading a true blood desolate beast, you can also enjoy additional benefits, which means you can own private property.

"Maybe it would have been better to join in sooner."

Wei Long's legs fluttered from eating, and he thought in his heart that he would be able to complete the training of Qi and blood tonight, and take advantage of the situation to condense Shen Xi.

At the fork in the road, Wei Long stopped.His legs that were originally fluttering stood straight, and his eyes gradually became sharper. The three days of relaxation seemed to be swept away at this moment. He looked at a group of people at the intersection indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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